Chapter 24

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Taylor's POV

It was a bittersweet day, one I knew was coming but still felt surreal as it unfolded. I sat in the front row of the packed press room, my hands nervously clasped together in my lap as I waited for Travis to walk up to the podium. Ivy was sitting in her stroller next to me, oblivious to the weight of the moment but babbling quietly, her little fingers clutching one of her toys.

Travis had been preparing for this for weeks—his official retirement from football. It was something we'd talked about for what felt like forever, but now, as the moment approached, it was hitting me harder than I expected. This wasn't just the end of an era in his career—it was the beginning of a new chapter for us as a family.

The room was buzzing with anticipation. Reporters, teammates, coaches, and friends had all gathered to witness Travis's announcement. It felt like the whole world was watching.

Finally, I saw him step onto the stage. Dressed sharply in a navy blue suit, his broad shoulders looked as confident as ever, but I could see the emotions in his eyes. He was trying to hold it together, but I knew him well enough to know how hard this was going to be for him. Football had been his life for so long, and today, he was closing that chapter.

He approached the podium, adjusting the microphone as he glanced out at the crowd. He scanned the room until his eyes found mine, and for a moment, it felt like it was just the two of us. He gave me a small, reassuring smile before he took a deep breath and began.

"Good afternoon, everyone. First, I just want to say thank you for being here today," Travis started, his voice steady but full of emotion. "I never thought I'd be standing here, giving this speech, but life has a way of surprising you."

A soft laugh rippled through the room, but it quickly settled as Travis continued.

"For the last decade, I've had the honor of playing for the Kansas City Chiefs, a team that became my family. I never took a day of it for granted. Every snap, every catch, every touchdown—it all meant the world to me. I've been blessed with incredible coaches, teammates, and fans who have supported me through every high and low."

He paused, glancing down for a moment before looking back up at the crowd. "But as much as I love the game, as much as it's shaped me, there comes a time when you realize there's more to life than football."

I swallowed hard, knowing exactly what he was about to say. My heart swelled with pride, but also with emotion, as Travis spoke the words that would officially close the door on his playing career.

"Over the past year, becoming a father has changed everything for me," he said, his voice softening. "When Ivy came into our lives, everything shifted. Suddenly, the most important title I had wasn't 'tight end' or 'Pro Bowler'—it was 'Dad.' And it's that role, more than anything, that made this decision clear for me."

He glanced over at me again, his eyes shining with love and gratitude. "Taylor, you've been my rock through all of this. You've been there on the toughest days, the most incredible victories, and now, you're here with me as I step away from the game I love. I couldn't have done any of it without you."

I felt a lump in my throat, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. The room was silent, everyone hanging on his every word.

"And to Ivy," Travis continued, his voice cracking just slightly, "you probably don't understand what's happening right now, but one day, you'll know that your dad made this decision for you. So I could be there for your first steps, your first words, and every moment in between."

The tears I had been holding back finally slipped down my cheeks. Travis took another deep breath, composing himself as he shifted his focus back to the audience.

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