Chapter 8 ~ Alpha Kiet ~

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"what made you call me Thorn dad?" Thorn asked his father that night over dinner.

He had taken Korn back to his office after lunch and stayed with him for a while before setting off on the long drive back to his own territory, he would have to do something about this, he hated them being so far apart.

"what was that son? why did I call you Thorn?" alpha Kiet replied.

"mmm, I just wondered, it's not exactly a common name among our kind or in Thailand come to that" Thorn said.

He didn't want to tell him what Korn had said just yet, he wanted to hear his story first.

"I remember it like it was yesterday, Sud and I were out patrolling and we heard a noise and when we followed the sound we found you,

Sud had a quick look around to see if he could find anyone else, someone who might have just set you down for a while but we both knew the truth, you looked too dirty and hungry to have been left for a short while.

I carried you back home in my arms, such a stinky, prickly little thing" Kiet laughed at the memory before continuing,

"Sud wanted me to hand you over to one of the she-wolves to raise but I couldn't part with you, it was rather selfish of me to be honest but I was tired of being alone and had so much love to give so I decided to raise you and give all my love to you,

your name, well that would be because of the little trinket you never take off, I recognised the stones as spinel and every time I tried to take it you would scream the house down, I even had to bathe you with it because you wouldn't put it down, not for a long time so it's a wonder it didn't break,

anyway, I remembered my latin from college and I knew that spinel in latin was spinella which is a dimunative of the word spina meaning thorn or spine so all things considered, that's how I came up with your name and the pack doctor figured you were three or four months old so I made up a birth date for you, why do you ask?" his dad asked him.

"no reason, I was just curious ... you know that my mate is a gemologist?" Thorn said.

"no I didn't know that, wow' that's impressive" alpha Kiet said.

"he wanted to check out my necklace and he said something similar"

"how are you getting along, any closer to accepting each other?" alpha Kiet asked his son.

"we like each other if that's any indication, we just have a few kinks to iron out but we'll get there" Thorn was confident.

"you know he will have to come and live on Dragon Moon land with you, as our future alpha, you have to stay local at least" his dad said.

"I know dad, I promise I won't leave" Thorn replied

They finished dinner and Thorn offered to help with the dishes but his dad said it was ok and Thorn went up to his room to get ready for bed.

Today had been great, he felt like they had made a lot of progress and the moment they had shared had been so good, amazing and something he would never forget.

Meanwhile down in the kitchen, his dad was washing the dishes while thinking about his life, it hadn't been a bad life if he didn't count the fact that he'd never net his mate, that was the only negative in a lifetime of plus's.

His birthday was coming up in a few weeks time and no doubt Sud and the pack would want to make a big thing out of it ... he would be 44 years old, how had life passed him by so quickly but he hadn't done too badly.

He felt blessed, he had raised a son to be proud of, his people respected him and he had managed to protect them during his reign as alpha but he was becoming weary, he needed some time for himself now.

Alpha Thorn, a werewolf tale of love and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now