part 3

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The next morning Jungkook arrived earlier than scheduled. He had a good night’s sleep, a warm breakfast, and a confident outlook. He had visited several patients the day before, helped many with basic physical therapy needs, and really enjoyed his first day at the rehab. He was looking forward to seeing Taehyung again, wondering what he might be painting this time.

Dr. Yoo told him repeatedly not to spend all of his time trying to get somewhere with the patient, but Jungkook didn’t appreciate how dismissive he was. He had only been there one day and was already communicating with him, but the doctor wasn’t interested in hearing that. However, if Jungkook was one thing, it was motivated. He grew up that way; working hard in school, excelling in sciences and math, incredibly athletic and always playing sports. He was driven to achieve anything he set out to achieve, and he had a solid record of reaching his goals.

Maybe it seemed foolish to Dr. Yoo, but Jungkook found it a personal challenge to get the doctor to see that his patient, the one who never said a word, was communicating with him.

It really makes me wonder what type of attention he’s been getting, Jungkook thought as he walked through the halls towards the doctor’s office. Maybe he hasn’t been getting any socialization at all. I’d be quiet, too, if I was being ignored!

“Good morning, Jungkook,” Dr. Yoo spoke, another man in his office turning to look at him. “This is my colleague, Dr. Lim.”

“Yes, of course. Good morning, doctors,” he replied with a bow, the unfamiliar doctor mumbling a greeting after. “What should I tend to first this morning?”

“Ah, Jinyoung was just telling me about your fascination with Taehyung,” Dr. Lim said, voice tired as he clutched his Starbucks coffee in his hand. “Told me he warned you not to get too invested.”

“Yes,” Jungkook began, “he did mention that I shouldn’t try too hard to get him to speak, since he’s been silent the two years he’s been a patient here. But really, he’s communicated with me.”

The two older men looked at the intern, the psych doctor skeptical as he regarded him.

“What do you mean, he communicated with you?” Dr. Lim asked.

“He was finger painting, so I asked him to tap his finger once for ‘yes’ and twice for ‘no’ so he could answer my questions,” Jungkook explained. “And he did.”

“You got him to paint answers to your ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions? Well, that is progress. He has completely avoided even looking into my eyes unless I’m doing a reactive exam,” Dr. Lim started, leaning back in the seat, much more awake. “I’m interested to see if you can get him to communicate further.”

“On your free time,” Dr. Yoo butted in, giving Jungkook a stern look. “After rounds, physical therapy, lunchtime, whenever you’re not attending me.”

“Yes, sir!” Jungkook exclaimed, a bright smile on his lips at the doctors’ approval.

“Speaking of, let’s start the morning rounds. We’re going PT after lunch.”

Dr. Lim stood with the other two, waving Jungkook off before taking his leave. Jungkook, as always, shadowed his mentor throughout the morning.

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