Chapter 26

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Taylor's POV

The morning sun streamed into the living room, casting soft rays of light on the floor as Ivy crawled around, babbling to herself. Travis was stretched out on the couch, one arm draped lazily over the back, his eyes tracking our little girl with a smile that was a mix of pride and amusement. It was a slow, peaceful start to the day, but my heart was racing because I was about to share something huge with the world.

I sat cross-legged on the couch beside him, my phone in hand, staring at the Instagram post I had spent hours perfecting. My new album. It was ready, and today was the day everyone would finally know about it. After months of late nights in the studio, balancing motherhood and music, it felt surreal to be on the cusp of another major milestone.

"You ready?" Travis asked, his voice warm and full of encouragement, as if he could sense the excitement bubbling just beneath the surface.

I glanced at him, my eyes wide with a mix of nerves and excitement. "I think so." I paused, then laughed softly. "I always get so nervous before these announcements, even after all these years."

Travis chuckled and shifted closer, his hand finding its way to the small of my back, a comforting presence. "If anyone can handle it, it's you, Tay. You've got this."

I smiled, leaning into his touch for a moment, letting his words steady me. Then I looked down at my phone again. The post was ready: the album cover, the title, a small caption teasing what the album meant to me. My thumb hovered over the 'post' button for a second, my heart pounding just a little faster.

"Alright," I said, taking a deep breath. "Here we go."

With a final, decisive movement, I pressed 'post,' and it was done. The announcement was live. The world would know in seconds.

I exhaled, feeling a rush of relief and exhilaration wash over me as I set the phone down on the coffee table. "It's out there now."

Travis grinned, leaning in to kiss my temple. "I'm proud of you, babe. You put your heart into this one, just like always."

Before I could respond, Ivy's babbling caught our attention. She was sitting on the floor, surrounded by her favorite toys, completely oblivious to the monumental moment that had just occurred. But as I watched her, she crawled over to us, her tiny hands reaching up toward me, and something incredible happened.

"Mama," Ivy said, her little voice clear and bright.

My heart stopped.

For a moment, I wasn't sure I had heard it right. But then she said it again, this time with a bit more confidence, like she knew she'd captured our attention.

"Mama!" Ivy beamed, her eyes lighting up as she reached out toward me.

Tears instantly filled my eyes. I was speechless, my hand covering my mouth as the joy of the moment overwhelmed me. Ivy had said her first word. And not just any word — *mama*.

Travis sat up straight, eyes wide with the same astonishment and joy that I was feeling. "Did she just—?"

"She said it," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "She really said it."

I scooped Ivy into my arms, pulling her close as I kissed her chubby little cheeks, unable to stop the happy tears that streamed down my face. "Oh my God, baby girl! You said 'mama!' You said it!"

Ivy giggled, clearly delighted by the reaction she was getting. She reached up to pat my face, babbling something else that didn't quite make sense yet, but in that moment, it didn't matter. She'd said her first word, and it was the one I had been secretly hoping for.

Travis leaned over, wrapping both Ivy and me in a big hug, his face pressed against my hair as he chuckled softly. "Look at our girl, hitting milestones left and right. First her birthday, now this."

I could barely speak, the emotions swirling too wildly inside me. I pulled back just enough to look into Travis's eyes, and he wiped a tear from my cheek, his own expression full of awe and love.

"I can't believe she said it," I murmured, my voice breaking with happiness. "This is... this is perfect."

Travis kissed Ivy's head, his fingers gently brushing over her soft curls. "She's gonna be saying 'dada' next. Just wait."

I laughed through my tears, still holding Ivy close as she snuggled into me, her little hand resting on my shoulder. "She's growing up so fast," I whispered, marveling at how much had changed in just a year. From the tiny newborn we'd brought home to this bright, curious little girl, who had just spoken her first word.

The sound of my phone buzzing brought me back to the reality of the album announcement. I glanced over at it, seeing the notifications starting to roll in. The fans were already responding, their excitement palpable even through the screen.

But in that moment, all of it — the album, the world outside our living room — felt secondary. Because Ivy had said her first word, and nothing could top that.

Travis leaned back, watching me with a look of pure pride. "This is your day, Tay. A new album, a milestone for Ivy... I don't think it gets better than this."

I smiled at him, my heart so full I thought it might burst. "I couldn't have asked for anything more."

Ivy, now content in my arms, started to drift off, her little eyelids growing heavy. I rocked her gently, my heart still soaring as I glanced back at my phone. The world was buzzing about my new album, but here, in this room, the only thing that mattered was this quiet, perfect moment with my family.

As Ivy's breathing slowed and she settled into sleep, I looked over at Travis. He was watching us with that soft, loving smile that never failed to melt me.

"This is everything, isn't it?" I whispered.

He nodded, reaching out to stroke Ivy's cheek as she slept. "Yeah, Tay. It really is."

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