Soccer Aid Day 3 Part 1

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Hey everyone! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and I will try to update more often! Thank you for all your continued support and love! xx

(Jacob's Point of View)

I only got up with Niall four times last night which was good. When I got up this morning and went to check on him he was still sound asleep, which is good because he really needs the rest. Today he gets to sleep in because instead of training in the morning today the lads are training in the afternoon because this morning there is a press conference. Niall has to speak to the media today at 11:00 AM so I will get him up at 9:45 AM. As 9:00 AM approaches I get things ready for his morning routine so that he can sleep until the last possible moment. Once I have everything I head into the bedroom and I turn not he lamp next to his bed. I then remove all of the game ready, his brace, bandages, TED stocking and his gauze. His knee is really swollen but overall it looks good and his incision is still in tact which is really good. I quickly put on some gloves and get to work cleaning up his knee, redressing his incision, and draining his knee. Once I have done that I put his brace back on him and to my surprise he stayed asleep the entire time which is really good. Once I come out of his room I order breakfast for him which today is an omelet with mushrooms, spinach, cheese and bell pepper with a side of fruit and some orange juice. I then get his medication ready for the day and I set the syringes aside with the medicine as I will give that to him when I go to wake him up. I then text Mark that I am waking Niall up at 9:45 AM, so he says he will be down at 10:00. At 9:30 AM I apply a heating pad to his knee because he is going to be really stiff from the fluid build up. At 9:45 AM on the dot I go to wake Niall. When I get into his room he is still sound asleep so I feel bad waking him up. I then walk over to his bed and say "Niall it's time to get up." He begins moving around and then he opens his eyes says "tired sleep more." I then say "lad you need to get up soon, breakfast will be here any moment and then Mark will be here for physio." Just as I am saying the doorbell rings and I go to get it. It's room service so I have them bring the tray to the kitchen. Once they leave I bring his breakfast to him in bed so that he can continue to use the heating pad. I help him sit up so he can eat. At exactly 10:00 Mark arrives and we chat in the kitchen while he finishes his breakfast.

(Mark's Point of View)

When I arrived Jacob let me in and we headed into the kitchen to discuss Niall's care plan for the day. I asked how his night was and he said "his knee is very stiff, but he slept pretty well, I only had to get up with him four times." Wow that is pretty good considering he is usually up a lot at night with Niall. I then ask what he is on this morning and he says "I already took care of the morning routine I drained 6 syringes full of fluid and hooked him up to a heating pad to help with the stiffness. He hasn't had his pain meds yet but I will give them to him before physio. After breakfast he will get his pain medication, swelling mediation, and antibiotic." I then nod and ask where Niall is and he says "Niall's in bed eating breakfast with the heating pad on his leg." I nod, I'm glad he has the heating pad on because the stiffness in his leg will hinder his already limited ability to move. I then ask how stiff Niall is and Jacob said "severe, it's really going to hamper his ability to move today, the swelling is just out of control even with strong doses of medication." Yikes I am worried, I then say "today I am going to check his ROM and then after his interview we are going to use the pool for some physio." Jacob then nods and says "I'll go get him."

(Jacob's Point of View)

When I get into Niall's room he has just finished breakfast. I then tell him Mark is here for physio and he groans. I then ask how he is feeling and he says "hurts and it's crampy." I then say "let me go get your medications." He then just nods. I then head to the kitchen to get his medication.  I then remove his tray of food and head to the kitchen to put it on the counter. When I get back he has snuggled back under the blanket and I say "try and stay still please NIall," I then put on gloves, swab down his leg and I give him his 3 injections and then I rub his thigh to help with the discomfort. I then say "Niall you are good to you and we need to get up you because Mark is here for your physio." He then sits up and I remove the blanket for him. I then remove the heating pad and unplug it and then I tighten his brace and set the motion to zero degrees. I then get his walker and I help him up. The second he puts weight on this left leg he screams in pain. I then say "I know it hurts, the medicine should kick in soon." He just nods and I ask him if he wants me to get him clothes or he wants to get them and he says "can you get them?" I then nod and say "why don't you go brush your teeth and do your morning routine." He then nods and drags his leg with the help of his walker to the bathroom. I pick him out some nike runners, red shorts and a black t shirt. Once he comes out of the bathroom I help him to the bed and I hand him his shirt and then I help him with his shorts and I then put on his shoes. Once he is finished he heads out to Mark.

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