Chapter 10 ~ escape ~

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[Thorn I really need to see you, can you call me?] 

Thorn looked down at his cell phone which had been in his locker at the gym while he was training.

Thinnakorn had tried to call him several times and when he hadn't picked up he had sent him a message and it sounded kind of important so Thorn called him right back and he picked up on the fourth ring.

"Korn, I just got your message, I'm sorry I was training" Thorn said.

"that's ok' listen Thorn, I need to see you, when can you visit me again?" Korn asked him.

"tomorrow, will that work for you?" Thorn asked him.

"I'll make it work, I'll send you the location where I want you to go and it doesn't matter what time as long as you're reasonably early" Korn said.

"ok ... would you like to tell me what this is all about baby?" Thorn asked him.

"it's better if I tell you in person Thorn and I desperately need to date your necklace too" Korn replied.

"is that what all this is about, my damn necklace, is that all you care about?" Thorn roared down the line.

"I'm doing all this for you' you fucking ingrate ... you know what, forget it" Korn replied ending the call.

"shiyaa" Thorn growled trying to call Korn back but the call couldn't be put through so he had obviously turned his phone off.

Thorn couldn't believe how the call had gone, was he the one at fault here? was it any wonder that he felt like Korn only cared about the necklace considering that it was all he had shown an interest in right from that very first night but had what he said been so bad for Korn to hang up on him like that?

The guy was tying him up in knots, one minute he thought they were all good and the next Korn acted as if he hated him and to speak to him in such a way, what the hell was up with him, was he in need of a little hands on attention again?

Thorn put his phone back in the locker while he went to shower, he would try to call back later and apologise though what he was apologising for he had no fucking clue.

Korn sat in his office and glared at the phone, had he acted too impulsively? ok he was tired, he had been doing nothing but research the damn necklace since they last saw each other and all he wanted to do was share his findings with Thorn but he'd made it sound as if that's all he cared about.

Admittedly he loved his work and he'd had fun doing the research but he was doing it for Thorn, it's not like he was getting anything out of it, on the contrary he had put off his own work to spend time on this.

He hadn't slept properly since the last time they had seen each other, maybe that's why he had snapped and cursed at Thorn, he couldn't believe he had sworn at him and called him an ingrate and he knew that he should apologise.

He decided to go home and get a shower and then he would go to bed for a while, maybe a few hours of sleep would do him the world of good and when he woke up he would call Thorn back and apologise.

Heading back to his house on the edge of the Riverside territory he cursed inwardly when he saw his mothers car outside, he parked up beside her car and walked inside to find her cleaning in his kitchen.

"hey mum ... " Korn said

"Thinnakorn, what are you doing home in the middle of the day?"

"I'm tired mum, I've been doing a lot of research on a piece of jewellery so I came home to get some sleep, was there something you wanted?" Korn replied.

Alpha Thorn, a werewolf tale of love and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now