Chapter 3: Watching from the Shadows

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Bella watched the scene unfold from the back of the crowded conference hall, her eyes fixed on Sandro Marcos. He stood at the podium, commanding the room with effortless grace, his deep voice resonating through the air as he delivered his latest speech. Every head in the room turned toward him, captivated by his presence, his passion. But none of them saw him the way she did. None of them knew what she knew.

Bella lingered in the shadows, unseen, unnoticed, just the way she wanted it. Her heart beat faster with each word he spoke. His charisma, his ambition, the way he captured everyone's attention—it all fueled her obsession. She had grown accustomed to being invisible at his events, blending in with the crowd while her influence loomed large over everything Sandro did.

Every project, every campaign, every success he celebrated in public was the result of her secret support. The thrill of it, the power she held, made her pulse race. She didn't need recognition; not yet. The joy came from watching Sandro rise higher, knowing that she was the one making it possible, even if he had no idea.

From the corner of the room, Bella's eyes never left him. The way his jaw clenched when he made a serious point, the slight smirk that danced across his lips when he knew he had the crowd in the palm of his hand—it all enthralled her. She had memorized his every gesture, his every movement. And each time she saw him, her desire to control his fate grew stronger.

After his speech, the audience erupted in applause, standing to give him a rousing ovation. Sandro smiled, shaking hands with key supporters and donors as he stepped away from the podium. Bella's gaze followed him, her fingers curling into her palms as she fought the urge to approach him. She wasn't ready for that—not yet. For now, she would remain in the background, pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

As the crowd began to thin, Bella slipped out of the hall, unnoticed. She had grown skilled at avoiding attention, at moving in and out of Sandro's world without ever being seen. Her anonymity was her greatest weapon. While others fought for a moment of his time, she already had something more powerful—control over his future.

Once she was outside, Bella leaned against the sleek black car waiting for her. Her driver, Luis, stood nearby, opening the door for her without saying a word. He had long grown accustomed to her strange habits, her late-night excursions to Sandro's events. He never asked questions. He didn't need to.

"Take me home," she said, her voice cool and composed.

Luis nodded and closed the door behind her as she slid into the back seat. As the car pulled away from the venue, Bella's mind raced with thoughts of Sandro. His latest project—a new educational initiative to help underprivileged communities—was his most ambitious yet, and it was also one that she had quietly funded. Another $500,000, funneled through an anonymous source, had ensured the project's success.

Bella felt a swell of pride at the thought. She had been careful to cover her tracks, setting up multiple layers of secrecy to ensure no one would ever trace the money back to her. Sandro had thanked his donors in a press release earlier that day, never knowing the true extent of her involvement. And that was how Bella wanted it—for now.

As the city lights blurred past her window, Bella pulled out her phone, scrolling through news articles about Sandro's latest achievement. Every headline praised him, lauding his generosity, his forward-thinking approach to helping the less fortunate. But Bella knew the truth—his success was her creation, a product of her obsession.

She had been supporting him for months now, always from the shadows, never revealing herself. The anonymity brought her a sense of control, a quiet power that made her feel closer to Sandro than anyone else in his life. It was almost like a game, a dangerous dance that only she knew the steps to.

Bella smiled to herself as she read one of the articles. "Congressman Sandro Marcos' new initiative will change the lives of thousands," it read. "His tireless dedication to public service is a beacon of hope for our community."

She imagined what it would be like if Sandro knew. If he realized that she was the one funding his projects, guiding his career from behind the scenes. Would he finally see her? Would he finally understand how much she had done for him?

Her thoughts spiraled as the car glided through the city streets. She knew she couldn't stay in the shadows forever. But for now, this secret role she played was enough. She found joy in it, in the knowledge that she was shaping his destiny without him even knowing. It was intoxicating.

By the time she arrived at her penthouse, the thrill of the evening had settled into a quiet satisfaction. Bella ascended the private elevator, stepping into her lavish living room that overlooked the city skyline. The view was stunning, but it held no interest for her tonight. Instead, she made her way to her study, where a large bulletin board stood, covered in photos and articles about Sandro.

Each picture, each headline, was carefully arranged, chronicling his rise in the political world. Bella ran her fingers over one of the articles, tracing the outline of his face in the photograph. This was her work. She was the architect of his success, the silent force behind every milestone he achieved. And that knowledge gave her more joy than anything else in her life.

Bella sank into the leather chair by her desk, pulling her laptop toward her. She opened her email, scanning the latest updates from the various accounts she had set up to manage her donations. Everything was running smoothly, as always. Sandro's next project—a community health center—was already fully funded, thanks to her latest contribution. Soon, he would make another public announcement, and once again, the world would praise him for his generosity. But Bella would know the truth.

She leaned back, closing her eyes for a moment, imagining the day Sandro would finally look her way. The day he would realize that she had been there all along, supporting him, loving him, making his dreams come true. That day would come, she was sure of it. And when it did, he would be hers.

But for now, she was content to watch from the shadows, finding joy in the secret world she had built around him. It was a delicate balance—one she knew she had to maintain carefully. Too much exposure, too soon, and everything could fall apart. But if she played her cards right, if she continued to fund his dreams and shape his future, he would eventually come to her.

The thought sent a shiver of excitement through her. Bella opened her eyes, her gaze drifting back to the bulletin board filled with Sandro's photos. Her obsession was growing, consuming more of her thoughts, her time. But she didn't care. As long as she could watch him rise, knowing she was the one behind it all, she would never stop.

In the quiet of her penthouse, Bella smiled to herself. This was just the beginning. Sandro's career was on the path to greatness, and she was the one guiding it. And when the time was right, when she had secured his place at the top, she would step out of the shadows and take her rightful place by his side.

For now, though, she would continue to watch, to support, to love him from afar. Because the joy she found in the shadows was more powerful than anything else.

And she wasn't ready to give that up just yet.

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