Chapter 28: Power in Her Hands

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Bella sat in her lavish living room, the view of the city beneath her feet a stark contrast to the chaos she had created in the shadows. Her hands rested on her lap, fingers intertwined as she stared out the window, her reflection showing a calm, composed figure. But beneath the surface, her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, a battle between the power she now held and the guilt gnawing at her conscience.

Sandro was hers now.

She had taken control of everything—his life, his freedom, his fate. The congressman, who had once seemed so untouchable, was now confined to the small, suffocating cell she had arranged for him. And yet, as she sat there, in full control of his destiny, Bella couldn't help but feel a deep emptiness. The power she had craved for so long now felt hollow.

Her phone buzzed on the table beside her. She picked it up, a simple message displayed on the screen: *Everything is still going according to plan.*

It was from the team she had hired to carry out the kidnapping. Everything was under control. Sandro was still locked away, watched carefully, just as she had instructed. But the sense of satisfaction she had expected—of victory—was nowhere to be found.

Bella leaned back against the cushions, her thoughts drifting to Sandro. The man who had played with her heart so casually, who had used her devotion for his political gain, was now utterly powerless. She could dictate every aspect of his life, control his every move. The money she had poured into his career, the strings she had pulled behind the scenes, had all culminated in this moment.

In a way, it was exactly what she had wanted.

For so long, she had been on the sidelines, watching as Sandro rose higher, oblivious to her sacrifices. He had never truly seen her, never appreciated the lengths she had gone to for him. Now, he had no choice but to feel her presence. She had taken him out of his world, stripped him of his freedom, and put him at her mercy.

But why didn't it feel like enough?

She had envisioned this moment countless times in her mind—Sandro, humbled and dependent on her. She had imagined him finally realizing what she had done for him, finally seeing her for who she was. But instead of triumph, all she felt was a gnawing sense of unease.

She had the power, yes. But what was she supposed to do with it now?

Bella's thoughts turned darker as she considered the full weight of what she had done. It wasn't just about power. It was about love. She had convinced herself that by taking control of Sandro's life, she could somehow make him love her. That once he saw how much she had sacrificed for him, how far she was willing to go, he would finally give her the attention she had always craved.

But now, sitting alone in her penthouse, she realized how flawed that thinking had been.

Love couldn't be forced. It couldn't be bought, no matter how much money or influence she wielded. And kidnapping him certainly wouldn't make him love her. She had crossed a line, and there was no turning back now.

The thought sent a chill down her spine. What if Sandro never forgave her? What if, instead of love, all she earned was his hatred? She had trapped him, taken away his freedom, and now held his life in her hands. But would he ever see her as anything more than a monster?

Her grip tightened on her phone as the doubt swirled in her mind. She had wanted control, yes. But at what cost?

That night, Bella couldn't sleep. The silence of her penthouse felt oppressive, and the weight of her decisions pressed down on her chest like a heavy stone. She paced back and forth, her thoughts racing. She couldn't stop thinking about Sandro, locked away in that dark, windowless room.

What was he thinking? Was he scared? Did he hate her?

She walked to the edge of her balcony, looking down at the streets below. From here, everything looked so small—so insignificant. She had built a life of wealth and influence, controlled empires from behind the scenes, but nothing felt more powerful than knowing Sandro's life was in her hands.

And yet, for all the power she had, she felt powerless in her heart.

It was as if she had reached the peak of a mountain only to find that the view wasn't what she had imagined. She had thought that controlling Sandro would make her feel whole, make her feel worthy. But now that she had him, she didn't know what to do next.

She was terrified of what she had become.

Bella's phone buzzed again. Another update from her hired team: *He's not talking. Still defiant.*

Defiant. Of course, Sandro would be. He was strong-willed, used to being in control. Bella had known that breaking him wouldn't be easy. But part of her didn't want to break him—at least not completely. She wanted him to see her, to recognize her power, but she didn't want to destroy the man she had loved for so long.

But the more time passed, the more Bella realized that she might have no choice. If Sandro continued to resist, continued to hold on to his pride, she would have to make a decision. She could either escalate the situation, force his hand, or she could let him go—and lose everything she had worked for.

Letting him go seemed impossible. She had come too far to walk away now. But the idea of hurting him, of truly breaking him, filled her with a deep sense of dread.

She had the power. But did she have the will to use it?

As the night stretched on, a dangerous thought began to take root in Bella's mind. What if she visited him? What if she stood before him, face to face, and revealed the truth? Would he hate her? Would he beg for his freedom? Or would he finally see her for who she truly was—the woman who had loved him more than anyone ever could?

She had kept her distance for so long, working from the shadows, controlling him without ever letting him know the full extent of her influence. But now, with Sandro locked away, she had the opportunity to confront him directly.

It was a risk. A huge risk. But Bella had already crossed so many lines. What was one more?

She turned away from the balcony, her decision made. She would visit Sandro. She would make him see her.

And once he did, she would find out if the power she held over him was enough to change his heart—or if she had only succeeded in destroying the one person she had ever loved.

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