A Rough Patch Part 2

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(Harry's Point of View)

When I arrived at Lex's door she answered it and gave me a huge hug. I asked her how Suri was doing and she said pretty good! She then told me that we could go check up on her in a bit, but not until after she showered. She told me I could join her so I did. We stripped of our clothes and raced to the shower. 

(Suri's Point of View)

It was so nice to wake up in my own bed with Sophie curled up next to me. I hated being gone from Niall because I loved him so much, but he was so frustrated and irritable that he keeps taking it all out on me. I figured for the sake of our relationship it was better to take some time away from each other and then I would go back to London in a week or two. I know twitter is full of fans asking what was going on with Niall and I and tweets that hinted at maybe we separated. I was not sure if I should tweet about whats going on because it was personal, however I felt bad for Cody getting hate messages from my fans because of what was going on between Niall and I, so I made a tweet that said: Thank you @CodySimpsion for being one of my best friends! I hoped that this set the record straight, making it apparent to fans Cody and I were just friends. He then tweeted back saying @SuriOfficial so good to see you last night! We miss you in SO CAL! Then I was looking through my news feed and I say a criptic tweet it said: Do you ever wish you can re wind in time and take back what you said? I knew that was his way of showing me he felt bad so I tweeted this quote: Truth is everybody is going to hurt you:you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. Then I logged off twitter, fed Sophie and got into the shower. 

(Niall's Point of View)

When I woke up from my nap, my entire twitter time line had blown up. I looked and saw Suri had posted a quote by Bob Marley. I know it was directed at me, which meant she had seen my previous tweet. I knew that I had to try to fix what I could now. So I called for Jacob, I told him I needed help getting ready for the day. He helped me and then asked where I was going I said I wanted to go to the park. He said well I have to check your knee and make sure the swelling and everything is okay looking. He unwrapped all the bandages and then peeked under the gauze at my staples. He shook his head and said sorry Niall you can't go out today, you better rest here. Is he freckin kidding me? I am so fucking tired of sitting around the house I just want to enjoy my holiday and get out on the town anything and anywhere but this house! He helped me onto the couch and handed me the remote so I turned on the tele. The only good thing was Real Madrid was playing which was good because I loved watching them play even though I like Barcelona more. So I settled in for the rest of the afternoon knowing I was not leaving this house, at least not today.

(Lex's Point of Veiw)

When Harry and I were done showering, we headed over to Suri's home. When we arrived Sophie greeted us followed by Suri. It was so nice to see Sophie, she is so cute it makes me want to get a puppy. When we get inside Harry asks Suri how she is doing. She says she is good, he asks when she is going back to London and she shrugs. She then says in the next month, at that moment Harry turns completely white. I ask if he is okay and he says yes, but Niall is not going to be okay if Suri stay in LA for a month. Harry then walks into the kitchen and asks Suri if they can chit chat. She says sure, so they sit down on the couch. 

(Harry's Point of View)

Suri, why are you going to stay here for a month, is that really justifiable based on Niall's actions? She says that she does not know how long she is going to stay here but she really needs some time to think about the situation and everything else. I then ask her if she wants to stay with Niall? She says yes of course, but she is not sure that being there for the duration of his recovery is a good decision. I can see why she feels that way but Niall needs Suri to support him during this painful recovery process I tell her that and she just looks at me and says okay. I inform her that Niall gets he screwed up badly but he is working on channeling his frustration. I explain to Suri his fragile state and that he just needs someone to be there for him right now, because all he wants is her and to be able to do normal things. After we are done chatting I get up and Lex and I leave. 

(Suri's Point of View)

I just sit on the couch and let all of Harry's words sink in. It is really hard for me to understand why Niall treated me that way, but I do know that when you are feeling icky you sometimes say things you don't mean and automatically regret them. So after thinking for a while I decided to call Cody. I ask him if he can come over and he says sure. He comes over and brings Sam his pappilon, so Sophie has a playmate. I ask Cody's advice about weather or not I should call Niall and he says give it some time and maybe call him tomorrow or something. I agree and Cody and I head out to Rodeo Drive to do some shopping because I remember that the Brit Awards are just about a month and a half away and I stil need a dress. We decided to take the pooches with us and we head out. It is a beautiful sunny day in LA and Cody offers to drive so I let him. We decide not to take security and we take Cody's Range Rover. When we arrive at Rodeo it is a nice peaceful afternoon and long behold we see Lex and Harry walking around. So we walk over to them and chit chat. Then we split our separate ways and head into the Dior store. I look around while Cody does the same, I spot a beautiful pair of black leather skinny jeans and try them on. They are prefect so I purchase them and then continue. As we are walking we run into Ashton Kutcher who has just pulled into a parking space and he jumps out of his car and comes to greet us. I tell him he has nice wheels and he says asks if I want to take a spin in his new car, Cody and I agree and we take off towards the PCH. Wow this new Maserati is beautiful and it drives really nicely. When we get back to the Rodeo he drops us off and we continue our shopping. I then tell Cody that I want to get a new Maserati today. He laughs and then asks if we should go now? I nod and we drive to the dealership. When I walk inside the man behind the counter asks how I am and I say I am well. He asks how he can help me: I told him how I saw Ashton Kutcher's car when I was up at Rodeo and he gave me a ride and I automatically fell in love with the car. He tells me Ashton bought it last week and he showed me over to the different colors. I told him I wanted the chrome silver one and he asked me if I wanted it customized and I told him no. I told him that I just wanted it the way Ashton's was and he told me that he got the $150,000 upgrade and I told him I wanted the same thing. He then told me to have a seat while a representative came out to ask me about financial. Just as he was walking away he turned around and said you are Suri one of the golden twins? I laughed and then nodded, he said the finance representative would be with me in a moment. For anyone who did not know I have a passion for cars in fact I have a small collection at home. At home I have a White BMW 6 Series, a Blue Fisker Karma, a Black Mercedes Benz SUV and a silver Aston Martin. Being in London I miss my car collection, because I really enjoy driving however I rarly drive in London and I have a Black BMW 6 Series and Niall has a Range Rover Sport and a BMW. Finally the financial advisor walked in and he scanned my credit history and I signed some papers and he handed me the keys and told me I was now an owner of a new masserati! Cody took a picture of me and my new baby and I posted it on IG. Shortly after I receive a text from Harry and the other 1D boys minus Niall saying sick car! I was so excited to drive it, and I drove over to Lex and Harry's house! I let Lex drive my new car and she is in love and she talks about getting one for herself. We decided to drive me new car out to dinner that night which is delicious Mexican food! When I get home I turn on my laptop and see many tweets about my relationship with Niall.  

(Niall's Point of View)

With all of the rumors going around about our relationship I decided to call her on skype but have no expectations of her answering, because I know she is upset. However not surprisingly she does not answer, which bums me out. I then log onto Instagram and see that she just bought a new Maserati so I like the picture. I then log off because Jacob wants me to take a shower. I am really hoping that Suri eventually comes around so that I can apologize, but I guess for now I have to be patient. 

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