Part 22

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"I think that's everything," Lando said, handing me my toiletry bag. I tossed it into my suitcase and frowned at him.

"This is sad," I murmured, trying to hold back my smile. He met my gaze and offered a soft smile, pulling me into a warm hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, wishing I could stay a little longer.

"I'm really happy you came," he said, his voice muffled in my hair.

"Me too," I replied, leaning back to press a gentle kiss to his lips, feeling a pang in my heart.

"I'll be in Charleston as soon as I can, okay?" he reassured me, though we both knew his pre-season testing would make that nearly impossible. I nodded, my heart heavy, and gave him one more kiss, lingering for just a moment.

"Okay, let me say bye to Max and P," I said, reluctantly pulling away. Lando zipped up my suitcase and carried it into the living room. I said my goodbyes, hugging Max and P tightly, thanking Max one more time. 

As we headed to his car, a bittersweet ache settled in my chest. We blasted music the whole drive, with his hand in mine. 

As we arrived at the private hangar, Lando parked the car and glanced at the plane waiting just a few feet away.

I stepped out, suitcase in hand, and turned to him. "This went by too fast," I admitted, trying to hold back my tears.

He took a step closer, wrapping me in a warm hug that made it even harder to leave. "I'll call you every day," he promised, the sincerity in his eyes showing that we both felt the ache of distance.

"Promise?" I asked, forcing a small smile.

Lando tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I promise. Call me when you land, okay?"

I nodded, my heart aching.

We stood there for a moment, both reluctant to let go.

"I'll really miss you," I murmured, burying my face in his shoulder.

"I'll miss you too," he replied, holding me tightly, as if trying to hold onto this moment forever.

Our lips met softly, the kiss lingering with bittersweetness. It was tender, tinged with sadness, as if we both knew this was a farewell for now. When we finally pulled away, our foreheads touched for a moment, the weight of our feelings hanging in the air between us.

Reluctantly, we stepped back, our fingers lingering for a heartbeat longer before we let go.

"Okay, they're all watching now," he said with a slight chuckle, glancing at the crew.

"That's my cue," I replied, laughing. As I walked toward the plane, I turned back one last time to see him standing there, watching me with a bittersweet smile.

"That was a little dramatic of us, wasn't it?" I said, smiling at him.

"A little," he laughed.

"Okay, bye! I miss you already," I said, blowing him a kiss as I boarded the plane.

I took my seat and watched as Lando waved before getting back into his car. 


Hours later and many songs drafted, I finally touched down in good ole Charleston, South Carolina. I thanked the crew as I excited and made my way to the car waiting for me. I sent Lando a text to let him know i landed safe and sound - to which he replied with a selfie of him frowning at dinner with Max and Pietra. 

When I pulled into Drew and I shared house there were many cars parked out front, telling me that everyone was over. I walked in and heard laughing coming from the kitchen. I walked towards the noise and was met with everyone from the cast hanging out. 

"What a warm welcoming" I said announcing my presense. Madelyn screeched and ran over to hug me.

"Shes back!" She said squeezing me tightly. I returned the embrace laughing. 

"You've been the talk of the town" Johnathan said giving me a side hug as I met the others around the island.

"Aren't I always?" I joked. I couldn't help but to notice Rudy's stare burning into me. I gave him a smile to which he returned. 

"We are doing spritzes and snacks. Let me get you one" Drew said, patting my head. 

"Oh boy we are pregaming filiming?" I said looking at them silly. 

"Of course we are" Madelyn said raising her glass to me.

"Ok you need to tell us everything, why the fuck did you run off to Monaco?" Carla asked brining even more attention to me and causing my cheeks to burn. 

"She's blushing!" Madison exclaimed. Drew came up from behind me, handing me a drink and an apologetic smile. I looked at Rudy again, everyone knew, if the internet knew, my closest friends knew. Despite him being an ass to me, I still felt bad flaunting my new relationship in front of him. 

"Just had some things to do" I said sheepishly. 

"Or someone to do" Madelyn said into her glass. I sent her a look but couldn't help but to laugh.

"Ok, after Moracco I went to Monaco to see this guy I had been talking to and now we are dating." I said getting it out of the way.

"And this man is?" Chase pressed.

"Lando... Norris" I said quietly. Not that i'm embarrassed, I would scream it from the rooftop, but my obsession with F1 was no secret.

Everyone started speaking at once and I couldn't focus on a single thing said. 

"Okay okay, enough enough." I said, getting overwhelmed. 

"Drew do we approve?" Madison asked

"He's good" Drew said smiling at me, making me smile widely. 

Madelyn raised her glass again. "To Lando!" I shook my head, but raised my glass. 

The rest of the evening was spend chatting about filming and different scenes that we had to do. Light preparation and discussions on what we thought. It ended early since we had a 7:00am call time. 

I laid on Drews bed after getting off a call with Lando, telling him all about my evening. I was now jotting down more lyrics while he scrolled on his phone, showing me different posts occasionally. 

"Okay thats enough writing, you still have to record like 20 songs" He said pulling my pen and paper away.

"My brain is flowing" I said gesturing to the paper. He read it over and nodded approvingly.

"They can flow tomorrow, go to bed" He said pushing me away with his feet. I rolled off the bed and made my way to my own bed. 

Lan ❤️

Goodnight ❤️



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