Ramen/New Face

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Kazumi felt a comforting breeze against her skin, her gaze focused on the puffy white clouds from above. The sky was a warm orange, and there were the muffled chatters of many people around her. 

As she glanced around, she noticed the familiar sight of blonde-headed Kumo's. A sight she could only fantasise about in her dreams. With a soft smile, she stood up to step towards her clan. 

However, as her foot stepped off the ground and met wooden flooring, she felt gravity push her down. As if her own ability was betraying her, Kazumi felt herself being pulled through the floorboards and down into an endless abyss.

The uncanny void of blackness stayed as a reminder. Although this time, she wasn't seeing Orochimaru's taunting. It was a different figure. The more she squinted, the more she could see the outline of Sanjiro's darkened silhouette. 

He was in the exact same position as the dream from the chuunin exams, holding the familiar and long blade that was engulfed by the darkness. It was the same end of the blade that startled her in the hospital, her mind beginning to play tricks on her.

Sanjiro's mouth opened, though the words that escaped did not match his moving lips, "Foul-blood." His voice unsteadily echoed around her head, causing the young Kumo to grab her face and dig her nails into her skin - desperately begging for forgiveness.

Moving against her own will, Kazumi felt the pain of her nails into her melting skin. Just as Orochimaru could do, she was copying. A reflection of the dark ground beneath her shown the dull, black hair and her eyes becoming a lighter shade of gold. 

The more her skin peeled off, the more she resembled the snake man.

The weight of the gravity was too intense, making her hunch over. She used her back like a shield. Through her messy bangs, she could see the slightest movement of Sanjiro slowly raising his blade, which dripped of blackened blood.

Suddenly, the ground broke through. Kazumi instantly fell, the gravity released from her dreaming form. Like the dream of falling in your sleep, Kazumi pushed herself up from a bed with wide eyes and erratic breaths.

The scenery was much different, causing her to relax. Her mind made her get up and leave the unfamiliar home. She wasn't inside Naruto's apartment, but elsewhere.

"Oh, you're finally awake, big sister!" Naruto appeared with a flimsy, cheap tuxedo, "We still need your blessing!"

Sakura was next to him in a white, long wedding dress, "Please accept me as your sister!" She batted her eyes, flashing a dramatically large diamond ring on her ring finger.


"Huh?" Kazumi mumbled, shifting slightly in her futon.


"I look forward to us becoming a big family!" Sakura beamed, "How's little Sasuke? You two have such a handsome baby brother!"

"More like a stupid one!" Naruto corrected with a scowl. 

Kazumi looked down to her raised arms, her face contorting into a bewildered shock. Sasuke was in her arms, his original head huge but his body in the form of a newborn. He gave her the usual glare, wearing his natural mean face.

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