Chapter 21: A Dangerous Deal

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Bella sat in the dimly lit room, her fingers nervously tapping against the cold glass of water in front of her. The meeting place was hidden away in the underbelly of the city, far from the lavish life she was used to. She had never thought she would find herself here, on the verge of making a deal that crossed every line she had once vowed to never approach. But here she was, caught in a tangled web of obsession, desperation, and longing.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she glanced around, the weight of her decision pressing heavily on her shoulders. The men she was waiting for were dangerous, the kind of people who operated in shadows and whose motives were driven by money, not morals. Bella knew this, yet the thought of Sandro rejecting her again was enough to push her forward.

She had tried everything—supporting his projects, funding his rise, pulling strings behind the scenes to ensure his success—but nothing had worked. Sandro remained oblivious to her feelings, treating her like a tool to advance his career while giving her nothing in return. His coldness was a constant stab to her heart, and Bella had reached her breaking point.

The door creaked open, and two men entered. They were dressed in dark clothing, their faces obscured by the shadows. One of them, a tall man with a gruff expression, nodded toward her. His name was Luca, and he was the leader of the group. Bella had been introduced to him through a contact—someone who knew how to arrange these kinds of deals without raising suspicion.

"You must be Bella," Luca said, his voice low and rough as he took a seat across from her.

"Yes," Bella replied, her voice steadier than she felt. She had to project confidence, even if every fiber of her being was screaming at her to run.

Luca's cold gaze lingered on her for a moment before he leaned forward. "I hear you've got a job for us. Something... delicate."

Bella swallowed hard, the weight of her decision settling over her like a suffocating blanket. "Yes. I need someone kidnapped."

Luca raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Kidnapping isn't exactly a small favor. What's the target?"

"Sandro Marcos," she said, the name slipping from her lips with a mixture of bitterness and longing. "He's a congressman. Well-protected, but it's not impossible."

Luca exchanged a glance with the man sitting next to him, who remained silent. "A politician? That's high-risk. You understand the kind of attention this could bring?"

"I don't care," Bella said firmly. "I have the money. I'll pay whatever it takes."

Luca chuckled darkly, leaning back in his chair. "Money isn't the problem, sweetheart. It's what happens if things go sideways. You sure you're ready for this?"

Bella clenched her fists, the reality of what she was about to do swirling in her mind. She had come too far to turn back now. Sandro needed to know how much she loved him, how much she was willing to sacrifice to make him see her. If a kidnapping was what it took to get his attention, so be it.

"I'm sure," Bella said, her voice steady with determination. "I want it done. I'll pay half now, and the rest once the job is finished."

Luca nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving hers. "Alright. We'll need details—where he'll be, how you want it handled, the timeline."

"I don't want him hurt," Bella added quickly, her heart skipping a beat at the thought. "Just... take him. Hold him somewhere isolated, where no one can find him. I want to be the one who saves him."

Luca smirked, clearly amused by the twisted nature of her plan. "You've got it all figured out, huh?"

Bella didn't respond, her mind already racing with the logistics. She had spent weeks planning this, carefully considering every detail. The kidnapping would be the final piece, the catalyst that would force Sandro to see her as more than just a background player in his life. She would be his savior, the one who rescued him from the danger she had created.

Luca leaned forward again, his expression serious. "We'll need exact times and locations. Any security we need to worry about?"

"There's always security," Bella said, her voice tight. "But I've studied his movements. He has gaps in his protection, especially when he's attending low-profile meetings. I'll send you the specifics."

Luca nodded. "Good. Once we've got the details, we'll make our move. But understand this—once we start, there's no going back. You can't change your mind."

Bella's stomach churned, but she forced herself to nod. There was no turning back now. She was too far gone, her obsession with Sandro driving her to make decisions she never would have imagined.

"I won't change my mind," she said quietly, more to herself than to Luca.

Luca stood up, signaling that the meeting was over. "You'll hear from me soon. Be ready."

As the two men left the room, Bella sat in the silence, her hands trembling slightly. The deal was done. She had set the wheels in motion, and soon, Sandro would be taken. The thought of him in danger, vulnerable and afraid, sent a shiver down her spine—but it also filled her with a strange sense of power.

In a matter of days, Sandro would be at her mercy. And when she rescued him, when she was the one who pulled him from the jaws of the darkness she had orchestrated, he would finally see her for who she truly was. Not just a supporter or a distant admirer, but someone who had the power to control his fate.

Bella stood up, her legs shaky as she left the room. The cold night air hit her as she stepped outside, but she barely noticed. All she could think about was Sandro—his face, his voice, the way he had made her feel invisible for so long.

But that was about to change.

Everything was about to change.

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