Chapter 13: Crossing the Line

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Bella stood in front of her bathroom mirror, staring at her reflection. The woman looking back at her seemed almost unfamiliar, her once soft features now hardened by months of heartache and obsession. Her makeup, once meticulously applied to hide her insecurities, now felt like a mask—a shield against the outside world, concealing the turmoil that raged within her.

How far was she willing to go?

The question had been gnawing at her for days. After everything she had done for Sandro—everything she had sacrificed—she was no closer to winning his heart. The dinner had been a cruel reminder of that. He had played with her feelings, giving her just enough attention to keep her hoping, only to pull back when she reached out for more.

She clenched the edges of the sink, her knuckles turning white as she fought the rising tide of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. It wasn't fair. She had done everything right. She had supported him, funded his campaigns, ensured his success from behind the scenes. No one had been more loyal, more dedicated than her. And yet, he still refused to see her as anything more than a tool—someone to be used when needed and discarded when inconvenient.

Bella closed her eyes, trying to steady her breathing. But the pain was relentless, digging deeper into her chest with each passing day. She couldn't keep living like this, teetering on the edge of despair, waiting for scraps of attention from a man who would never love her.

She needed more. She *deserved* more.

As she opened her eyes, Bella's mind began to drift toward dangerous territory. For weeks, she had pushed the darker thoughts aside, convincing herself that she didn't need to go to extremes. But the more Sandro pulled away, the more desperate she became. Her grip on him was slipping, and with it, the last shred of hope she had left.

She couldn't lose him.

Slowly, Bella turned away from the mirror, her heels clicking softly against the marble floor as she walked into her bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed, her fingers idly tracing the smooth fabric of her dress as her thoughts spiraled.

What if there was a way to force him to see her? To make him realize how much he needed her, how much he depended on her? If Sandro wouldn't come to her willingly, perhaps she could push him in the right direction.

The idea had first crossed her mind in a fleeting moment of anger—an image of Sandro vulnerable, reliant on her for his safety, his survival. She had dismissed it at the time, horrified by the thought. But now, after all the heartbreak, all the sleepless nights, it didn't seem so out of reach.

What if she could arrange for something to happen? Something that would make Sandro realize how much he needed her protection? A scandal, perhaps, or even a crisis that only she could help him navigate. It didn't have to be dangerous—just enough to make him see that he couldn't survive without her.

The more Bella considered it, the more the idea took root in her mind. She had the money, the connections, the influence. It wouldn't be difficult to set something in motion. And once Sandro was in her debt, once he saw how much she had saved him from, he would have no choice but to acknowledge her.

Her pulse quickened as the plan began to form, a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. This could work. This could be the turning point she had been waiting for. All she had to do was push him toward the edge, just far enough for him to reach out to her.

Bella's phone buzzed on the nightstand, breaking her train of thought. She picked it up, glancing at the screen. Another message from Sandro's campaign manager—more requests for funding, for support. They needed her, as always. But for the first time, Bella felt a surge of power rather than helplessness.

They didn't know how much she controlled behind the scenes. Sandro didn't know how much she was capable of. But he would. Soon enough, he would understand just how far she was willing to go for him.

Bella tossed the phone aside and stood, pacing the length of the room. Could she really do this? Could she orchestrate a situation that would force Sandro into her arms? She had always prided herself on being careful, strategic, but this... this was something else entirely. Once she crossed this line, there would be no going back.

Her heart pounded as the weight of her decision pressed down on her. She wasn't just playing with his career anymore. This was his life, his reputation, his future. But the thought of losing him completely, of watching him rise to power without her by his side, was more than she could bear.

She couldn't walk away now. Not after everything she had done. If this was what it took to make Sandro see her, then so be it.

Bella walked to her desk, pulling open the drawer where she kept her contacts list—an array of powerful figures, some of whom had a talent for discreetly handling delicate matters. Her fingers hovered over a name she had never thought she'd need to call. He owed her a favor, one she had never cashed in on. He specialized in creating "opportunities," situations that could shift the balance of power in subtle but effective ways.

With a deep breath, Bella pulled out her phone again and dialed the number, her heart racing as the line rang. Her mind screamed at her to stop, to reconsider, but the pull of her obsession was stronger than her fear.

After a few rings, a voice answered on the other end. "Bella. It's been a while. What can I do for you?"

She hesitated for only a second, the gravity of what she was about to do weighing heavily on her. But then she thought of Sandro, of his rejection, of the way he had used her without ever acknowledging her feelings. And in that moment, her resolve hardened.

"I need a favor," she said, her voice steady but laced with determination. "Something... delicate."

There was a pause on the other end, and then a low chuckle. "I thought you might. Let's hear it."

Bella closed her eyes, her grip tightening on the phone as she crossed the line she had never thought she would.

"I need you to help me create a situation," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Something that will make someone realize just how much they need me."

As she outlined her plan, a sense of cold detachment settled over her. She felt like a puppet master, pulling the strings, shaping the narrative in her favor. This wasn't about love anymore. It was about control—about ensuring that Sandro would never be able to escape her influence.

When she hung up the phone, Bella stood in silence, the weight of her actions sinking in. There was no turning back now. She had made her choice.

And soon, Sandro would realize just how far she was willing to go for him.

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