Chapter 34 " twin "

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It's three o'clock in the morning, and Olivine is sitting on one of the benches, waiting outside the emergency room. She went back after she got treated in the same hospital wearing still the same clothes that had been shredded by the knife. Using her arms to shield and protect herself. Bandages, plasters, and a few stitches on wounds both of her arms when Aiden became a stabbing machine. 

Olivine kept glancing on the glass doors instead of her wristwatch; the anxiety of each second Olivine couldn't contain when it would be to open that door. 

The monster from the past appears and hunts her and brings her back to where she experienced the trauma. Sitting there, memories bring everything back in a snap.

Facing the death of her wife alone. This time it's different; she wanted to go near that door, but she can't; those attachments are all gone. She can't even feel the pain of her wounds; even she's staring while the doctors stitch them. Those medicines won't apply anymore to numb the pain. How she felt is dead already inside. 

Learning the process of not attaching to anyone could lead to easily letting go. Olivine was taking her walls up, but the strong pulled towards Katarina; she couldn't resist. Katarina kept crushing those walls easily. 

Olivine saw a woman walking pass by in front of her, assuming Katarina's mother. The resemblance between the two is being too obvious. She is in her midfifties. Olivine observed the woman go closer to the door, peeking, and she slowly takes a seat. Olivine took glances at her; she took her phone and started pressing on the screen while at the same time wiping her tears.

* * *

As soon as the door opens, Olivine manages to keep her distance not to be seen. She quickly stood up in the distance, holding herself back. Realizing she doesn't have any relation to the patient inside. The doctor starts talking to a woman, but she even can't hear a word of what the doctor said to her. Except for the echoes of the quiet hallways.

Olivine is only observing their body language; the way she reacts towards the doctor discussing and the gestures of the woman look so worried. The doctor went inside, leaving the woman standing in the front door. 

A few moments later, Olivine is still sitting on those benches outside, staring at the white floor blankly. Series thoughts and events came back to her present; the feelings that have been suppressed came present itself.

"I'm her mother," Olivine heard the woman talking.

Olivine noticed the woman standing beside her and placing her hands on her arm, keeping her tears from falling and staying strong in front of her. The woman's face looking at her is also in shock. 

Olivine didn't notice her in the moment; her thoughts had been dragging from the past. After their wedding to her late wife, they already experienced the signs and symptoms that hit like lightning. They don't have the slightest idea her late wife had cancer. 

"Glad to meet you, ma'am. I'm Olivine," she said, taking her hand. 

"Olivine, thank you for saving my daughter and bringing her here in the hospital," she said, and a woman in her mid-fifties took a seat beside. 

They both paused listening to one another; the woman noticed her clothes she's wearing. 

"Are you okay?" she asked, facing her.

"Yes, I am; don't worry," she replied, nodding.

"I am so sorry, Olivine," she said, looking at those shredded clothes that she's wearing; the bandages that have fresh blood in them are peeking from the inside. 

"It's all fine, ma'am," Olivine replied without looking at her. The next few moments are sitting both in silence between them. 

"Excuse me, Olivine, I'll headed to the nurse station," she said, Olivine looking at her leaving the place. She stood up and went near those doors and stood there for a moment. Olivine has a chance to get near that no one sees it. 

* * * 

"I saw the livestream before she ended up in the hospital," a woman stood in front of her, gaining her attention. 

Looking at her, Olivine held her seat as she was looking at her. Seeing Katarina is alive and all well, shaking in her head in disbelief at the same time. Olivine was full-blown by the woman who stood in front. Noticed Katarina is in front of her, and she's giving a cup of coffee with a pleasant face. 

"I'm Kristina, twin sister of Katarina," she said, offering her hand for a handshake.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry. I thought I was hallucinating; the medicine they gave me starts kicking in." Olivine placed her hand on her forehead in disbelief. 

"Uh? Olivine," she stuttered. She didn't even blink at her looking; gaining consciousness herself, Olivine quickly stood up. 

"Nice to meet you, Olivine," she said, shaking her hand. 

"Thank you for saving my twin sister," she said, still holding her hand. 

"My pleasure," Olivine replied, pressing the cup tight to her body holding tight. 

"Based on how you looked, like you see a ghost," she said. Olivine notices her being playful.

"I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to be rude," she said, not looking at her.

"If you ask if I am Katarina's twin? "she said. 

"Well, yes, I am," she gently added, nodding. 

"So grateful you helped her save her life," she said, gently hugging her despite how she looked, her clothes coated with dry blood. 

The nurses and doctors who gave medical attention to her cleaned the blood on her skin and even offered a hospital gown, but she insisted on still wearing the same clothes she's wearing. 

"Excuse me, Olivine, I need to go to talk to my mother," she said. Olivine nodded and stared at the floor blankly again. 

Olivine decided to go to the parking lot, went inside her car, and held tight the steering wheel. Wearing the face of disbelief and in shock knowing Katarina had a twin sister. 

"Oh god..." She punched the steering wheel to wake herself up.

"She didn't mention she has twin sister!" Olivine murmured.

"What an evil one!" she added submerged her face on the steering wheel.

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