Chapter 1: The Beginning of an Obsession

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Bella Santos was used to getting everything she wanted. With her family's vast fortune at her fingertips, she had never been denied anything in life. Mansions, yachts, designer clothes, private jets—she had it all. Yet, none of it mattered anymore. None of it compared to the one thing she couldn't have: Sandro Marcos.

She had first seen him on the cover of a political magazine—his broad shoulders draped in a perfectly tailored suit, his dark hair neatly combed, and that confident smirk etched across his face. He was everything she admired: powerful, ambitious, and devastatingly handsome. Congressman Sandro Marcos was on the rise, with every headline boasting about his achievements. But Bella's obsession didn't start with admiration for his success. It started with the way he looked at the camera, as though he was speaking directly to her.

She wasn't a fool. She knew how dangerous infatuation could be. But with every article she read, every speech she watched, her feelings intensified. Soon, Sandro wasn't just a politician; he was the center of her world. Bella attended every public event he held, slipping into the crowd unnoticed, her eyes fixed on him. She watched the way he shook hands with donors, the way his voice commanded a room. It was intoxicating.

But Sandro never noticed her. Not once. No matter how close she got, he never looked her way, never saw her. For a girl who had spent her entire life in the spotlight, being invisible to the one person she craved was unbearable. Bella couldn't understand why. She was beautiful, wealthy, and she knew how to capture attention. But none of it worked with him. It didn't matter how perfectly she styled her hair or how stunning her dress was—he was always looking past her, to someone else.

It wasn't long before her infatuation grew into something darker. Late at night, when she was alone in her mansion, Bella would scroll through photos of Sandro on her phone, feeling her heart race every time his face appeared. She memorized every detail—the way his jaw clenched when he was deep in thought, the slight curve of his lips when he smiled. But those photos weren't enough. She needed more.

That's when the donations started. It was easy enough to disguise her involvement. Through a series of anonymous accounts, Bella began funneling money into Sandro's political campaigns. She funded his projects, making sure he got the best resources, the best opportunities. Sandro's career began to soar even higher, but he still had no idea who was behind his sudden surge of financial support.

Bella told herself it was enough. Helping him from the shadows, being his silent benefactor—it should have been enough. But every time she saw him at another event, smiling for the cameras, surrounded by people who didn't know him the way she did, her obsession deepened.

Her nights grew restless. She would lie awake, imagining what it would be like if he knew how much she had done for him. Would he finally see her? Would he finally understand that no one could love him the way she did? Her heart ached with the need for him to notice her, to love her. But Sandro remained oblivious, and Bella's grip on reality began to slip.

Each day, her thoughts became more dangerous. What if she could make him see her? What if she could force him to acknowledge her presence, to appreciate all she had done for him? The idea stirred something in her—something dark and thrilling. For the first time in her life, Bella was willing to do whatever it took to get what she wanted.

And what she wanted, more than anything, was Sandro Marcos.

Chasing Sandro: A Dangerous ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now