✦ 58: Negotiations Of Gold

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"So, it was a bust after all

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"So, it was a bust after all."

Kaien nodded at Shizue's comment. With emotions running that high, there should have been some 'sign,' but the sensor for Dark Mage Erosion remained silent.

"Well, the psychometry from the Tower of the Azure Star isn't perfect, is it? We've had several false positives before! I was dying of boredom! Though it seemed like you were enjoying it, Squad Leader?"

Kaien silently nodded in agreement.

It was interesting. With his deep knowledge in alchemy, having studied it up to the master's level, he could grasp just how remarkable that woman, Hattie, was.

Though the mission ended in vain, the lingering curiosity made Kaien watch Hattie from a distance for a long time.

"By the way, is that kid who claimed to be a co-author that high schooler? He looks quite cute, doesn't he?"

Kaien turned his gaze to the boy named Val Ashbluff. It was impressive that a high school student had helped solve a three-hundred-year-old unsolved problem, and as someone interested in alchemy, Kaien was slightly intrigued, but not enough to warrant close attention.

However, the boy's subsequent actions were suspicious.

"Please leave my name out of the articles."

Immediately after the chaotic presentation, Val declined the fame, ensuring that the articles would refer to him only as 'an anonymous alchemist who helped Hattie.'

Of course, while his name wouldn't appear in the articles, those in the know would eventually find out. Still, all the attention would fall on Hattie, and she would receive all the sponsorships from magic towers and corporations.

Why though?

Kaien was curious about his reasons.

"Did you investigate?"

When asked by Shizue, she looked at her palm and replied.

"Yes. I just got the message; there's nothing special about him. Apart from his hometown being destroyed by Dark Mages right before his admission, there's nothing notable. He's a commoner with the lowest grades. But strangely, he's in the S Class? I didn't attend the academy, so I don't know, but isn't it really hard to get into that class?"


"Moreover, he doesn't use magic despite attending the world's top magic school. Quite peculiar."

Peculiar. That word seemed insufficient to describe the boy.

"Other than that, there's really nothing. 'Yami' is never wrong, you know?"

"Yeah. Understood."

Regardless of his intentions, the Dark Mage Extermination Squad of the Tower of the Azure Star had no leisure to concern themselves with a mere high school student.

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