Chapter 18

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Taylor's POV

Ivy was asleep when we pulled up to the stadium. My heart fluttered with excitement, and nerves coursed through me. This wasn't Travis's first game of the season, but it was Ivy's very first football game, and I wanted everything to go perfectly. I had spent hours packing her things: enough diapers, wipes, her noise-canceling baby headphones, extra clothes, her favorite pacifier... The list went on.

Brittany and Chariah were already texting me about meeting up in the suite, and it was comforting to know they would be there. I needed the support, especially today. Travis's mom, Donna, was coming too, and just knowing I'd have her help with Ivy brought some relief.

I gently tightened the straps on Ivy's car seat as our driver parked. The little rise and fall of her chest was so calming. I ran a hand over her soft baby blanket, smiling down at her. She had no idea what was going on today, but this was a big day. I reached into my bag, pulled out my phone, and shot a quick text to Travis.

Tay: We're here! Heading to the suite now. Ivy's still sleeping, haha. Love you!

He texted back almost instantly.

Trav: That's my girl! I'll come up after the game. Love you both.

I smiled to myself as we made our way through the stadium's quieter corridors. It wasn't long before we were in the suite, and I found Brittany and Chariah already waiting.

"Look at her!" Brittany gasped as she leaned over to peek into Ivy's car seat. "She's getting so big!"

"She really is," I said, carefully lifting Ivy out of her seat. "She's starting to react to things too. The other day she followed Travis's voice across the room."

Chariah grinned as she handed me a bottle of water. "That's amazing. Oh, wait until she starts getting obsessed with colors."

We laughed, chatting about babies, toddlers, and everything in between. Donna arrived soon after, and her face lit up when she saw Ivy. She immediately walked over, her hands outstretched.

"Oh, let me hold her, honey. You need a break!" Donna said, her warm voice full of love.

I hesitated for a moment. It was hard to let Ivy out of my arms. I wanted to be the one who held her through all of this, but I knew Donna was right. Plus, Ivy was still sound asleep.

"Okay," I smiled, handing Ivy over to her grandma. "But if she wakes up and gets fussy, just pass her back."

"You've got it," Donna winked. "Now, go enjoy yourself. You're allowed to cheer without holding a baby all game!"

I sat down beside Brittany and Chariah, both of them already deep in conversation. The game kicked off, and the energy in the stadium exploded. I couldn't help but glance at Ivy every few seconds, even though I knew Donna had everything under control.

About midway through the second quarter, Ivy started to stir. Donna cooed at her, bouncing her lightly. I watched, heart swelling, as Ivy's eyes fluttered open and she turned her head toward the field.

"She's looking," Brittany whispered, nudging me. "Look at her—she's pointing!"

Ivy's tiny hand was indeed reaching out toward the field, her face scrunched up in concentration.

"Oh my God," I whispered, feeling a surge of pride. "She's pointing!"

"She knows her daddy's out there," Donna grinned, still gently rocking Ivy.

It was such a simple thing, but the joy that filled my chest made me want to scream. Ivy was recognizing things, reacting, reaching out. I leaned forward, my hands on my knees, unable to take my eyes off her.

"She's going to be Travis's biggest fan," Chariah said, smiling at the moment.

By halftime, I could hardly sit still. Travis's team was winning, and Ivy had been surprisingly calm through most of the game. Donna offered to keep holding her for the rest of the game, but I missed having Ivy in my arms. As much as I appreciated the break, it didn't feel quite right without her.

"Thank you, Donna," I said as I took Ivy back, cradling her close. She was warm, her little eyes blinking sleepily as I rocked her gently.

"You did good, Grandma," I teased, and Donna laughed.

"I try, I try."

As the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game, I couldn't wait to see Travis. Ivy's little hand gripped my shirt as I bounced her gently. The door to the suite opened a few minutes later, and there he was, a grin spread across his face, still glistening with sweat.

"Ivy! Taylor!" He practically sprinted across the room to us, immediately scooping Ivy out of my arms.

"How did my girls like the game?" he asked, holding Ivy up in the air and playfully talking to her.

"She loved it," I said, unable to hide the pride in my voice. "She even pointed at the field."

"She did?" His eyes widened in awe, and he kissed Ivy's cheek. "That's my girl."

I stood close as Travis held Ivy, watching his face soften with every coo, every tiny sound she made. This was his world, and I knew he missed us terribly during camp. But having moments like this made everything worth it. I leaned against his shoulder, smiling as I watched them together.

"Do you want to tell Daddy about what else she did today?" I asked Ivy, of course knowing she couldn't respond.

"What else?" Travis turned to me, eyes full of curiosity.

"Well," I grinned. "She smiled today. A real, full-on smile. She did it for you at the dorm before we left, and again during the game."

"No way," he said, his voice full of awe. He stared down at Ivy, as if willing her to smile again. "Did you really? Did you smile for Daddy?"

Ivy blinked up at him, her little mouth curving ever so slightly as if she knew exactly what he was saying.

"She's amazing," he murmured, looking at me with that same love-filled expression. "You're amazing,"

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