Chapter 10: Unseen Manipulation

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Bella sat in the dimly lit study of her penthouse, a glass of wine resting on the mahogany desk beside her. Outside, the city's lights twinkled in the distance, but her focus was solely on the array of documents spread out before her. Campaign plans, financial reports, political strategies—all tied to Sandro's rise to power.

She had always been in control, even if no one else knew it. The political world saw Sandro as a man of vision and independence, but Bella knew the truth. Behind his public persona, it was her money, her connections, her decisions that had shaped the course of his career. And now, more than ever, she was determined to ensure his success, even if it meant pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

As she scanned the reports, Bella's mind raced with ideas. Sandro's campaign was gaining momentum, but there were still obstacles in his path—rival politicians, media scrutiny, public doubts. But Bella had always been two steps ahead, anticipating the challenges and quietly removing them before they could derail his progress.

Tonight, she had a plan.

The first order of business was securing the loyalty of key influencers in the political world—people who could sway public opinion and ensure that Sandro remained untouchable. Bella's wealth gave her access to powerful circles, and she wasn't afraid to use it. In fact, she had already begun laying the groundwork for deals that would guarantee Sandro's place at the top.

She picked up her phone and dialed a number she knew by heart. The voice on the other end was crisp, professional—an aide to one of the most influential media moguls in the city.

"I need to arrange a meeting," Bella said, her tone calm but firm. "Tomorrow morning, if possible. It's about Congressman Marcos."

The aide didn't hesitate. "I'll make it happen."

Bella ended the call, leaning back in her chair as a sense of satisfaction washed over her. The media mogul had the power to control the narrative, to make or break political careers. And with the right incentives, he would ensure that any negative stories about Sandro were buried, while positive coverage was amplified. It was a subtle form of manipulation, one that most people wouldn't even notice—but Bella thrived in the shadows, where her influence was most effective.

Next, Bella turned her attention to the financial side of Sandro's campaign. He was popular, but popularity didn't win elections—money did. And while Sandro had his own supporters and donors, Bella knew they weren't enough to secure a victory. She needed to ensure that the funds kept flowing, even if it meant disguising her contributions.

Her eyes flickered to the anonymous donor accounts she had set up months ago. Each account funneled money into Sandro's campaign, carefully laundered through various businesses and nonprofits to avoid suspicion. No one would ever trace the funds back to her. She made sure of that.

With a few keystrokes, Bella transferred a large sum into one of the accounts, her heart beating faster as the transaction completed. It was risky, yes—but necessary. Sandro couldn't afford to lose momentum now, not when he was so close to securing the nomination.

As she closed the financial windows on her computer, Bella's thoughts drifted to Sandro himself. He had no idea what she was doing for him. To him, she was just a loyal supporter, someone who occasionally offered advice or a well-timed donation. But in truth, she was the architect of his success, the one who pulled the strings behind every major move in his career.

And yet, despite everything she had done, Sandro remained distant. He had shown her moments of warmth, brief glimpses of affection—but they were always fleeting, never enough to satisfy the deep longing she felt for him.

Bella pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the task at hand. She couldn't afford to let her emotions cloud her judgment. If she wanted Sandro to succeed—and she did, more than anything—she needed to stay in control. The more influence she had over his career, the more leverage she held.

Her phone buzzed with a new message. It was from one of Sandro's closest advisors, a man who had been instrumental in building the congressman's image.

*"We need to discuss the latest poll numbers. Public support is wavering."*

Bella frowned, her mind immediately shifting into problem-solving mode. Sandro couldn't afford to lose public support, especially not when his opponents were gaining traction. But Bella already had a solution in mind.

She quickly typed a response: *"I'll handle it. Expect an announcement tomorrow that will turn the tide."*

The advisor responded with a quick *"Thank you"* before the conversation ended.

Bella knew exactly what needed to be done. There was a charity event happening tomorrow—a high-profile gala that would attract attention from the press and the public. Sandro needed to be the face of that event, not just as a guest but as a benefactor. She had already made arrangements for a significant donation to be made in his name—an anonymous contribution, of course, but one that would position him as a champion of the people.

The public loved a politician who cared about more than just power. They loved someone who gave back, who was involved in charitable causes. And Bella was going to make sure that Sandro's image reflected that, even if it meant continuing to operate from the shadows.

With the arrangements in place, Bella leaned back in her chair, exhaling slowly. She had done it again. She had taken the reins of Sandro's career, steering him away from potential disaster and toward greater success. No one would ever know how much she had orchestrated behind the scenes, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that Sandro continued to rise—and that she remained the silent force driving his ascent.

As the night wore on, Bella allowed herself a brief moment of satisfaction. Sandro might never love her the way she wanted, but he needed her—whether he realized it or not. And as long as she held that power, she could shape his future in ways he couldn't even imagine.

In the darkness of her study, Bella smiled to herself, her fingers tapping idly on the desk. She had always known how to play the game. And in this game, she held all the cards.

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