Chapter 40: A Mind Game Begins

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Sandro leaned back against the cold wall of his cell, the weight of Bella's letter still heavy in his mind. He had spent hours replaying every interaction, every subtle gesture, and every clue that pointed to her obsession. Now, with the truth about his kidnapper becoming clearer, a plan began to take shape.

He couldn't overpower them physically—he had already tried to escape and failed. But there was something else he could use: the very obsession that had led Bella to imprison him. If he could manipulate that—if he could convince her and her men that he was beginning to come around—he might have a way out.

He just had to play it carefully.

Sandro knew Bella wasn't the one directly guarding him, but her men—likely loyal to her or paid handsomely—were the gatekeepers to her. They wouldn't give him any information willingly, so he would have to make them believe he was breaking, that his time in captivity had softened him. He would have to plant seeds of doubt in their minds, slowly and deliberately.

His captors, two burly men who had kept watch over him since the day he was taken, were ruthless but not unintelligent. Sandro had noticed them studying him, trying to gauge his reactions, perhaps curious about who their employer really was. If he played into that curiosity, it could open a door.

On this particular day, the larger of the two men, who Sandro had started to think of as "Grim," stepped into the cell with a tray of food. His expression was unreadable, but Sandro could sense a slight tension between them. As Grim placed the tray down, Sandro made his move.

"Do you ever wonder why you're doing this?" Sandro asked quietly, his voice hoarse but steady.

Grim paused, his gaze flicking up to meet Sandro's. "Eat your food," he grunted.

Sandro leaned forward, his eyes searching for any hint of hesitation in the man's face. "I mean, why you're working for her. Have you ever met her? Has she ever told you the real reason why she's doing all of this?"

Grim stiffened, but said nothing. He turned to leave the room, but Sandro pushed harder, his voice softer now, almost conspiratorial. "I know why. And I know what she wants."

That made Grim stop. He turned slightly, his eyes narrowing. "What do you know?"

Sandro smirked inwardly. He had hooked him. "More than you do, I'm guessing," Sandro replied, leaning back against the wall as if unconcerned. "This isn't just about money or politics. It's personal. She's doing all of this for love."

Grim's brow furrowed, his suspicion deepening. "Love? Who?"

Sandro hesitated for just a moment, careful to measure his words. He couldn't reveal everything too soon. "Let's just say... she's very invested in me. And if you knew the whole story, you might reconsider whose side you're really on."

The silence stretched between them. Grim seemed to wrestle with the information, but after a long pause, he turned and left the cell without another word. Sandro watched him go, his mind racing. He couldn't push too hard yet, but the seed had been planted. If Grim told his partner or, better yet, Bella herself, it could draw her out.

The next day, Sandro noticed a shift. Grim was still his silent, brooding self, but his partner—whom Sandro had dubbed "Sharp" due to his calculating eyes—seemed more on edge. They exchanged glances more frequently, and Sandro could feel the weight of their suspicion growing.

He decided to push further.

When Sharp entered to bring him water, Sandro acted casual, even friendly. "You ever wonder why I haven't tried to escape again?"

Sharp, taken off guard, raised an eyebrow. "Because you can't. You'd get caught."

Sandro chuckled, shaking his head. "No, it's because I don't want to. At least, not yet. I want to see how far she's willing to go."

Sharp's face tightened, but he didn't respond. Instead, he kept his eyes locked on Sandro, waiting for him to elaborate.

"You're working for someone who's more unhinged than you realize," Sandro continued. "She's obsessed with me. And I know you've noticed it. The money, the secrecy—it's all part of her game. But I'm starting to understand her better than she understands herself."

Sharp's expression darkened. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," Sandro replied slowly, "that if you bring me to her, if you let me talk to her, I can end this. I can give her what she wants, and maybe we can all walk away from this without things getting worse."

Sharp's jaw tightened, and for a moment, Sandro thought he had pushed too hard. But then, Sharp's eyes flicked toward the door, and he lowered his voice. "You think you can control her?"

Sandro nodded, keeping his voice steady. "I know I can. But I need to see her. You've seen what she's capable of, right? If this goes any further, you might find yourselves in a mess you can't clean up."

Days passed with no word from Bella, but Sandro could feel the tension building. The men were growing uneasy, their loyalty beginning to waver. He had played the long game, and now it was time for Bella to make her move.

Late one night, Sandro heard the sound of footsteps approaching his cell. But these footsteps were different—lighter, more hesitant. His heart began to race as the door creaked open, and there, standing in the dim light, was Bella.

She looked different than he remembered—pale, nervous, and far less composed than the cool, distant woman who had always lingered on the edges of his life. Her eyes flickered with a mix of emotions—relief, fear, and something darker.

"Sandro," she whispered, her voice shaky. "I got your message."

Sandro kept his face calm, though his mind was racing. This was it—the moment he had been waiting for. He had drawn her out, but now, he had to be careful. One wrong word could send her spiraling further into madness.

"I'm glad you came," he said softly, rising from his seat and taking a step toward her. "We need to talk."

Bella's eyes widened slightly, her breath catching. "You... you don't hate me?"

Sandro shook his head slowly, forcing a gentle smile. "No. I understand why you did this. You just wanted me to see you, right?"

Bella's expression softened, and for a brief moment, Sandro saw the vulnerable girl underneath the dangerous obsession. "Yes," she breathed. "That's all I wanted. I just... I just needed you to see me."

He took another step forward, his voice soothing, almost tender. "I see you now, Bella. But this... this has to stop. We can find another way. We can make this work."

Bella stared at him, her emotions swirling, torn between the fantasy she had created and the reality in front of her.

Sandro knew he had her on the edge. Now, he just needed to push her the rest of the way.

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