Chapter 25

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Travis's POV

The warm July sun poured through the large windows, casting a soft, golden glow over the living room as we finished decorating for Ivy's birthday party. I couldn't believe it—our baby girl was turning one. It felt like only yesterday that I was holding her for the first time, overwhelmed with love, and now, here we were, celebrating her first trip around the sun.

Travis and I had kept the guest list small, wanting an intimate gathering with just family. The house buzzed with excitement as our loved ones arrived, and soon enough, it was filled with laughter and joy. My parents and brother, Austin, were here, along with Travis's family—his mom, Donna, his dad, Ed, and of course, Jason and Kylie with their three girls: Wyatt, Ellie, and their newest addition, Bennett.

Balloons covered the house, and the backyard was a sea of colorful decorations. Ivy's high chair was adorned with a pastel pink banner that read "One," and her cake—an adorable little smash cake decorated with pink frosting and a cute cat face—sat in the center of the table.

Travis walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as we watched Ivy, who was sitting on the floor with Wyatt and Ellie, playing with some new toys they had brought her. She was growing up so fast, it took my breath away.

"She's going to love this cake," Travis murmured, kissing the top of my head.

I laughed, glancing up at him. "She might be more interested in the frosting than the actual cake."

"Like father, like daughter," he joked, flashing that charming smile of his.

As we watched Ivy babble and giggle with her cousins, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. This past year had been filled with so many ups and downs, but we had made it through together. And seeing Ivy thrive, surrounded by so much love, made every sleepless night and every moment of uncertainty worth it.

Donna approached us, her eyes twinkling as she took in the scene. "She's such a happy baby," she said softly, smiling at her granddaughter. "You two have done an incredible job raising her."

"Thanks, Mom," Travis said, squeezing my hand. "We've had a lot of help."

"We couldn't have done it without all of you," I added, feeling the warmth of family support wrap around us.

Jason, who was bouncing Bennett on his knee, glanced over and chuckled. "Just wait until she starts running around like these two," he said, nodding toward Wyatt and Ellie, who were now chasing each other around the room.

"Oh, we're already getting glimpses of it," I said, laughing. "She's been taking her first steps, and it's only a matter of time before she's tearing through the house."

"I'm just hoping she doesn't follow in Uncle Jason's footsteps and start knocking things over," Travis teased, earning a mock glare from his brother.

"Hey, what's a few broken lamps between family?" Jason shot back with a grin.

Kylie rolled her eyes playfully. "We're still recovering from all the 'Jason damage' over the years."

As everyone laughed, Ivy let out an excited squeal, catching everyone's attention. She was pulling herself up to stand, holding onto the edge of the couch, her bright eyes wide with curiosity. My heart swelled with pride.

"Look at her go!" Austin exclaimed, grinning as he crouched down next to her. "You're getting so big, Ivy!"

Ivy giggled, clapping her tiny hands together before plopping back down on her bottom. It was moments like these that I wished I could freeze in time, just to hold onto them a little longer.

"All right, who's ready for cake?" I asked, clapping my hands as I moved toward the table where Ivy's smash cake sat.

Everyone gathered around, their phones out to capture the moment. Travis lifted Ivy from the floor and placed her gently in her high chair, positioning her in front of the cake. Her wide eyes took in the bright pink frosting, and for a moment, she just stared at it, unsure of what to do.

"Go ahead, baby," I encouraged, smiling at her. "It's all yours."

Ivy's little hands reached out hesitantly, touching the cake's frosting. When she pulled her fingers back and saw the sticky pink mess, her eyes lit up with delight. Without hesitation, she dove back in, smearing frosting across her face and hands, babbling excitedly as she squished the cake between her fingers.

The whole room erupted in laughter. Travis was snapping pictures, unable to stop grinning. "That's my girl," he said proudly.

"She's a natural," Jason joked, shaking his head in amusement. "Goes straight for the good stuff."

Donna leaned over to me, wiping away a happy tear. "I can't believe she's one already. Time really does fly."

"I know," I said softly, my heart full as I watched Ivy continue to explore her cake. "She's growing up so fast."

As the afternoon continued, we all gathered outside for more celebration. Ivy opened her gifts—mostly toys and clothes, though Wyatt and Ellie had made her a special card, complete with crayon scribbles that Ivy seemed fascinated by.

After a while, Travis's dad, Ed, raised his glass. "To Ivy," he said warmly, looking around at the family gathered together. "A year ago, she came into this world, and she's been bringing us all joy ever since. Happy birthday, Ivy. We love you."

Everyone echoed the sentiment, raising their glasses and clapping as Travis and I smiled at each other, feeling the love radiating from everyone around us.

Later, after the presents were opened and the cake devoured, Travis and I sat in the backyard, watching Ivy play on a blanket with her new toys. The warm summer breeze rustled through the trees, and the sound of family laughter filled the air.

"You know," I said, leaning against Travis's shoulder, "this has been the perfect day."

He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. "It really has. I'm so grateful for all of this—for you, for Ivy, for everything we've built."

I smiled, feeling the weight of the past year lift off my shoulders as I looked at our little girl, now toddling around with her cousins. This was what life was about—these moments of pure joy and love.

"Ivy's going to have an amazing year ahead," I said softly, watching as she babbled happily to herself. "I can't wait to see what the next year brings."

"Neither can I," Travis agreed, his voice full of love and pride. "But for now, let's just enjoy this."

And so we did, savoring every moment of Ivy's first birthday, surrounded by the people we loved most in the world. It was a day we would never forget—a day filled with laughter, love, and the promise of so much more to come.

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