Chapter 19

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Travis's POV

As soon as I opened the front door, the sound of Ivy's little giggles greeted me. That sweet sound instantly took away all the exhaustion from practice. My body was sore, but my heart was full.

I dropped my bag by the door, kicking off my shoes before heading into the living room. And there they were—Taylor sitting on the floor with Ivy, both of them fully focused on each other. Ivy was sitting in Taylor's lap, her tiny hands gripping Taylor's fingers as she wobbled, trying to sit up on her own.

"Look at my girls," I said, smiling as I walked closer. "What's going on in here?"

Taylor looked up at me, her eyes shining. "Ivy's learning how to sit up," she said proudly, glancing down at Ivy. "She's been working so hard."

My heart swelled as I crouched down beside them. "That's my girl," I murmured, leaning in to kiss the top of Ivy's head. She looked up at me with those big blue eyes, the same ones she had from the day she was born. Every time I saw her, I still couldn't believe she was ours.

"Let's see how strong you are today, huh?" I said softly, gently taking Ivy from Taylor's lap. I sat back on the floor, holding Ivy up in my arms. She squealed in delight, her little hands grabbing onto my shirt as I bounced her lightly.

"You're gonna be sitting up all on your own before we know it, aren't you?" I cooed, making her giggle again.

Taylor laughed softly beside me, leaning back on her hands. "She's been at it for a while now," she said. "I think she's getting a little tired, though."

Ivy rested her head against my chest, letting out a content sigh. I could feel the weight of her tiny body relax against me, and I knew Taylor was right—our little girl had worked hard today.

"Looks like she's ready for a break," I said, smiling as I rocked her gently. I sat down on the couch, settling Ivy in my lap as I continued to bounce her softly. Taylor joined me a moment later, resting her head on my shoulder as she watched us.

"She missed you today," Taylor said quietly. "I can tell."

"I missed you both," I replied, my voice low. "Every time I'm at practice, I just want to be home with you guys."

It was true. The longer I stayed away during the day, the more I wanted to be here, where everything felt right. Ivy's little hands gripped tighter at my shirt as her eyes fluttered, slowly drifting off to sleep. I looked down at her, completely mesmerized. How did I get so lucky?

"Practice wasn't too bad today," I said after a moment, still looking down at Ivy. "But I was thinking about getting home to you two the whole time. Kept me going."

Taylor smiled at that, her head still resting on my shoulder. "You always make us feel like the most important thing in your life," she whispered, kissing my shoulder softly. "Even when I know how much you have on your plate."

I turned my head to look at her, feeling that familiar warmth in my chest. "That's because you are, Tay. You and Ivy—nothing else comes close."

She smiled up at me, her eyes filled with love. I could see the exhaustion in them too, though, and I knew it wasn't easy for her to hold things down at home while I was away at practice. I reached over, resting my hand on her knee.

"You've been doing amazing," I told her. "I know it's been a lot with Ivy, but you're incredible."

She let out a small, tired laugh, shaking her head. "I don't feel incredible most days," she admitted. "But hearing you say that helps."

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