3. Play It Cool

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Yeonjun was eating breakfast and texting Yeji. Their once playful flirting turned into them planning a day to have a little intimate time. He sent her a few pictures and he smirked at them, biting his lip a little and before he texted back he got another text notification.

It was Beomgyu.

I hope you're liking your books

Yeonjun hadn't even started reading them yet. It had been a few days since the library, Taehyun kept telling him to treat him like he treats other girls. Not to chase so much or seem too desperate and if Yeonjun took an interest in him too quickly it would look suspicious.

Behind Closed Doors is good so far.

I'm glad you like it.

Yeonjun tapped his thumbs while thinking about how he could move the conversation off books.

Is books all you're into or is there something other than your librarian side?

I like old classic movies

Of course he does.

Which ones?

Finding Nemo

Yeonjun read the text message and actually laughed at it. His parents looked at him while he was texting.

"Who is that?" His mother asked.

"Beomgyu." He answered while texting him back.

"So everything is going well?"

He looked at her and tucked his phone away.

"Yes mom." He finished his breakfast and stood up. "I'm heading out."

Later that night, Yeonjun went out for drinks with his usual friends. Taehyun, Changbin, Wooyoung, San, Yeji, and Ryujin.

"Hey man." Taehyun greeted as he walked into the bar.

"Hey." He looked over at Yeji and caught her eyes before she looked away and leaned into Ryujin, laughing about something. "Do me a favor and get rid of Ryujin for a few minutes."

Taehyun sucked his teeth and someone came up behind him and grabbed his shoulders shaking them a little. "You just got here and you're already trying to take her to pound town." Wooyoung said while laughing.

Yeonjun looked over his shoulders at him. "Never say that again."

He laughed again and Taehyun walked over and talked to Ryujin about whatever he needed to, to get her to move away from Yeji. When she finally did, Yeonjun took her seat.

"You're a hard person to meet up with." He said while looking at her.

"I'm a busy lady."

"I don't doubt that, but does this busy lady have any time for herself? You deserve a break."

"I'm taking one by being here." She raised her bottle of soju to her lips.

"And after?"

She shrugged. "We'll see where the night takes me...or did you have something in mind?"

Yeonjun stared at her for a few seconds, eyes darting between her eyes and her lips before he went for it and kissed her. The response was almost instant and lasted several seconds before they pulled away for air.

"There's a hotel nearby." He said and she stood up grabbing her things. She held his arm while smiling at him.

"Lead the way."

They said bye to everyone, ignoring the teasing and jokes as they went outside. They got on his motorcycle and he gave her his helmet, she held onto him as they drove. He noticed the way her hands would slide down his stomach onto the front of his pants.

She was making him impatient.

They got to the hotel and got a room. As soon as they got in the clothes went flying and the anticipation of it all was finally met with action and she was well worth the wait. All the playful flirting and teasing lead to the moment he finally got the girl he's chasing for.

Yeonjun collapsed next to her, they both breathed heavily. Their hair messy and sticking to their forehead with thin layers of sweat.

"Someone was pent up." She said as she rolled over on her side and cuddled up next to him.

"Look in the mirror and you'll see the reason."

She laughed and they kissed each other slowly this time. "I'm glad I get to spend the night with you."

"Me too."

Yeonjun's phone vibrated and he reached over to look at it. It was Beomgyu.

"Who is it?" Yeji asked as she sat up.

"Just some guy."

She laughed. "Did you make a new friend? Why didn't you invite him?"

"It's complicated." He put his phone away and looked at her. "Besides, I have more important things."

She looked over her shoulder and smiled a little before standing up. She gestured for him to follow her as she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Yeonjun practically fell trying to get out of bed as fast as humanly possible so he could join her.

They left in the morning and Yeonjun took Yeji home, kissing her a few more times before watching her walk inside. He rode home with a smile on his face the entire time.

He walked inside and his dad greeted him this time.

"Where's mom?"

"Out." He put his newspaper down and waved him over. "Come sit."

He sighed and walked over sitting down.

"Yes sir?"

His father stared at him before speaking. "Your mother and I...we want what is best for you. You are like your mother in appearance but you're like me when it comes to personality. You like your time, you don't want anything or anyone interrupting that. Unfortunately, my time is being interrupted by unforeseen circumstances and you have the power to get me what I want yet you stay out all night sleeping around like some man whore only to forget about your duties to this family."

He stood to his feet. "I want Beomgyu wrapped around your finger so his parents can fall in line and you are playing around so let me remind you what is at stake. I will reduce you to nothing if you don't make this a priority. That little thing you want will be a distant memory, do I make myself clear?"

Yeonjun lowered his head from him. "Crystal, sir."

"Good, I enjoy our talks son." He grabbed his news paper and walked out the room.

Yeonjun rubbed his face and took his phone out to call Beomgyu.


"Hey...hey it's me."

"Hi Yeonjun...I wasn't expecting you to call. Everything okay?"

"...I know we don't know each other too well but I'm kinda having a bad morning and I was hoping we could hang out today? Just me and you?"

It was quiet for a while and Yeonjun looked at his phone to see if they got disconnected.

"Beomgyu? Are you there?"

"Ahem, yes yes I am sorry." He was biting back little squeals. "I'm free today, we can hang out. Where should I meet you?"

"Send me your address I'll come pick you up."

"No!" He yelled. "I...I mean my parents will want to keep you and they will over do it. Let's meet at that barbecue place a few blocks from the library."


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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