You and I Fragrance Launch Day Part 1

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August 6, 2014

(Liam's Point of View)

Last night we played our second sold out show in New Jersey at Met Life Stadium and it was incredible. So for the Where We Are Tour has been absolutely incredible. Though today is our day off from tour we are heading into promo season which means we have a busy day because we are in NYC launching our new perfume You and I. It's about 5:15 AM and I am up because I have training this morning with Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Mark in 15 minutes. After the gym we have a meeting in a conference room with breakfast so that we can go over our schedule for the day. It's time for me to get out of bed so I can quickly change clothes and brush my teeth so that I'm not late for training.

(Mark Jarvis' Point of View)

It is about 5:20 AM and I am just leaving my hotel room and heading down to the gym because this morning we have the gym reserved for an hour because Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam having a training session this morning before a full day of press. The boys' training session begins at 5:30 AM and they will train until 6:30 AM and then they have a team breakfast meeting today at 7:30 AM. As soon as I finish with the lads at 6:30 AM I will head up to Niall's suite to get his first physio session of the day completed before the breakfast meeting. Today is a double gym day for the lads so this morning is Cardio and this evening is more cardio combined with strength because today is a full body day. This morning they are just going to get a nice long run on the treadmills and the goal is to get as many miles as they can in an hour. We do a lot of cardio with the lads because of how cardio intensive their shows are, so it's very important that we train cardio fitness to ensure they can tackle the rigors of touring.


It's about 5:25 AM and all the lads are here. I have them all get a little dynamic stretch and then they all grab a heart rate monitor, remove their shirts and they strap it on. They then all get onto a treadmill and off they go. I would say Harry generally runs the most of all the lads and he will probably clock just under 8 miles, Liam will get about 6-7 miles, Louis will get about 5-6 and so will Zayn. Once they are off and running I grab my iPad to check where their heart rates are. Their first 10 minutes on the treadmill does not have to be at their peak heart rate as it's really just an extended warm up, but after about 10 minutes I expect them to push themselves into that working heart rate zone. Harry's cardio has really benefited from running, when he can, with Lex and Suri because they actually run faster than the all the 1D lads do which is incredible because the lads all have about 8-12 inches on them height wise. I think the twins are actually supposed to get to NYC at some point today so maybe they will join us for an evening workout which would be good because it really pushes the 1D lads because Suri and Lex are absolute work horses in the gym and it's pretty incredible to watch.

(Louis' Point of View)

I am on the treadmill and I have been on it for about 10 minutes and currently I am getting my warm up so I'm only going at a speed of 4.0 MPH but Mark won't be happy if I don't increase it so I put my earphones in and I turn up the speed to 6.0 MPH and off I go. I don't love running to be honest but cardio fitness is so important to us being able to perform like we do night in and night out so I deal with it and I usually just put on some good tunes and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

(Jacob's Point of View)

It's about 5:40 AM and it's time to get up. Last night they played their second sold out show in a row at Met Life Stadium. Like always Niall had a rough night and he was up a lot due to discomfort and pain. I think he finally fell completely asleep around 3:30 - 4:00 AM, so he didn't get much sleep last night which has been his usual since his emergency surgery just about 6 weeks ago. Right now things are very touch and go with his knee as it's been really rough having him try to recover while in the middle of a massive world tour and the fact that he has now had 7 surgeries in the past 8 months. I need to go check up on him and get him moving pretty soon because Mark is coming at 6:45 AM as Niall has his first physio session of the day before the lads have a breakfast team meeting followed by a full day of press conferences for their new fragrance You and I. I need to get up now so I pull back the covers and I get out of bed and head into the other room to put on some coffee. While that's brewing I head into the master bedroom where Niall is sound asleep. Ideally he would be able to rest today since it's their off day from tour but we are coming into promo season which means it's going to be really busy around her on non tour days as they get ready to release a new album in November. When I walk into the room he is sound asleep which I can tell just by listening to him breathing at a steady rate and to confirm that I walk over to the vitals monitor which show his heart rate is very steady which means he is in a deep sleep. His knee is elevated, everything is connected as it should be, and the draining tube is doing its job. I feel so bad waking him up because he so desperately needs the sleep so I decide I'll let him seep until 6:30 AM and then I'll get him up. I then turn off the lights and head back out of the bedroom and close the door behind me.

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