Chapter 9

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Taylor's POV

The dorm room at St. Joe's had begun to feel like a cozy little sanctuary amidst the whirlwind of new parenthood and training camp. It had been a week since Ivy's arrival, and we were slowly adapting to our new routine. With Travis away at practice and Ivy peacefully napping, I took the opportunity to tidy up the small space we now called home.

As I was organizing our belongings, my phone rang. I glanced at the screen and saw Tree Paine's name flashing. I hesitated for a moment before answering; Tree was always full of energy and urgency, and I wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

"Hi, Tree," I said, trying to keep my tone upbeat.

"Taylor! I hope I'm not interrupting," Tree said cheerfully.

"No, it's fine," I replied. "I'm just getting the dorm in order while Ivy sleeps."

"Good," Tree said. "I wanted to discuss the announcement of Ivy's birth. We need to get ahead of the media before they start spreading their own stories."

I felt a twinge of anxiety at the mention of the announcement. I had hoped to keep Ivy's introduction to the world more private, but I understood the importance of managing the media's expectations.

"What do you suggest?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"We need to post a photo and a brief announcement ourselves," Tree explained. "The buzz is starting to build, and it's better to share it on your own terms."

"Alright," I said, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "What should I include in the post?"

"Let's keep it simple and heartfelt," Tree suggested. "Post a photo with a brief caption about Ivy's birth. We'll include a few details and express how excited you and Travis are. It'll be effective and genuine."

I nodded, already thinking about how to make the post feel personal and special. "When should I post it?"

"Let's aim for this afternoon," Tree said. "I'll send you a few caption ideas to help you out."

"Okay," I agreed. "I'll get it ready."

After hanging up, I felt a mix of apprehension and determination. I wanted to ensure that Ivy's introduction to the world was as special as possible. I decided to wait until Travis got back from practice so we could pick the right photos together.

I sent Travis a quick text, asking him to discuss the announcement when he got home:

Tay: Hey, babe. Tree wants me to post Ivy's announcement this afternoon. Can we talk about it when you get back? I want us to pick the photos together. Hope practice is going well! Miss you!*

Once I sent the message, I focused on preparing for Travis's return. I wanted everything to be perfect, from the photos to the caption. I knew that sharing this moment with the world was a big step, but I was glad to have Travis by my side to make the decision.

When Travis walked through the door that afternoon, he looked a bit worn from practice, but his eyes immediately softened with joy upon seeing me. We exchanged quick, warm hugs before travis headed over to Ivy's crib, as soon as travis had opened the door she had started to cry. He pickef her up and carried her over to where i was sitting,

"Shh baby daddys here," He cooed sitting down with me at the dining room table.

"I've been thinking about the photos," i said as he gave me a tired but happy smile. "What do you have in mind?"

I pulled out my phone and began scrolling through our photo gallery. "I was thinking we should use three pictures: one of you holding Ivy, one of us from when I was pregnant, and one from the day Ivy was born."

"That sounds perfect," Travis agreed. "Let's go through them and pick the best ones."

We huddled together, flipping through the photos. We picked a tender shot of Travis holding Ivy, a warm image of us from a pregnancy shoot, and a sweet picture from the day Ivy was born. Each photo captured a different aspect of our journey, and they felt right for sharing with the world.

After selecting the photos, we turned our attention to crafting the caption. I wanted it to be heartfelt and genuine, capturing our excitement and love for our new daughter.

"How about something like this?" Travis suggested, reading from his phone. "'We're overjoyed to welcome our beautiful daughter, Ivy Elisabeth Swift-Kelce, into the world. The past week has been a whirlwind of love and excitement as we've gotten to know our little girl. Ivy, you have already brought so much joy and light into our lives. We are so grateful for every moment with you and can't wait for everyone to meet you. Thank you to all our friends and family for your support and love during this special time. ❤️'"

I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. "That's perfect. It's exactly what I was hoping for."

We finalized the caption and prepared the post to cross post between both mine and travis's Accounts. It felt surreal and incredibly meaningful to be sharing this milestone with the world. I took a moment to text my parents, who knew about Ivy but hadn't yet had the chance to meet her. I wanted them to be among the first to see the announcement and to know how much we were looking forward to their visit.

Taylor: Hi Mom and Dad! Just wanted to let you know that we're announcing Ivy's birth on social media. We wish you could be here with us right now, but we're so excited for you to meet her soon. We love you so much and can't wait for you to see our little girl!

With everything set, Travis and I looked at each other with a mix of anticipation and love. This was a significant step in sharing our new life with the world, and doing it together made it even more special.

With a deep breath, we hit "post" on the announcement. 

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