Chapter 22 ~ unsettled ~

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~ Burma  c 956 ~

The pack had been on the road for several days now as they headed north to find a new place to set up camp and erect a new village. It had been a half moon since Hassaman had whelped their pup but she insisted that she was able to travel and the pup was healthy enough and under master Tiek's care his mate and pup were thriving.

Paik knew that Tiek was in love with his mate, it was obvious in the way that he looked at her but Tiek had been nothing but kind and respectful never overstepping any boundaries. He was a good man and he cared about people which in Paik's experience was an uncommon trait in those who practised the dark arts.

Most were selfish often only caring about using their powers to amass wealth or social standing often at the right hand of kings or queens who also used them for their powers.

Paik was not a jealous man and was confident that he had the affections of his mate but he also knew that if anything were to befall him, master Tiek would care for his family and neither was he a a selfish man and if Hassaman could find happiness with another he would wish for no one better than Tiek.

He hated making his people suffer like this and having to uproot them from their homes to live like the moken gypsies from the south but trouble was brewing back at the central palace and he wanted them as far away from there as possible and north was the safest route to travel.

At least they were stronger than humans and could hunt for food at night but Paik had ordered them never to hunt from farms, only wild animals were allowed, rabbits and fish if they could safely catch them but they could only fish in pairs so that one wolf could keep watch for crocodiles, wolves were strong but 'mikyaungg' were stronger.

They were surviving' that was the main thing, at least it was only a temporary aberration and master Tiek helped them to make medicine to keep them healthy.

Paik hoped to get them across the river where they would be safe and he suspected that they would soon reach the land that he had discovered before he had joined their pack.

Back in the central palace in Upper Burma, Htan was engaged in a bitter dispute with the King.

"I'm going after her" Htan said as the King tolerated his tirade.

"she might not even be alive General Htan, no one has seen nor heard from her since she and the weizza disappeared before your very eyes, who knows what magic he used on them" the King said.

"she is alive, I can feel it ... if it were not for the queens weizza and that damn child in her belly she would still be here with me in the palace"

"I forbid it Htan, you are going to create a war" the King said.

"you forbid it ... are they a country to war with? they are just a small pack of mangy dogs"

The King wanted to add that the lady Hassaman herself was also one of those dogs but kept his opinion to himself, Htan was becoming a danger to all those around him.

"I can only say this, if you choose to go after her then you do so without the blessing of the crown and you will cease to be my General"

"you promised her to me!" Htan roared.

"I did not know at that time that she was already wed" the King replied.

"is this your final word?" Htan asked the King.


"then it seems that we are at an impasse, I will take my leave" Htan said before leaving the King.

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