Chapter 29: Regret Begins to Set In

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Bella sat at her desk, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of a framed photograph of Sandro. His smile in the picture was effortless, charming—the same smile that had captivated her so many times. Now, it felt distant, like a memory from a different life. As she stared at the photo, the weight of her recent decisions pressed down on her, suffocating and relentless. For the first time since setting this twisted plan in motion, Bella felt something she hadn't expected: regret.

Had she gone too far?

At first, it had seemed like the only way to make him see her, to finally recognize the love she had harbored for years. But as the days passed and Sandro remained trapped in that cold, concrete cell, the thrill of control had begun to lose its luster. What she once saw as power now felt like a burden—a heavy, crushing weight that she wasn't sure she could carry any longer.

Bella leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes as memories of the past few weeks swirled in her mind. The decision to kidnap Sandro had been impulsive, born from desperation, but it had seemed so clear at the time. She had convinced herself that it was the only way to take back the power he had stolen from her, the only way to make him understand how deeply she cared.

But now, sitting alone in her penthouse, surrounded by the luxury that her wealth had bought her, Bella wondered if she had misjudged everything.

Her love for Sandro had always been intense, consuming. But this—this was different. This was dangerous, toxic. She had crossed a line, and no matter how much she tried to rationalize it, she couldn't deny the truth: she had gone too far.

The thought made her stomach twist with guilt.

For days, Bella had tried to distract herself, throwing herself into work, into charity projects, into anything that could take her mind off of Sandro's captivity. But no matter how busy she kept herself, the silence of her apartment always brought her back to the same dark thoughts.

What if he never forgave her? What if, instead of seeing her as a savior, he saw her as a monster?

The image of Sandro—alone in that cell, confused, scared—haunted her. She had orchestrated his fall, taken away his freedom, and now, she wasn't even sure why. What was the endgame? Did she truly believe that by trapping him, by forcing him to depend on her, he would suddenly fall in love with her?

The more she thought about it, the more absurd it seemed.

She hadn't won his love; she had only succeeded in isolating him, in driving him further away.

Bella stood up from her desk, pacing the room as the regret gnawed at her. How could she have let things go this far? She had always been so careful, so calculated. But in her desperation, she had made a choice that was reckless and irreversible. The woman who stared back at her from the mirror wasn't the person she had once been.

She used to be in control—of herself, of her emotions. But now? Now, she was at the mercy of her own obsession.

She walked to the window, looking out at the city lights below. Everything looked so calm from up here, so peaceful. It was hard to believe that just miles away, Sandro was living a nightmare she had created.

For a moment, Bella considered ending it—calling off the men she had hired, releasing Sandro, letting him go. But then what? Would he ever be able to forgive her for what she had done? Could he look at her the same way after knowing she had orchestrated his kidnapping?

And worse still—what if he left her entirely? What if, after all this, he vanished from her life forever?

The thought terrified her more than she wanted to admit.

Bella's phone buzzed on the table, breaking the silence. It was another message from her team, an update she had grown accustomed to receiving: *He's still quiet. No signs of breaking.*

Sandro was still holding on, still refusing to give in. And as much as that frustrated her, it also sparked something else—hope. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance to salvage this. If she could find a way to reach him, to explain herself, maybe he would understand. Maybe he would see that everything she had done had been out of love.

But deep down, Bella knew that was wishful thinking.

Love wasn't something that could be forced. She had tried to control it, to manipulate the situation to her advantage, but love didn't work that way. And now, as she stood on the precipice of losing everything, she realized that what she had truly wanted all along wasn't power—it was connection.

She wanted Sandro to love her for who she was, not for the control she held over him.

Could she still fix this? Could she undo the damage she had caused, or was it too late?

Bella paced the room, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She had come so far, invested so much in this plan. Walking away now felt like admitting defeat, like letting go of the one thing she had fought for. But at the same time, continuing down this path felt like walking deeper into darkness, with no hope of ever finding her way out.

There had to be a way to salvage this. There had to be a way to make Sandro see her, not as his captor, but as the woman who had loved him all along. But with every passing day, that possibility seemed to slip further and further out of reach.

She could feel it—the regret, the shame, the fear—all creeping in, threatening to consume her.

For the first time since this all began, Bella felt uncertain. She had always been so sure of herself, so confident in her ability to control the situation. But now, as the consequences of her actions became clearer, she realized that she might have made a mistake she could never undo.

Bella stopped pacing and stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. The woman staring back at her was different from the one who had started this journey. She was harder, colder, but also more fragile than she had ever been before. She had built her life on power, on control, but now, that very control was slipping through her fingers.

She had gone too far, and there was no easy way to fix it.

The realization hit her like a wave, crashing over her with a force that left her breathless. She had taken everything from Sandro—his freedom, his agency, his trust—and in doing so, she had lost a part of herself. The part that believed in love, in connection, in something real.

Now, all that was left was the hollow shell of a woman who had let her obsession destroy everything she had ever wanted.

As Bella stood there, staring at her reflection, the regret finally settled in. She had gone too far. And now, she had to face the consequences of her actions—whatever they may be.

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