Chapter 90: The Meeting

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The weight of the moment hung in the air as Bella sat on the edge of the couch, her hands folded tightly in her lap. The plush fabric felt stiff beneath her, despite its softness. This was the day she had dreaded ever since her world collided with Sandro's in such a twisted way. Meeting Sandro's parents—Atty. Liza and BBM—wasn't just about formalities. It was about facing the full consequence of what she had done.

She felt Sandro's presence beside her, but even that comfort couldn't soothe the pounding of her heart. He had been surprisingly supportive, though they had both silently agreed this meeting needed to happen sooner or later. His parents had questions, and Bella had answers—ones she wasn't sure she was ready to give.

The sound of footsteps from the hallway caught her attention. She sat up straighter as the heavy wooden door creaked open, and Atty. Liza and BBM stepped into the room. They carried an air of quiet authority, their eyes immediately falling on Bella. Their expressions were unreadable—neither hostile nor warm. Just... waiting.

Sandro rose to greet them, his posture tense but calm. He turned to Bella, offering her a reassuring nod, before facing his parents.

"Mom, Dad, this is Bella," he said, his voice measured, careful. "I know you've both been waiting for this."

BBM gave a slow nod, his eyes narrowing slightly as he observed Bella. Atty. Liza's gaze softened just a little, though it remained cautious. They had been briefed, of course—Sandro had explained everything to them before this meeting, sparing no detail. Yet the reality of Bella sitting before them, the woman who had caused their son so much pain, was something else entirely.

Bella swallowed hard, standing as they approached. She wanted to speak, to apologize immediately, but the words lodged in her throat. This was harder than she had anticipated.

It was BBM who spoke first, his deep voice filling the room. "Bella," he said, his tone neutral but carrying a weight of authority. "We've heard a lot about you."

Bella nodded, her voice finally breaking free. "I understand. I—" she hesitated, then continued, "I owe you both an apology. What I did... I don't have any excuses. I know I hurt your son, and I can never undo what happened. But I'm trying to make things right."

Atty. Liza's lips pressed into a thin line as she studied Bella. "What made you do it?" she asked quietly, though her words cut through the tension like a knife. "Why did you go so far?"

Bella took a deep breath, willing herself to be honest. "I loved him," she said softly. "At least, I thought I did. But it wasn't love—it was obsession. I convinced myself that if I could just control everything, if I could make him see me... then maybe he'd love me back. But I was wrong. I went too far, and I lost sight of everything else."

Sandro's hand found Bella's, giving it a gentle squeeze as if to remind her she wasn't alone in this moment. She took comfort in that, even as she stood under the judgment of his parents.

Atty. Liza glanced at Sandro, then back at Bella. "And now? Where does this leave the two of you?"

Sandro cleared his throat, stepping forward. "Mom, Dad, Bella and I... we're working on things. I'm not saying it's easy, or that everything is perfect. But I believe in her. We've both made mistakes, and we're trying to move forward."

BBM crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze still fixed on Bella. "Forgiveness is one thing, Sandro," he said, his voice even. "But rebuilding trust... that takes time. Are you prepared for that?"

Sandro nodded firmly. "I am."

The room fell silent again, the weight of the conversation settling in. Bella's heart pounded in her chest, waiting for the final verdict from Sandro's parents. She knew they had every right to condemn her, to tell their son she wasn't worth the risk. But instead, Atty. Liza took a step closer, her expression softening further.

"Everyone deserves a chance to change," she said quietly. "You've done things that are hard to forgive, Bella. But if Sandro believes you're worth fighting for, then I trust his judgment."

BBM nodded slowly, though his gaze remained sharp. "We'll be watching, Bella," he said, his tone carrying both a warning and a promise. "We'll support our son's decision, but trust has to be earned."

Bella's chest tightened with emotion, tears threatening to spill over. She hadn't expected kindness from them, but their words were a lifeline she hadn't realized she needed. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I won't let you down. I promise."

Sandro stepped closer to Bella, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. For the first time since the meeting began, she allowed herself to breathe. This wasn't forgiveness. Not yet. But it was a start—a small step toward something better.

Atty. Liza reached out, gently touching Bella's arm in a gesture of tentative acceptance. "We'll see how things go. One step at a time."

As the meeting came to a close, Bella felt a fragile sense of hope stirring within her. She had faced Sandro's parents and survived the encounter. More than that, she had begun to believe that redemption wasn't entirely out of reach.

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