Chapter 31"bus stop"

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"She didn't let any woman get near her beside her sister, cousins, and... "

Katarina's mind dueling how she felt at that moment about what she heard from Olivine.

"The alcohol makes my knees lose their strength."

Katarina never experienced inhaling someone's breath intoxicated with alcohol.

Processing, her whole goddamn world shifts when she meets the Ferguson's. Her marriage turned upside down because of her husband's jealousy that she didn't have any idea where it came from. Even before she didn't have a job, he came more brutal knowing Katarina started working.

Assessing her thoughts, reflecting those little things and experiences, but how she feels is that she misses Olivine. Taking a vow at a very young age makes her shut down the world around her. Especially the partner you spend your whole life with came more abusive and toxic.

"Olivine, why are you so cold and empty? Did I miss something? Which part is that... Im keeping my distance, allowing you to heal and grieve just like your sister did, but what else? It wonders me."

Katarina wipes her tears dropped on her cheeks. Cold wind swirls around with her hair sitting. Waiting on a bus at a bus stop at seven in the evening on going home to her mother's house.

"Why are you here?" Olivine steps in, slowly handed a black handkerchief on her. 

"Hi... I am waiting for the bus," she said without looking at the person, but she stopped realizing she was recognizing the voice.

Olivine slid her hands on her side pocket trousers, waiting for Katarina to pick up the handkerchief she offered. 

Katarina only looked at her without leaving her eyes, but Olivine initiated wiping it herself. Katarina slowly took the handkerchief and started gently pressing the very smooth handkerchief on her cheeks. The overwhelmingly comforting scent gently hugged her soul, and it almost lost her moment where she's sitting next to Olivine. 

"My sister Ofelia talks about your situation, and she even mentions Octavia." Olivine clarified Katarina being agitated when she mentioned the name.

"Yes, she offered an assistant a divorce lawyer; her name was Octavia Fergusons, as you mentioned." Katarina repeated the name, placing back the handkerchief on her lapped.

"Be careful with her; or being near her, she's my cousin." Olivine held her arms with a little pressure. Katarina noticed it; Olivine even leans forward towards her. 

Katarina being aware most of the Ferguson's are orphans at such a young age. Knowing that, she cannot blame Olivine for why she's seeing in her eyes being scared of always losing the people she cared most of her life. 

"I'm sorry." Olivine released her arm and lean back a little. Katarina took her hand and was about to place the handkerchief. 

"Keep it for now," Olivine refused, hiding both her hands in the trousers pocket. But Katarina pulled it slowly and placed the handkerchief on her. Looking at the bus, it arrived on time.

"See you tomorrow, Oliv," Katarina said, placing the handkerchief on her lap with her departing words. Olivine rolled her sleeve, peeking at her wristwatch; it's seven thirty in the evening. 

Knowing the gallery must be close at six. She looked beside there's a paper bag that is left. Olivine immediately checked, seeing Katarina's few things and a grocery bag of items she left. She smirked, shaking her head as she picked it and carrying it near her chest. Walking towards her car, pulling the passenger door and placing it gently. 

Olivine drove slowly, following the bus she was in; she couldn't help but smile knowing. Delivering these items and following them to her mother's house. Placing her hand on her lips while her eyes pay attention on the road, thinking while the bus is in front of her. 

The thought about being so awkward knowing these people are not that kind of people these days. Katarina's was not open to a lot of things as she grew up; her world was so small because of marrying at a young age to a church guy Olivine considers how her world was before she met her.

* * * 

Olivine pulled away her suit and tie, pulling the sleeves up to three-fourths and unbuttoning a few buttons on her black sleeves. Placing her both arms on her hip, pacing back and forth, she started to make herself a deep breath. She stepped aside, remembering how she went to her late wife's house before.

The feeling hits hard to her core; she stopped again looking at the bag with a few groceries inside. The guilt she felt might they need it might the food to prepare for the kids is in there.

Olivine suppressed how she felt, grabbing the paper bag and carrying it on. Taking deep breaths as she walks, pacing herself with big and huge breaths. When she was about to press the doorbell, her elder daughter opened the door and was stunned looking at her. 

"Hi?" she said to Katarina's twelve-year-old daughter.

"Uh, mom, you have delivery," the daughter said casually. 

"Okay, honey," Katarina replied. 

Olivine placed the paper bag in the front door. The daughter seemingly stunned, not convinced about the delivery person in front of her. Immediately close the door after she pulled the paper bag inside.

Olivine left the handkerchief as quickly inside the paper bag as she could. Leaving the front porch in the house, almost running towards her car. Having sweats all over her, hearts pumping so fast. Decided to leave the place and headed to the park where the people hang out near a long boardwalk. Seeing the bridge nearby with a few cars passing.

Opening the compartments of her car, she took a bottle of alcohol and started taking little sips on it, calming her nerves. A punched that has landed on the steering wheel where she is seated, nervousness creeping in. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't because people would start looking at her like a freak. Few more sips, she saw Orianna and Kacey strolling those boardwalks and took a seat on one of the benches under the lamppost. 

Looking at them, Kacey seemed to be taking care of Orianna. Her love is like an act of service to her, watching them. Kacey allowed Orianna to hold the straw of her to drink patiently, waiting.

It seemed like they were on a date. Olivine observes them, which isn't that bad at all. 

"It doesn't have to be harsh, just like them, Oliv, baby steps...just baby steps...and keeping my pace," she whispered to herself, leaning her head towards the steering wheel. Not life being so hard, but circumstances do for most people.

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