Chapter 17

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Taylor's POV

The sunlight streamed through the windows of our home, casting a soft glow over the living room. Ivy, now six weeks old, was babbling happily in her crib, kicking her tiny legs as she stared up at the mobile above her. My mom, who had been an absolute godsend over the last several weeks, was packing up her things in the guest room, getting ready to head home.

I couldn't believe how fast the time had flown by. It felt like just yesterday we brought Ivy home, and now she was growing stronger and more alert every day. I loved the little smiles she'd started to give, the way her eyes would light up when she heard Travis's voice. But as sweet as those moments were, the nights were still challenging. Ivy slept in her crib now, which was a victory, but when she was hungry... oh boy, she could scream like there was no tomorrow. Each feeding felt like a race against time to get her settled before her wails turned into a full-blown meltdown.

Mom was folding the last of her clothes as I walked into the guest room, Ivy snuggled against my chest in her favorite baby wrap.

"I can't thank you enough for everything," I said softly, feeling the sting of emotion creep up. "I don't know how we would've gotten through the first six weeks without you."

My mom turned to me with a warm smile, her eyes softening. "Oh, honey, it was my pleasure. I've loved every moment with Ivy and with you. You're doing such a good job, you know?"

I nodded, though there were still moments where I wasn't sure I was doing anything right. Being a new mom was so much harder than I expected, but having her there had made it all more manageable. I knew it was time for her to go, though—I couldn't keep leaning on her forever.

Mom zipped up her suitcase and walked over to us, gently brushing her hand over Ivy's soft hair. Ivy let out a little sigh and snuggled deeper into me, making my heart swell.

"You call me if you need anything," she said, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "I mean it. I'm only a phone call away."

"I will," I promised, trying not to get too teary-eyed. "We'll miss you."

She pulled me into a hug, careful not to squish Ivy between us. "I'll miss you too, but you're going to be just fine. You and Travis have a rhythm now, and Ivy's already growing into such a sweet little girl."

After one last hug and a promise to FaceTime soon, Mom left, her car pulling out of the driveway and disappearing down the street. The house suddenly felt much quieter without her, and I stood there for a moment, letting the silence settle in.

I glanced down at Ivy, who was staring up at me with wide, curious eyes. "Well, baby girl, it's just you, me, and Dad now," I whispered, brushing a kiss to her forehead. "Let's hope we can keep it together without Grandma here."

After a few minutes, Ivy started to fuss, the telltale signs of her being ready for her nap. I walked her around the house for a while, bouncing her gently as she started to calm down. It took a little time, but eventually, her eyelids grew heavy, and she drifted off in the wrap. I carefully made my way to the nursery and laid her down in the crib, holding my breath as I backed away, hoping she wouldn't wake up.

Once I was sure she was settled, I let out a sigh of relief. It was rare to have a quiet moment like this during the day, and I intended to savor it. I made my way downstairs, finding Travis lounging on the couch, his phone in his hand as he flipped through pictures of Ivy.

He glanced up at me and smiled. "How's our girl?"

"Out like a light," I said with a grin, sitting down next to him. "At least for now."

He chuckled, setting his phone down and wrapping an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. "She's getting better, though. Remember when she wouldn't even sleep in the crib?"

"Oh, I remember," I laughed softly. "I thought we were going to have to hold her every single night for the rest of our lives."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before I glanced at him, a playful look in my eye. "You know... she's six weeks old now."

He raised an eyebrow, not quite catching on. "Yeah, I know. I can't believe how fast it's gone."

I bit my lip, leaning in a little closer. "No... I mean, six weeks."

The realization dawned on his face, and his eyes lit up with that familiar spark. "Oh..."

"Yeah," I said, my voice low. "I'm cleared."

Travis's grin spread wide across his face, and I could see the excitement brewing in his eyes. He pulled me in closer, his hand trailing gently down my back as he kissed me softly.

"Well, that's news worth celebrating," he murmured against my lips, his voice a little huskier than usual.

I laughed, feeling a flutter of anticipation rise in my chest. "I figured you'd think so."

Just as things started to heat up, a faint cry came from upstairs, and we both groaned in unison.

I leaned my head against his shoulder with a sigh. "She has the best timing."

Travis chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "I'll go get her."

"No, I got it," I said, patting his leg as I stood up. "You take a break. I'll remind you again later about the whole six-week thing."

He smirked, his eyes following me as I headed upstairs. "I'll hold you to that."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I made my way to the nursery. Ivy's little face was scrunched up, her tiny fists waving in the air as she let out another cry. I scooped her up, shushing her softly as I rocked her in my arms.

"Shh, sweet girl," I whispered, pacing around the room until her cries softened. "Mommy's here."

As Ivy settled back down, I thought about the conversation I'd just had with Travis. Things were finally starting to feel normal again, like we were getting back to being us, even with the addition of our beautiful baby girl.

I wasn't sure when we'd get that alone time we desperately needed, but knowing that we could still laugh and tease each other—that we still had *us*—made me feel more confident than ever that we could handle whatever came our way.

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