Chapter 11 ~ secrets ~

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Korn stared up at the ceiling of his room and just couldn't understand what was going on? he and Beam were so close or rather they had been so why hadn't she told him that she had found her mate and what had she been doing to find him because he hadn't been at that dinner they all went to?

Everything had been so simple before that dinner, he was happy, he had his work and he and Beam had always gotten along as siblings should but everything had changed that night.

He had met his mate but his mate had been confused and hadn't been sure if he really wanted him or his sister and somehow along the way, Beam had become involved.

Obviously something had happened for her to find out that the Dragon Moon beta was her mate which was epic news in itself but she hadn't even clued him in, in the past he would have been the first person she told.

His mother and his mate knew, ok so Thorn was best friends with his beta so that made sense, obviously his beta was going to tell him so Thorn was innocent in all this and his mother had told him that she had threatened Beam to get the information from her, that also made sense but it was the principle.

The truth was that his feelings were hurt and he had come away to lick his wounds, he felt like both he and his sister had met their mates but had lost something in the process. 

All their lives it had been him and Beam against the world but now he had a mate and so did she and the foundations of the dividing wall had been laid by her and the way he felt right now, he would be responsible for laying the first course of bricks.

Of course there was nothing wrong with living your own life, it wasn't a rule written in stone that you have to divulge all your shit to your sibling but to live like that for over twenty years and then suddenly take it away, it hurt. 

'what you've never had, you never miss' was how the saying went and it was so true.

At some point he would have to man up and go back, to accept the new status quo as defined by his sister and the boundaries she had set and act as if he didn't care just like she was obviously doing.

He just didn't know how this was all going to work? alpha's and betas were supposed to be close, they had to trust each other implicitly, their lives depended on that trust as did the lives of their pack members.

How could it work if an alpha and beta were both mated to siblings who were no longer close, who kept secrets from the other, who walked on eggshells around each other, was he overthinking this?

Was this how feuds began leading to pack wars? when you read about them in the packs history books it was easy when you were on the outside looking in to say it was over a stupid disagreement or misunderstanding but when you were living it, when your emotions and feelings were involved it was completely different.

He wouldn't think about it any more, he would take this time to rest and maybe research some more and then he would go back home and confront Beam and ask her why she hadn't told him.

As far as his budding relationship with Thorn was concerned he would wait until Thorn called him again and sit on the information he had acquired regarding his necklace. He was impatient to date the piece because the results could corroborate the information he had uncovered but he wasn't going to beg and if Thorn didn't want to know his past then fuck it.

He was going to return home a different person, no longer weak, no longer the pushover that everyone thought he was, let them all have their little secrets because he would have his too.

It was the day after and Beam had been trying to call Korn all morning, she wanted to go round and explain. Merrick had messaged her and informed her that her brother had found out about them being mated and Thorn had said that he seemed deeply hurt that she hadn't told him about it and that he'd had to find out from his mother and his own mate first.

Alpha Thorn, a werewolf tale of love and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now