Chapter 14 ~ General Htan ~

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~ Burma  c 956 ~

"you would not be King if I had not killed for you" Htan roared.

"and you would not be General of the royal guards if I was not the King so calm yourself Htan" the King spoke as if to a child.

"one thing, that is all I asked for in return for my service to you so why have you not kept your end of the bargain yet?" Htan replied.

"she is already wed Htan, her belly swells as we speak, what in buddha's name would you have me do?"

"I can dispatch her husband swiftly enough and send him back to the goddess whom their kind worship and as for the abomination she carries I've heard there are healers who will make the problem go away in exchange for a bag of silver" Htan said.

"and even if you could win against her husband and his warriors do you really think she would love you were you to do that? "

"she would come to love me in time when she realised that I was the better man"

"do you not know of their kind Htan, when their husband or wife dies they whither away and die of grief themselves, pick another' there are many who would be only too happy to wed you" the King said

"it has to be her why don't you understand ..." Htan replied.

"I understand that you are beyond obsessed my friend" the King spoke.

"obsessed or not, I will have her" Htan roared.

"are you going to make me regret making you General?" the King roared back.

"your regrets mean nothing to me, I already dispatched King Theinko on your behalf, what is another King" Htan shrugged.

"you should watch your words Htan, I will only be pushed so far" King Nyaung-u Sawrahan said before turning and walking out of the room.

In another part of the palace the chief queen consort Taung Pyinthe sat in her chambers as her hand maiden Hassaman combed her waist length dark hair and the queen held a small hand mirror that the palace's weizza had fashioned for her from obsidian.

"how far are you along now Hassaman?" the queen asked.

"it's been three moons you highness" Hassaman replied.

"mmm I suppose I will lose you soon and I will have to find a new hand maiden?" the queen spoke.

"forgive me your highness but there are many young girls in my village who would be only too happy to serve you, you and the old King were always good to my people" Hassaman said.

"of course I forgive you, what woman in her right mind could reject a husband such as yours" the queen smiled

"if I may be so bold ma'am how is life with the new King?" Hassaman asked.

"he stays in his chambers and my sisters and I stay in ours except for dinner which reminds me, be wary of General Htan, I have noticed his eyes on you and I do not like what I see in them"

"I have also noticed your highness and I try to keep out of his sight"

"good, I do not trust either of them but we do what we must for the people and our country" the queen replied.

"if there is anything I can do ma'am" Hassaman began,

"thank you Hassaman, I wish there was something but alas ... my sisters and I were brought up as Princesses of the royal court, we always knew our duties" the queen replied looking weary.

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