First Milestone - Getting to Leave the Hospital

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(Harry's Point of View)

Where had time gone, when I walked out to the kitchen rubbing my sleepy eyes someone knocked on the door. So I looked through the peep hole and saw it was Paul. I quickly opened the door and asked what was going on, he said Niall was in the elevator on his way up to the room. I was so excited finally Niall was where he belonged, with his girlfriend and of course Lexi and I -- the point being he did not belong in a hospital with strangers, but rather in a place where he was comfortable and had the people who cared and loved him. I was a bit nervous about Niall coming back from the hospital because he would now be Suri, Lexi and my responsibility and I had no clue how to help Niall in his current state. I know that Suri and Lexi had done some medical related things so I figured I would be their nursing aide and help the girls as much as I could, but I would defiantly let them take the lead. Harry paul yelled which made me snap out of my own thoughts, what I said. Paul then instructed me to clear a pathway because Niall was just down the hall, so I did as was told. Sure enough when I looked out the door Niall was being pushed in his wheel chair by Suri and he was wearing his crazy as MOFO shirt, which made me laugh, the Nialler I knew was back... well at least I hoped. 

(Niall's Point of View)

I was a little worried to be leaving the hospital because I had never had major surgery like this and I did not really know what to expect. Right now my knee was a bit painful but it was not too bad so I decided not to say anything. As we got closer to the room suddenly I started to get really nervous and contemplated asking to go back to the hospital because I was not sure that anyone was really up to the task of being my nurse 24/7, I mean Suri and Lexi had taken a couple of medical class but Harry.. well Hazz is like a moron when it comes to things like this. I almost wished that Daddy Directioner was here because I mean he had to know what to do in a situation like this, he was the daddy of the group after all. 

(Suri's Point of View)

Finally we reached our hotel room, which was good because I was tired of pushing Niall. When we got to the room I wheeled Niall over to the couch, where I put the brakes of the chair on and Paul and Harry helped get him over to the couch. He began to wince and whimper and I started to worry, oh great what if we already broke him? I asked him if he was okay, and he nodded which had to be a good sign. After Paul finished putting the pillows under his knee, Preston walked in with his crutches and game ready machine. Preston handed me the machine and Lexi and I went to the kitchen to figure out how this thing worked. I was not sure what to do with it and I could not find any instructions, so I pulled out my phone and googled it. It actually turned out to be much easier than I thought, in fact all I had to do was put cold water and ice in this compartment and close it and press the on switch. I carried the full ice machine over to where Niall was laying on the couch and plugged it in. I then hooked the tubing from the black pad on his knee to the machine and clicked the on button. Surely enough that did the trick and Niall was doing fine, I was still worried though. 

(Paul's Point of View)

Boy did I feel bad for Suri, this recovery is going to be really rough on her and everyone else. I mean Niall is pretty much like having a big baby, because he really can't do anything for himself. Just as Preston and  I were about to leave the hotel room Suri came over to us and said she would like to speak to us in private, so we went out to the hall. Once in the hall Suri broke down in tears, she said she was so worried that she would accidentally do the wrong thing and Niall would be left in pain. I assured her that everything would be okay and we would be just down the hall if she needed any help. With that she went back into the room and we headed to ours. 

(Niall's Point of View)

Once I was settled on the couch, we decided to Skype the other boys who were busy writing in London. I was delighted when their three faces lit up the screen. Liam was the first to ask how I was doing and I told him I was alright, he said he was glad Harry had not killed me yet, and I just laughed but Hazz took offense to that. Zayn then asked if I was in any pain and I told him it hurt a bit but was not to bad a the moment. Louis told me to stay strong and that the lads would be coming over as soon as I got home. We chatted for a couple of hours, until my knee began to really throb. As soon as it started to throb I quickly told Suri and she got up to get my pain medicine from the kitchen, but she said that I could not have any until 19:00. I groaned and put on my sad face because my knee was fucking killing me and it was only 17:00 here. I decided if I tried to go to sleep maybe it would help ease the pain but trying to move into a lying down position on the couch only made it hurt worse and I began to cry. Suri, Lexi and Harry looked at each other and then came running over to me. Harry asked if there was anything he could do for me but I shook my head no, because all I needed was something to take my pain away. This was already super miserable and it had not even been 5 days since surgery, boy was I in for a long ride. It was approaching 18:00 and my knee was only hurting more than before so I told Lexi and Harry because Suri was in the restroom. When she got out of the restroom Harry and Lexi told her and they agreed that they needed to call Paul, so they called Paul. Paul and Preston came running down the hall and came rushing to my side, they asked what was wrong and I explained how I was in more pain than I had ever felt and that I could not have my pain medication until 19:00. They talked for a while and then proceeded to call Dr. Jones.

(Dr. Jone's Point of View)

When I got a phone call from Paul, I was not really surprised because Niall had just undergone a major surgery and I was expecting that he may need to take another trip to the hospital but I was trying to be optimistic. Paul explained to me that Niall said he was in more pain than he had ever been in and he could not have his pain meds for another hour or so. I told Paul that he should go ahead and bring Niall back in and we would see what we could do. He then thanked me and said they would be coming in the next hour. 

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