Chapter 7: Caught in a Game

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Sandro leaned back in his leather chair, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he swirled the glass of whiskey in his hand. The day had been long, filled with meetings and media appearances, but his mind wasn't on his political career. It was on Bella.

She was a curious puzzle, one he had been slowly piecing together over the past few months. At first, he had been surprised by her generosity—donations that seemed to come from nowhere, a steady stream of financial support for every project he touched. But now, as the months wore on, he had begun to see the pattern, to realize the extent of Bella's obsession with him.

And if there was one thing Sandro was good at, it was spotting an opportunity.

Bella Rose. The name itself carried weight in their circles. She was elusive, quiet, and powerful. She controlled vast amounts of wealth, and people whispered about her in the halls of power. Sandro had never paid much attention to her before—she had been just another donor, another name on the long list of people supporting his career.

But Bella wasn't just another donor. She was different. Her obsession with him wasn't just political; it was personal. The way she watched him at events, the intensity of her gaze when she spoke to him—it had all started to make sense. Bella wanted more than just his success. She wanted him.

Sandro had always prided himself on his ability to read people, and Bella was no different. She was brilliant, calculating, and deeply infatuated with him. Her feelings for him went beyond admiration—they bordered on something darker, something that intrigued him more than he cared to admit.

He took a sip of his drink, letting the burn of the alcohol settle in his throat. The question now was simple: how could he use this to his advantage?

It wasn't hard to see the possibilities. Bella's influence was vast, her resources seemingly endless. She had already funded countless projects for him, ensuring his rise to political prominence. And she did it all in the shadows, never asking for recognition, never seeking the spotlight. But now that Sandro understood her true feelings, he realized he could steer this relationship in a way that benefited him even more.

She wanted his attention, his affection. He could give her just enough to keep her invested, to keep the money and support flowing, but never enough to let her truly get close. It was a dangerous game, but one that Sandro was more than willing to play.

The next evening, Sandro found himself at another fundraiser, one of the many events Bella had discreetly helped organize. As he worked the room, his eyes scanned the crowd, looking for her. It didn't take long to spot her—standing near the back, watching him with that same intense gaze.

He smiled to himself, finishing his conversation with another donor before making his way toward her. Bella straightened as she noticed him approaching, her eyes flickering with something he could only describe as hope.

"Ms. Rose," he greeted, his voice warm. "I'm glad you could make it tonight."

"Sandro," Bella replied, her voice soft, almost too controlled. "It's always a pleasure to support your work."

"Your support has been invaluable," Sandro said, stepping closer, his tone dropping just enough to create a more intimate atmosphere. "I don't know what I'd do without people like you in my corner."

He saw the way her eyes widened slightly at his words, her breath catching for just a second before she composed herself. He knew the effect he had on her, and tonight, he intended to use it.

"Walk with me?" Sandro offered, gesturing toward the quieter balcony that overlooked the city.

Bella hesitated for a moment, then nodded, following him out into the cool night air. They stood in silence for a moment, the sounds of the city below buzzing softly in the background.

"These events get exhausting sometimes," Sandro said, leaning on the railing. "I'm glad to have a moment away from all the chaos."

"Yes," Bella replied, her voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of tension. "It can be overwhelming."

Sandro turned to face her, his expression softening as he gazed into her eyes. "I've been meaning to tell you how much I appreciate everything you've done for me, Bella. I don't think I've ever really thanked you properly."

Bella blinked, clearly taken aback by the sudden intimacy in his tone. "You don't have to thank me, Sandro. I believe in what you're doing. That's why I've helped."

"And I've noticed," he said, his voice lowering. "I've noticed everything. You've been there for me in ways no one else has. It means more than you know."

Bella's cheeks flushed slightly, and she looked away, her hands gripping the balcony's edge. "I'm just doing what I can."

"You're doing more than that," Sandro said, stepping closer. "You've been my biggest supporter, Bella. I don't take that lightly."

He reached out, gently touching her arm, feeling her stiffen at the contact. The power he held over her in that moment was palpable, and he relished it. He knew exactly what she wanted to hear, and he was more than willing to say it.

"You've always had my back," he continued, his hand lingering on her arm. "And I want you to know, I'm grateful. Truly."

Bella turned to face him, her eyes searching his face for any hint of insincerity. But Sandro was a master at this game. He knew how to make his words sound genuine, how to give just enough emotion to keep her hooked without giving away too much.

"You deserve someone who appreciates everything you've done," he said softly, his hand dropping from her arm but his gaze never leaving hers. "I've been thinking about that a lot lately."

Bella swallowed hard, her pulse racing as his words sank in. She had dreamed of this moment, of Sandro finally acknowledging her, finally seeing her. And now, here he was, standing in front of her, his eyes filled with something that almost resembled affection.

But Sandro wasn't finished. He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice to a near-whisper. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Bella. You're... special to me."

Her breath hitched, and for a moment, she looked as if she didn't know how to respond. Sandro held her gaze, watching the emotions flicker across her face—hope, desire, uncertainty. He had her exactly where he wanted her.

He straightened, giving her a small, sincere smile. "I just wanted you to know that."

Before Bella could respond, Sandro pulled back, turning to glance out over the city. He let the silence hang between them for a moment before stepping away.

"I should get back to the event," he said, his tone returning to its usual confident warmth. "But we'll talk again soon."

He left her standing on the balcony, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind racing with everything he had just said. She didn't see the smile that played at the corner of his lips as he walked away, knowing full well the effect his words had on her.

Sandro knew Bella's feelings for him, and now he had begun to play them to his advantage. She was caught in his game, and as long as she believed there was a chance he might return her affections, she would continue to support him, to fund his career, to be his most loyal ally.

He didn't need to love her. He just needed her to think he might.

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