Chapter 21 ~ back again ~

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"what the fuck baby, why didn't you call me?" Thorn swore angrily as he looked down at his mate.

"I am going to kill you Beam" Korn glared at his sister.

"you never said that I couldn't tell Thorn, I just thought that you would want your mate with you" Beam replied.

"I'll take it from here Beam, thank you for letting me know" Thorn said.

"that's ok, he didn't want mum and dad to know and I couldn't be here to take care of him without them asking questions so ..." she shrugged.

"if they ask, tell them he's staying with me for a while" Thorn replied.

"I'm not, I can't" Korn began.

"you are and you can baby, do as you are told for once" Thorn growled.

"I knew you would be like this" Korn began.

"I know, I'm such a bastard for taking care of my mate" Thorn said.

"I didn't mean it like that" Korn replied rolling his eyes.

"our pack doctor gave me a lumber support and a back brace, you only need to wear them both until he's had a look at you so I'll help you get them on then we'll get you in the car, he's waiting to see you at the other end so don't worry"

"I'm not worrying, I just don't think it merits all this fussing, I was just going to rest for a few days" Korn began.

"a few days? you might be out of action for a few weeks at least, why the hell didn't you tell me that you were in pain?" Thorn growled again.

"I wasn't at the time, I woke up like it this morning" Korn said beginning to cry.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you but you made me so worried"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" Korn said.

"I know, so can you roll onto your side then I'll lay these braces down and you can roll back onto them then we'll get you strapped up" Thorn said.

"I'll try" Korn said as he lifted his knee and used his foot to push himself over.

Once the braces were in position, Thorn asked him to roll back onto them then helped him to roll the other way a little until he had access to all the straps then he tightened them until they were snug but not uncomfortable.

"can you still breathe with ease?" he asked his mate.

"yes thanks" Korn said.

"ok, I would carry you but I don't want to make your back worse, it might be best if you roll onto your front and push yourself up, I won't let you fall"

"ok" Korn said rolling himself over again.

It wasn't as bad as this morning because the meds were still working and with Thorn's help he managed to stand up but he still couldn't stand up straight, he had a stoop.

"let's get you down to my car, Beam can you grab a cushion off the sofa for him?" Thorn said.

"sure" Beam replied following behind them.

Thorn managed to get him downstairs and into his car then he took the cushion from Beam and placed it behind Korn's back for additional support then he leaned in to fasten the seat belt.

"Beam, can you get me my stuff?" Korn asked her.

"already done brother, I packed an assortment of loose fitting clothes and your phone and charger is in there along with your wallet and house keys, I'll lock up here for you" Beam said.

Alpha Thorn, a werewolf tale of love and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now