Clothing, Clothing and more Clothing

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(Niall's Point of View)

This morning I was awoken by Suri because I had to go to the wardrobe fitting, however today I my knee was feeling pretty bad. As usual Jacob came in to check on me along with John, they both informed me that they would be attending the fitting today. John asked how I was doing and I told him I was hurting more than usually today. So he un did the bandages and the whole nine yards. He then discovered that there was a kink in the pain relieving IV line which was not allowing it to drip into my leg. He quickly turned the IV off and connected a new line and then re hooked me. The only problem was we had to leave pretty quickly, so he told me to tell him in about 20 minutes how I was feeling. I was handed a pair of sweat pants and my leg was re bandaged. With Suri's help I quickly got dressed and then brushed my teeth and then Jacob walked in to ask about my pain level. I told him it still hurt quite a lot, so he said he would bring the IV set up to the studio. When we arrived at the studio we each had our own dressing area. I had a couch in my area so that I could elevate my leg when and if I had the chance. We had racks and racks of clothes in the other room and so I carefully hobbled over to the other room. Harry and I were next to each other picking out clothes on the racks with our names. I had lots of t shirts on my rack first rack. I choose the green baseball t shirt, black baseball t shirt, crazy MOFO shirt, white shirt, black shirt and a whole bunch more. Then I was told to try them all on one by one. I carefully got situated on the couch and then changed my shirt, and then one of our stylists helped me hop over to the mirror and check out my shirt. Finally after about an hour I had tired on almost all of the shirts and it was time to go to the racks for pants. I thought this was going to be interesting considering my knee was so swollen and my brace and bandages added to make it look really puffy. I chose 10 pairs of pants and Jacob and Suri came to help me change pants which was pretty difficult. First we had to get my sweats off, and then my brace and stuff had to come off. Once everything was off, I just had my staples and my catheter in my leg and the drain port which were all closed with green caps. Just then Liam walked by to see how I was doing. 

(Liam's Point of View)

I had just walked passed Niall who was now onto phase 2 the pants, which usually were his favorite except that he was still in the beginning stages of recovery from knee surgery, therefore he still had his staples and all the other stuff which was going to be quite challenging. I decided to stand and watch. I was pretty nervous to watch them try to get his bad leg into those ridiculously skinny jeans, but it was quite entertaining. Niall has the skinniest legs out of all of us, except his left leg was pretty swollen making it really hard to get into the pants. Jacob his home care doctor carefully put a strip of dressing over his staples so that they would not get stuck on anything and taped down the tubing with medical tape. They kept telling him not to bend his knee and Suri tried to help guide the pants over his knee. On the right side the jeans were pretty skin tight but had a bit of room near the knee. On the left side there was a rip in the knee and finally they had carefully gotten his leg in the jeans, but not without some cries of pain. Once he was in the pants they put his brace over his jeans, because he is not allowed to bend it at all.

(Niall's Point of View)

Finally I had my first pair of pants on and with help from my crutches I hobbled over to the mirror. Once I got the look of approval I hobbled back to the couch where my brace was removed and they carefully took my pants off which really hurt because anything that touched my knee was painful. Several times I screamed because it really hurt, and the worst part was I still had a ton of pairs left to try on. Suri was chatting with Lex, Harry and Louis and they were all laughing. Then Suri and Lex got up with their phones rang, so they headed to a different room. When they came out Suri and Lex ran over to Harry and Louis and Liam who had joined them. They all started to laugh and then Suri looked over at me and I gave her the pout face. She quickly gave me a smile and then walked over to me. She came over and kissed me and asked how the clothing fitting was going. I told her the shirts were fun to try on, but the pants are really hard to get over my leg and it really hurts. She just told me she was sorry and gave me another kiss. Finally after another painful hour I had tried on all the pants and it was finally time to leave. 

(Harry's Point of View)

Poor Nialler was obviously in pain after trying on all of those pants. So I walked over to him to see if he wanted to hang out with the lads later tonight and he said "maybe, but Hazz I don't feel very well." I then nodded and said "I'm sorry Ni let me know if you need anything." I felt so bad for him because his knee surgery was defiantly more than he had bargained for. 

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