Chapter 11: Engagement Party

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   (💔 It's Not Possible 😔)

           🎇🎆   ENGAGEMENT PARTY 🎆🎇

       "Dave you kept looking at the door are you waiting for Someone?
Oh it Most be Lily right?" Edna asked


"Don't Worry I know, She said she'll be here, just wait." She said.
        Just then Lily and her Mom arrived, Dave became excited but controlled himself and his Mom welcomed them instead.

"Hi Helen, Lily welcome."   Doris Welcomed them.

" Lily, your Boyfriend didn't come with You today?" Doris asked.

*No I have Work and his Covering up for Me(Patient).

"Oh Okay, Come on Enjoy the Party 🎉.
Lily could you come with me for a Minute?" Doris asked.

*Sure 🙂 Aunt.
        They left leaving Helen alone.

"We Meet again. Eden said.

*Oh yeah, it's you again 😒.

*It's only natural for me to be here, you know my Daughter is the one getting Married and I don't like the way your daughter is havering around Dave, you know I don't buy that story of them being friends in the  Past, Just Tell her to Stay away from Him, I don't want Problem with the Wedding okay.

*What are you afraid of, That Dave will leave your Daughter for Mine, it will surely happen,  Because I know for sure that Dave doesn't Love Your Daughter, she's the one in-between them now.
And the last time I remember You're the one who's good at taking what does not belong to you 🤨.
I Think Karma is about to do his things. Helen said

"Whatever your plan is, it won't work, Dave will Marry Edna, you and Daughter will just be bunch of Losers and Useless people 🤨". Eden said.

*Oh really, Losers, Uhmmm, you know that whatever you have now belongs to Me and I can take it, then we'll see who's really useless and who's the real Loser is.
The Man you claim to be your Husband, is My Husband I never Divorced him, you're the Mistress here, What if I let this news out your image will be completely ruined, The Money and Company you're enjoying now also is Mine, legally I own 50% of the company, and as Lionel's Legal wife I still have % in his share, Lily is his Legal Daughter who's supposed to also have Inheritance, what if I decide to take you both to Court for An Illegal Marriage and not paying support for our Child, I end up rising her alone. What then will happen to you? Huh? Helen said Losing her Patience with Her.

🙍🙎🥺, Eden Stood like a Lost Chick who fell inside water and can't find it Mom. Lost in thought "what if Helen decide to do what she said then she and her Daughter are really Finished 🙆.

"What's Happening here," Lionel Asked as he saw the two women talking for Long and it looks serious so he came over to ask, but Standing in front of his Wife who he wrong badly, he felt ashamed, embarrassed and Don't actually know what to Say to her, because he's in the Wrong😔🙍.


✍️By Authoress BenitaGodwin

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