Hiccup - Rider - HTTYD - Requested

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Class: Rider

True Name: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

Alignment: Lawful Good

Original Series: How to Train Your Dragon

Lore: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is the son of Stoick the Vast, the chief of the Viking tribe on Berk, and a man who redefined what it meant to be a Viking warrior. Born small and physically weaker than most, Hiccup was always considered an outsider, but he possessed intelligence, creativity, and compassion far beyond his peers. His bond with dragons, particularly his relationship with the Night Fury named Toothless, was what set him apart. Instead of following the Viking tradition of slaying dragons, Hiccup sought to understand and befriend them. This approach led him to become the chief of Berk and the leader of a human-dragon alliance. As a Rider-class Servant, Hiccup brings his expertise in taming and riding dragons to the battlefield, relying on his ingenuity and Toothless's unmatched speed and firepower. Together, they fight not just with brute force, but with strategy, compassion, and the goal of protecting those he loves.

Summoning Relic: A piece of Toothless's tail fin, crafted by Hiccup to allow the dragon to fly again.


-Strength: E

-Agility: E

-Endurance: E

-Mana (Prana): A

-Luck: A

-NP: B

Class Skills:

-Riding (A+) As a master dragon rider, Hiccup possesses the highest level of skill in the Riding class, enabling him to ride not only Toothless but any beast or mount with exceptional control and expertise. His bond with dragons goes beyond simple mastery; it is a mutual trust that allows him to perform maneuvers in the sky that defy logic and physics. With Toothless, Hiccup can navigate through treacherous environments, perform aerial acrobatics, and evade enemy attacks with ease. Their flight skills are unmatched, combining the speed of the Night Fury with Hiccup's brilliant strategic mind. Unlike other Riders who may rely on brute strength or instinct, Hiccup's approach to Riding involves careful planning, coordination, and understanding of his mount's abilities, making him a force to be reckoned with. This rank also reflects his ability to handle a wide range of mounts, from terrestrial creatures to mythical beasts, though his connection with Toothless remains unparalleled.

Personal Skills:

-Dragon Mastery (A): Hiccup's unique ability to communicate, tame, and command dragons sets him apart from other Servants. At Rank A, this skill represents his deep understanding of dragon behavior, physiology, and psychology, allowing him to form bonds with dragons that others cannot. His relationship with Toothless, the last Night Fury, is the pinnacle of this skill, but it extends to other dragons as well. Hiccup can quickly assess a dragon's temperament and respond in ways that calm or persuade them, turning potential enemies into allies. This skill also allows him to call upon dragons in battle, coordinating their movements and attacks with precision. Unlike traditional "beast mastery," Hiccup's approach is one of partnership and mutual respect, making his dragons not just tools of war but trusted companions. His mastery is so profound that even dragons who have never encountered humans before may be swayed by his presence and leadership, allowing him to rally entire flights of dragons to his cause.

-Tactical Genius (C ): Hiccup is not just a dragon rider—he is also a brilliant strategist and inventor. His mind is constantly at work, analyzing situations and coming up with unconventional solutions to complex problems. At Rank C, this skill represents Hiccup's ability to think on his feet and adapt to any battlefield, using his environment, allies, and tools to their fullest potential. Whether he is facing off against an army of enemies or a single powerful foe, Hiccup can quickly assess weaknesses and devise a plan to exploit them. This skill also covers his ability to create and use gadgets, such as the tailfin he designed for Toothless or his various weapons and traps. Hiccup's tactical mind is one of his greatest assets, allowing him to outthink stronger opponents and turn the tide of battle with carefully timed maneuvers. His plans often involve non-lethal solutions, reflecting his desire for peace and coexistence over violence.

-Leadership (D): Hiccup's natural charisma and ability to inspire those around him make him a powerful leader. At Rank D, this skill represents his capacity to rally his allies, be they humans or dragons, and lead them to victory even in the face of overwhelming odds. Hiccup's leadership is not based on fear or force but on mutual respect and trust. His compassion, intelligence, and unwavering sense of justice have earned him the loyalty of both his Viking tribe and the dragons he fights alongside. This skill allows Hiccup to coordinate large-scale battles, directing his forces with precision and maximizing their effectiveness. His ability to bring out the best in others makes him a unifying force on the battlefield, and his presence alone can raise the morale of his allies. Hiccup's leadership also extends to his bond with Toothless, as the two share an almost telepathic connection that allows them to act in perfect sync, making them an unstoppable duo in combat.

Noble Phantasms:

Name: Toothless, The Night Fury - Offspring of Lightning and Death

Rank: B

Type: Anti-Unit(Self).

Ability: Hiccup's primary Noble Phantasm is his bond with Toothless, the last of the Night Furies. As one of the most powerful and elusive dragons, Toothless is capable of incredible feats of speed, agility, and destructive power. When activated, this Noble Phantasm grants Hiccup the full might of Toothless's abilities, including his plasma blasts, which can decimate entire battalions with pinpoint precision. Toothless's flight speed and maneuverability make him nearly impossible to hit, allowing Hiccup to strike from the sky with devastating force. The bond between Hiccup and Toothless is so strong that they act as one, allowing them to anticipate each other's movements and react in perfect harmony. This Noble Phantasm also enhances Toothless's natural stealth, allowing him to blend into the shadows and launch surprise attacks on unsuspecting foes. In addition to his offensive capabilities, Toothless's loyalty to Hiccup makes him a stalwart protector, capable of shielding his rider from even the most dangerous threats.

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