Author's Note

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Hello, dear readers!

First of all, thank you so much for picking up *Chasing Sandro: A Dangerous Obsession*. This story has been a passion project of mine, born from the exploration of unrequited love, obsession, and the dark paths they can lead us down. The journey of Bella and Sandro is one filled with complexity, manipulation, and blurred moral boundaries, and I wanted to delve into how far someone might go when they feel trapped in the web of their own emotions.

This isn't just a love story—it's a psychological drama that explores the consequences of obsession, power, and control. Bella is a character who's willing to do whatever it takes to be seen, and her actions lead her down a path that can either destroy her or bring her closer to what she desires most. I hope you'll find yourself questioning what's right and wrong, and whether love can survive when it's tangled with control and manipulation.

As the story unfolds, you'll see the characters grow, make mistakes, and face the fallout of their decisions. It's a wild ride, but I promise there's more to come, with unexpected twists and emotional highs and lows.

Please feel free to comment, share your thoughts, and let me know how you feel about the characters and their choices. I love hearing from you, and your support means the world to me!

Happy reading!

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