At Home Day 2

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(Suri's Point of View)

I woke up about 09:00 and did a load of laundry, because tomorrow I was leaving for a couple of days for work, I knew it was going to hard for Niall because he felt so helpless but his family was actually coming in tomorrow morning and Jacob was going to be here with him. Around 09:30 I decided to take a jog around the local park and so I called Harry to see if he and Lex wanted to join me, they said yes and we decided to meet around 10:00. Since Niall was still sleeping I told Jacob to get him up by 11:30. At 10:00 I arrived at Harry and Lexi's house and we all got into Harry's range rover and drove to Hyde Park where we decided we would jog this morning. Lexi and my security joined us and we headed for the park. We did about 3 miles and then decided to get some breakfast/lunch. Around 11:45 I got a message from Jacob saying Niall was hurting really bad and the stitches were due to be take out in a few hours so he was going to bring him a bit earlier to the hospital. Then I got a call from Niall and I asked him how he was doing and he said that his leg was really hurting and the medication was not working. He then asked why I left without him and I explained that he had a rough night last night so I wanted to let him sleep and I went running with Harry and Lex, but I would bring him some food back. He said okay but he wanted to spend the rest of the day with me before I left and I said I would see him at his doctors appartment and then we could do whatever he wanted for the rest of the day. Then I hung up and ordered him some food and then we headed back to Harry's house. When we arrived I told them I had to leave and then Harry walked me out as Lex got into the shower. I told Harry to keep a watchful eye on Niall while I was gone because he was going to be pretty lonley and Harry said he would keep an eye out for me. Then I went outside to my car and secuirty led us to the hospital. When we arrived Niall had just gotten out of MRI and X Ray and was sitting on the examine table waiting for the doctor. About 20 minutes later Dr. Walters walked in and checked over Niall's knee. He said that the scans look like his knee is in the first stages of healing but if you look at at ligamnets particularly the patellar tendon and the fracture they both look blurry and fluffy which is a signal of major swelling around the area which seems to not be going away. He then said that he would need to remove the orginal staples but most likley he would need another set of staples because the facia layer of skin was not closed yet therefore it needed to be closed. He numbed the area removed the staples and put another set of staples into his leg. The doctor then said that he was worried about the timing with the tour and my heart just sunk, and I saw Niall's expression drop. The doctor said unitl they get the swelling under control and everything including the fracture heal completely  he can not start physical thearpy, which meant that Niall was stuck in a stright knee brace and unable to weightbare unitl he was clear for PT. The doctor suggesteed we up his medication and put him on a swelling medication which should help bring down the swelling. He also suggested that Niall get taped by a PT because there are methods of knee taping which help bring swelling down. He told us to talk about it and then he would be back to see what we decided. 

(Niall's Point of View)

I wish I had talken care of my knee injury way earlier because this was serious turning down hill quickly. The doctor explained that we needed to get my swelling under control and that upping my medication and routine would hopefully bring the swelling down so that hopefully in 2 months I could start PT, which would leave me on track for the tour. So Suri and I discussed the options and we decided to give everything a try because it was important that I was well for the Where We Are Tour. The doctor walked back in and we decided we would try the new remedies. About 5 minutes later there was a PT there to tape my knee. He said I would need a personal PT person to tape my knee everyday. So this nice guy named John walked in and said that he was here to tape my knee. He gave me a bunch of colors to choose from and told me to decide. I choose black becaue it matched my brace. He took 5 strips and carefully placed them on my leg, trying to avoid my stitches. When it was all done he said that in the next couple of days I should see a difference. He then told me to keep off my knee and he would come by the house tomorrow to tape it again. Then we left and headed back home. Suri was finishing laundry and packing and I was watching Derby V. Doncaster, which was a pretty goood game in fact I was texting Louis becaue we had a bet about who was going to win. About an hour later Jacob arrived with my new medicaiton and he hooked me up on the couch. The terrible effects of my new medication was being really tired but it was okay, because I could not let our fans or the boys down so I needed this swelling to come down. Suri cooked dinner and we sat on the couch and watched Frozen and then headed to bed. Around 02:30 the next morning my leg started to throb and my muscle started to cramp and Jacob quickly gave me medicine to reduce the cramping. Around 05:00 Suri got up and showered and then kissed me on the lips and said she would see me soon and she loved me. Around 09:00 I got up and was already sad that Suri was gone. However to my surprise Harry rang my doorbell around 09:10 and came up with breakfast. I quickly caught on that Suri was worried I would be sad so she had Harry check up on me, and that is one reason why I love her so so much. We sat around and about an hour later the PT from the hospital came in and re taped my leg, taking off the old tape hurt a lot espically near my scar but I knew I had to do it if I wanted to get better. After he left Harry and I played some FIFA unitl I got a call from me mum saying they had just touched down. 

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