Wax Figures Part 1

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(Jacob's Point of View)

I woke up around 05:00 when I heard Niall over the monitor, when I walked into the room he was not panicking or in much pain for a change he was just awake and needed help getting to the restroom. I unhooked him and then helped him to his crutches so that he could use the restroom. When he was finished he wanted to go to the couch. I helped him to the couch and asked if he needed anything, he said no and I could tell he was pretty grumpy. Niall's emotions are like a roller coaster, he had a fabulous day yesterday and this morning he woke up in a crabby mood. I hope he goes back to sleep on the couch and wakes up in a better mood. 

(Niall's Point of View)

I don't know why I was awake at 05:00 in the morning but my body was awake. Surprisingly I was not in pain when I woke up, so I decided I would try to go back to sleep without any machines or my trusty ice machine. I was asleep for about an hour or so until my knee began to throb, so I screamed and Jacob came running and quickly hooked me up to my medication and ice. I was then able to go back to sleep. 

(Suri's Point of View)

When I woke up around 08:00 I remembered it was a big day for Lex and I! Today was the unveiling party at Madame Tussaud's for Lex and my wax figures. Sam and Sean were coming to pick us up around 11:00. I jumped into the shower and then headed to the kitchen, and I saw Niall laying down on the couch all hooked up to the machines. I was about to walk over to him unitl Jacob called my name. I turned around and walked over to him, he told me that Niall was a big grump. I asked if he thought Niall would be coming to the big unveiling and he said he was not sure yet. I told him it would mean a lot if he could come but not to sweat it. When I got back to our room I called Lex and asked if I could come over, she said sure and that our stylists Anne and Selena was coming over to dress us along with our make up and hair people Katie and Claire. I quickly throw on a pair of sweats, some Nikes, a white t shirt and one of Niall's hoodies. I then head to my BMW which is outside and head over to Harry's. When I arrive at Harry's he greets me at the door with a big hug and I come inside. When I come inside Harry says today is the big day and I can't wait to see your guys figures. He told me Lex was finishing up in the shower but should be out soon. He then asked if Niall was going to the unveiling party and I said "I don't know, apparently he was a grump when he woke up today." He then told me that he would support me and so would the other lads and their girls, I told him thanks. See Harry was like my brother, he is Niall's best mate in the band and he is dating my sister so it feels like a family. 

(Lex's Point of View)

When I got downstairs after my shower Suri was chillin in the kitchen with Harry. I hugged her and we headed up stairs to get hair, makeup and our clothes picked out for today's unveiling. Around 10:30 Sam and Sean pulled up in the drive way to take us to the event. Harry said he would be there at 12:00, we said our goodbyes and loaded into the car. When we arrived at Madame Tussaud's, there were thousands of fans outside waiting for the display to be unveiled around 12:30. Sam and Sean quickly ushered us into the building where we brought to the back area to hold a press conference, meet some fans and other things. When we got to the back room there was this large conference room off to the side and we were meet by a lady from BBC and there were a bunch of media people. We sat down at the table for the press conference, which was alright. 

Interviewer: How excited are you to see your wax figures?

Suri: We are so excited, I mean this is all thanks to the fans who have supported us throughout the years and have gotten us to this point.

Interviewer: Any special guests coming to today's unveiling?

Lex: Some of our friends from the American industry are coming like Cody and Alli Simpson, Ross Lynch and some other people.

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