Chapter 15 ~ Alpha Paik ~

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~ Burma  c 956 ~

"when will you stop working at the palace, our pup will come soon" Paik said as he held his mate in his arms after waking.

"soon my love, I want to earn as much silver as I can while I am still able to work and the work is easy enough" Hassaman replied to her husband.

"I understand that you began working there as a young girl before we met but I never liked you going after we became mates, you don't need to work, I can support you and our pup" Paik said.

"I know you can Paik but you have so many others to care for and worry about, I do not want to add to that list" she replied.

"who should I worry about if not my luna and our pup, you are a queen in your own right and yet you serve another" Paik said.

"let us not quarrel Paik, I have to leave for the palace soon and I will think on it until this night" Hassaman said.

"very well, you win this battle my love but know that I am longing for the day when you are here with our pup, I do not feel at ease while you are up there" Paik said.

"I know husband but it will not be for long, another half moon at best" she smiled.

"come then, I will fetch you some food and water while you make ready" Paik said.

Hassaman smiled as her husband climbed off their bed which he had built from wood then furnished with fur pelts and she watched him leave their hut until a frown marred her pretty face as she thought of what awaited her at the palace.

It was becoming more and more difficult to evade the attention of Htan and he was becoming more aggressive in his manner.

The Queen helped her all she could but when the Queen was busy with affairs of state she was left to her own devices, her only other ally was master Tiek but because she knew of his love for her she tried not to bother him.

There was something odd though, quite often when she found herself cornered by Htan' master Tiek would suddenly appear from around a corner and advise her that the Queen was looking for her only to tell her after the General had departed that it had been a deception and they both would laugh heartily at his contrivances.

Hassaman often reflected that had she still been a maiden she would have gladly accepted master Tiek's affections, he was a good and kind man and wise beyond measure but then again, that was why he was the Royal Weizza.

Her husband was a handsome man and a brave warrior who had fought in many battles for someone so young and they had found each other when he had arrived at their borders with his small army of men.

Her pack had an Alpha who had been a very cruel man but Paik had liberated their people by killing him thus assuming the position himself. 

She had been passing by his hut on her way to the palace when the new alpha had inhaled her scent and followed her declaring that she was his mate and they had accepted each other almost immediately and since then Paik had made great changes in their small village that lay in the shadows of the palace.

Her people counted themselves fortunate that they were accepted and allowed to live side by side with the humans and in turn they had joined forces and defended the realm on several occasions but that was before the new King had usurped the throne.

The alpha, her mate would never step foot inside the palace unless summoned and the humans would never set foot into their village unless invited, there was respect on both sides and it worked.

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