Chapter 16: Pushed Too Far

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Bella had spent hours preparing for the event. Tonight was special—not just another political fundraiser, but a grand gala celebrating the milestones of Sandro's recent legislative achievements. Achievements that she, in secret, had helped make possible. Every piece of legislation, every project he had championed had been carefully influenced by her financial backing. Bella's efforts had been relentless, ensuring his success from the shadows.

Tonight, she wasn't just attending as an anonymous donor. She was attending as someone who had a hand in shaping Sandro's political rise. This was supposed to be her night. A chance to see him, to feel that invisible bond between them grow stronger. She'd chosen her gown carefully—a sleek, black dress that clung to her figure, with diamond earrings that sparkled as brilliantly as her plans.

As she arrived at the gala, Bella kept her distance at first, watching from the edges of the room, just as she always did. She didn't need to be front and center; she needed to be where she could observe Sandro without being noticed. The crowd buzzed with excitement, and her heart raced as she caught glimpses of him from across the room, shaking hands with politicians and socialites, his charm as magnetic as ever.

But tonight, there was something different. He was more confident, more at ease in his growing power, surrounded by people who praised his work, who fawned over his success. Bella felt a strange sense of pride watching him. This was all because of her. Even if he didn't know it, she was the one who had made him into the man he was becoming.

Then she saw her—*her*. A striking woman, radiant in a crimson dress, standing by Sandro's side, laughing at something he had said. Bella's heart dropped into her stomach. The woman was beautiful, graceful, the kind of person who could easily capture Sandro's attention. And she had.

Bella clenched her fists, trying to steady herself. She had seen Sandro flirt before, of course. He was a charming politician, always surrounded by admirers. But this was different. He wasn't just being polite. He was engaging, leaning in closer, his hand lingering on the woman's arm just a little too long.

Bella's breath hitched as a surge of jealousy flooded through her. Her carefully laid plans, the months of support, all of it felt like it was crumbling before her eyes. And he had no idea. No idea that she was watching, no idea how much she had given for him.

Unable to stay hidden any longer, Bella made her way through the crowd, edging closer to Sandro and the woman. Her heart pounded as she neared them, the words she would say spinning in her mind. Maybe this was her moment—to reveal herself, to let Sandro know that she had always been there for him. That no one could understand him the way she did.

As she drew nearer, Sandro caught sight of her and smiled—though it wasn't the warm, personal smile she had imagined for so long. It was the polite smile of a politician, offered to any stranger who crossed his path.

"Ah, you're one of the donors, right?" Sandro said casually as Bella approached, his attention already slipping back to the woman in red. "I'm sorry, your name escapes me at the moment."

Bella froze. The words hit her like a punch to the gut.

Her name *escaped* him? After everything she had done, all the nights spent orchestrating his success, all the money she had funneled into his projects, he couldn't even remember her *name*?

The room around her seemed to blur as the humiliation set in. She had expected recognition, acknowledgment, something to show that she mattered to him in some way. But instead, she was just another face in the crowd, just another nameless donor to be brushed aside.

Sandro turned back to his companion, the woman laughing again at something he whispered in her ear. Bella's hands shook as she stood there, unable to move, unable to speak. She had given him everything, and in return, she was nothing to him.

The humiliation burned hotter with every second that passed. She could feel the eyes of those around her—people who had noticed the awkward exchange, people who were now whispering to each other, glancing at her with pity.

Finally, Bella found the strength to turn away, her face flushed, her heart pounding in her chest. She pushed through the crowd, her mind spinning with anger and shame. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. She had built him up, sacrificed for him, and in return, he had humiliated her in front of everyone.

As she stepped outside into the cool night air, Bella's emotions boiled over. She had been foolish to think Sandro would see her for what she was—his protector, his greatest ally. He didn't even care enough to remember her name.

Her breathing quickened as rage and bitterness surged through her. She had played her part perfectly, given him everything he needed to succeed, and still, he had treated her like she was invisible.

No more.

Bella's hands tightened into fists as she walked away from the venue. She had been patient, had waited in the shadows for far too long, thinking that one day Sandro would see her, appreciate her. But tonight had shown her the truth. Sandro wasn't going to come to her on his own. He wasn't going to realize what she had done for him unless she made him.

The plan had to change.

She had been holding back, hoping that Sandro would come around on his own, that he would eventually see her as the one person who had always been there for him. But now she knew the truth—he would never see her that way unless she forced him to.

Bella's mind raced as new, darker thoughts took root. She was done being the invisible benefactor, done standing in the shadows while he reaped the rewards of her efforts. If Sandro couldn't recognize her on his own, then she would make him.

And if it meant taking drastic measures, so be it.

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