Chapter 47: A Call for Help

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Bella's hands shook as she placed the call to the lead captor, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let him go," she said, fighting the tears that threatened to spill over. The weight of her decision pressed down on her chest, but for the first time in weeks, she felt a flicker of hope. It wasn't too late, not yet. She could still stop this, save Sandro, and undo the damage she had caused.

But the silence on the other end of the line told her something was wrong.

"Miss, it's out of our hands now," the captor said, his voice flat, emotionless. "The situation's escalated."

Bella's heart dropped. "What do you mean?" Her voice cracked, panic rising in her throat. "You said you'd follow my orders. You promised me!"

"I did," he replied, his tone unchanging. "But the longer we keep him, the more complicated this gets. People are asking questions. We can't risk exposure. There's no turning back."

Bella's stomach twisted. She had waited too long. All the control she thought she had was slipping away.

Bella stood frozen, the phone still in her hand, her mind racing. The calm control she had always prided herself on was gone, replaced by a rising tide of dread. She had crossed a line she never meant to, and now, there was no way to undo what she had set in motion.

She had thought she could end it on her terms, that she could pull Sandro back from the edge and make things right. But now, it was clear she had overestimated her power. The kidnapping had spiraled out of control, and she was no longer the one calling the shots.

Bella dropped the phone onto her bed, her thoughts swirling in chaos. What had she done?

In his cell, Sandro's condition had worsened. His body was weak, too weak to move. His thoughts were muddled, drifting in and out of consciousness as the days blurred into one another. He no longer had the strength to try to escape, no longer cared to solve the mystery of his captor. All he could do was lie there, waiting for the inevitable.

The letters, once a source of hope and frustration, now lay forgotten on the floor beside him. He hadn't read the last few. His captor had tried to keep him alive, to sustain the illusion that there was some sort of connection between them. But Sandro had reached his breaking point. There was nothing left inside him except exhaustion and defeat.

The sound of the door to his cell opening barely registered in his mind. He didn't have the energy to react. But as the footsteps approached, a wave of fear rippled through him. He knew something had changed.

Bella paced back and forth in her apartment, the gravity of her mistake crushing her with every step. She had made the call, she had tried to stop it, but it was too late. Her captors had taken control, and now she was powerless to fix it. She had created a nightmare she couldn't escape.

Desperate, she dialed the number again, but this time, it rang and rang with no answer. Panic surged through her veins. She couldn't lose him—not like this. Not after everything she had done.

Suddenly, the image of Sandro lying weak and helpless flashed in her mind. His suffering had already gone too far, and the guilt of that weighed heavily on her, but now there was a new fear: what if something worse happened? What if they hurt him? What if they silenced him for good?

Her breath caught in her throat as the horrifying possibility took root in her mind. They wouldn't. They couldn't. But deep down, she knew they would, if it meant saving themselves.

She had to act fast, or she would lose everything.

Frantic, Bella scrambled to find another way out. She had been so careful to keep her involvement hidden, but now she had to reach out to someone, anyone, who could help her end this madness. She opened her laptop, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she searched for a way to contact someone within Sandro's inner circle without revealing her true identity.

But it was hopeless. She couldn't risk it. Every message she sent from Sandro's phone had been flawless, leaving no trace of her behind. But now, as she stared at the screen, she realized the magnitude of her deception. There was no way to come clean without ruining herself in the process.

Still, she tried. She sent a vague message from Sandro's phone to his closest aide, hinting that something was wrong, that Sandro needed help. She hoped it would be enough, that someone would investigate and find him before it was too late.

But deep down, Bella knew it wasn't enough. The damage had been done. She had crossed a line, and now the consequences were out of her hands.

Back in his cell, Sandro's breathing became shallow, his body barely responsive. The guard who entered took one look at him and shook his head. The situation was dire.

They had kept him alive this long, hoping to extract something more from Bella, but now even they knew it was over. Keeping Sandro any longer would bring too much risk. They had been playing a dangerous game, and now it was time to cut their losses.

As the door closed behind the guard, Sandro's mind drifted. He no longer had the strength to fight, to think, or even to care. His world had shrunk to the size of his cell, and he wondered if this would be his end.

Bella waited anxiously, her heart pounding with every passing minute. Her phone sat silent beside her, no call, no message, no reassurance that Sandro was okay. The longer she waited, the more frantic she became.

And then, her phone buzzed. It was a message, but not the one she had hoped for.

_"We've handled the situation. It's over."_

Her blood ran cold as she read the words. What did that mean? Had they...?

She dialed the number again, but this time, there was no answer. The line was dead.

Bella dropped the phone, her mind spiraling as the truth hit her like a tidal wave. It was over. Sandro was gone. Whether by death or disappearance, she didn't know, but the outcome was the same. She had lost him—her obsession, her love, her life's purpose—because she had let things go too far.

The realization hit her hard, and she collapsed onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. She had thought she could control everything, but now, at the breaking point, she saw how foolish she had been. She had built her world around Sandro, and now that he was gone, there was nothing left.

Bella had crossed too many lines, and now she had to live with the consequences of her choices.

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