Chapter 16

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Travis's POV

The sun streamed through the curtains of the master bedroom, casting a warm glow across the room. Today was a special day—one month since Ivy was born, and Travis's first preseason game. It felt like a milestone worth celebrating, and despite the chaos of parenthood and the demands of football, we were determined to make it memorable.

I leaned over the crib where Ivy was sleeping soundly, her tiny chest rising and falling with each breath. She had grown so much in just a month, her little features becoming more defined every day. I couldn't believe how quickly time had flown by. It felt like just yesterday that we were anxiously waiting for her arrival, and now, here she was, a whole month old.

Travis had left early for the game, and I had spent the morning preparing for our little celebration. With the help of my mom, who had flown back to stay with us for a bit longer, we'd set up a small but meaningful party in the living room. Balloons and a "One Month" banner adorned the space, and a table was set up with a cake decorated with Ivy's name. We'd kept it simple, but it felt just right.

As I finished arranging the last few decorations, my phone buzzed with a message from Travis. I glanced at it and smiled, his excitement palpable even through the screen.

Trav: Can't wait to see you and Ivy after the game. Hope you're enjoying the party! Good luck to me today!

I texted him back quickly:

Tay: We're ready to celebrate when you get home! Good luck today. We're all cheering for you!

The house was bustling with activity. My mom had gone all out in the kitchen, preparing a spread of snacks and treats. She was in her element, humming to herself as she set everything up. I loved how she was always there for us, even if she was miles away from her own home.

Ivy started to stir in her crib, and I quickly went over to her, gently picking her up. She blinked up at me with sleepy eyes, and I cooed softly, changing her into a special outfit I'd chosen for the occasion. It was a cute little onesie that said "One Month Old" in glittery letters.

Once she was dressed and ready, I set her in her bouncer, where she would be safe and comfortable while we waited for Travis to return. My mom and I had decided to hold off on cutting the cake until Travis got home, wanting to make sure we celebrated properly as a family.

I busied myself with last-minute touches, making sure everything was perfect. The thought of Travis walking through the door later, excited and ready to celebrate, made my heart swell. I knew how much this game meant to him, and I wanted to make sure that when he came home, he knew how proud we were of him.

The time passed quickly as I fed Ivy and tried to keep her entertained. She seemed to sense the excitement in the air, her tiny hands reaching up and her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Just as I was beginning to wonder how much longer Travis would be, I heard the front door open and the sound of Travis's voice. I hurried to the door, a smile spreading across my face as I saw him walking in, still in his game uniform, his face lit up with happiness.

"There's my favorite people!" Travis exclaimed, dropping his bag and rushing over to us. He scooped Ivy up into his arms, his eyes filled with pride and love. "Look at you, my beautiful girl. One month old today!"

I watched as Ivy's little face lit up with a smile at the sight of her dad. It was a moment of pure joy, one that made all the challenges of the past month seem worthwhile.

"Hey, love," I said softly, coming over to give Travis a hug. "How was the game?"

"It was great," he said, holding me close. "We won, and I had a good game. But honestly, this is the highlight of my day—coming home to celebrate our girl."

He kissed me, and I could feel the warmth of his love and excitement. It was a perfect moment, one that made all the hard work and sleepless nights feel like a distant memory.

"Come on, let's cut the cake and celebrate," I said, guiding him to the living room where everything was set up. Ivy was happy in her bouncer, watching us with wide, curious eyes.

Travis and I stood together, cutting the cake and serving pieces to my mom and ourselves. We laughed and talked about the past month, sharing stories and enjoying the simple pleasure of being together as a family.

After the cake, we sat on the couch, with Travis holding Ivy and telling her stories about his game. It was a cozy, perfect evening, filled with laughter and love.

As the night drew to a close and Ivy fell asleep in Travis's arms, I couldn't help but reflect on how far we had come. It had been a month full of challenges and adjustments, but it had also been filled with unforgettable moments and deepened love.

Travis kissed me softly and then kissed Ivy's forehead, whispering, "Happy one month, Ivy. I love you so much."

I smiled, leaning against him, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "I love you too, Travis. And I love our little family."

In that quiet moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the evening and the warmth of our home, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together. With Travis by my side and Ivy in our lives, our family was complete, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us.

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