Chapter 30

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Taylor's POV

The day had finally come. My new album was set to release at midnight, and the excitement bubbling inside of me was unlike anything I had felt in years. This album was special, not just because of the music, but because it marked a new era in my life—one filled with love, growth, and the next chapter of our family.

The penthouse was buzzing with the laughter and conversation of family and friends as everyone mingled. Travis had insisted on making this night memorable, and it was exactly that. The room was filled with some of the most important people in our lives—Travis's family, my parents, Brittany and Patrick, along with some of the Chiefs' guys, and a few of my closest friends, including Abigail and Blake. The lights twinkled softly, casting a warm glow over the room, and the scent of catered food filled the air as everyone prepared to celebrate.

Ivy, now almost walking on her own, was happily toddling around, her little face lighting up every time someone gave her attention. Travis had picked her up just before she could topple over and was holding her in his arms while chatting with Patrick, who was animatedly telling some story about the last game of the season.

"Taylor, you must be over the moon," Blake said, wrapping her arm around me as we looked out at the room. "This album... it feels different. It's so personal."

I nodded, feeling my heart swell. "It is. It's the most honest thing I've ever written."

She smiled knowingly, giving me a little squeeze. "I'm so happy for you. And for what's coming next." She glanced down at my still-flat belly, a secret only a handful of people knew about at the moment.

"I can't wait for everyone to know," I whispered back. "But it feels kind of perfect to share it like this tonight."

"Have you and Travis decided how you're going to announce it?" Abigail asked, joining us with a glass of champagne in hand. She handed me a glass of sparkling water, which I gratefully took.

"We're going to say something after the album drops," I said, my voice low. "I think it's going to shock a few people."

Blake laughed. "Oh, you know it will. I can already see the headlines. But they're going to be so happy for you two."

As midnight approached, Travis caught my eye from across the room, holding Ivy with one arm and gesturing to me with his free hand. The moment was coming, and I felt a flutter of nerves.

"It's almost time," I said, slipping away from Blake and Abigail to join Travis. My heart raced a little as I stood next to him, his solid presence grounding me. Ivy wriggled in his arms, and he passed her to me with a smile.

"You ready, Mama?" he asked, brushing a kiss against my temple.

"Ready," I whispered, holding Ivy close as the countdown to midnight began.

"Ten... nine... eight..." the room chanted, their voices rising with excitement. I could feel the anticipation buzzing in the air as everyone gathered closer, eager for the album to finally drop.

"Three... two... one!" The room erupted in cheers, and I felt a surge of emotion as my new music officially went live. My phone started buzzing with notifications from fans and friends as the world heard the songs I had poured my heart into for the first time.

Travis wrapped his arm around me, his smile wide and proud. "You did it, babe."

I smiled up at him, the love in his eyes making me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. "We did it."

He gave me a little nudge and whispered, "You ready for the big announcement?"

I took a deep breath, glancing around at the faces of everyone we loved, all here to support us. "Yeah, let's do it."

Travis tapped his glass with a fork, calling the room to attention. "Hey, everyone! I just want to say a quick thank you to all of you for being here to celebrate Taylor's big night. We are beyond grateful to have you all in our lives."

The room quieted, and I could see the curious expressions as everyone settled in, waiting for what we had to say.

"And before we let you get back to celebrating," I said, stepping forward, "we have one more little announcement."

Travis grinned, his hand resting on my lower back as he gave a small nod. "Yeah, so, Ivy isn't going to be the baby of the family for much longer."

The room was silent for a second before gasps of surprise and excitement filled the air.

"I'm pregnant," I said, my voice filled with joy as I rested a hand on my belly, even though there wasn't much to show just yet. "Twelve weeks today."

There was a collective squeal of excitement from Abigail, Blake, and Brittany as they rushed forward to hug me. Travis was swarmed by the guys, all clapping him on the back and offering their congratulations.

"I knew it!" Abigail laughed, pulling me into a tight embrace. "I had a feeling when you weren't drinking champagne."

Blake squeezed my hand, her eyes filled with happiness. "I'm so thrilled for you two."

Brittany, already a mom herself, gave me a knowing smile. "You're going to be amazing, Taylor. Ivy's going to be the best big sister."

I smiled, feeling overwhelmed by the love surrounding us. "I can't believe this is really happening."

Travis made his way back to me, his smile never fading as he wrapped me and Ivy in a big hug. "This is the best day, isn't it?"

"It really is," I whispered, leaning into him. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."

As the night went on, we celebrated with laughter, hugs, and toasts to the future. It wasn't just the album that marked a new chapter—it was everything. Our growing family, our new home in New York, and the love that continued to deepen between me and Travis.

And as I looked around at the people who meant the most to us, I knew that no matter where life took us, we'd always have this moment. A perfect celebration of everything we had built together, with so much more still to come.

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