Proposal failure part 4½

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Lan zhan went to his room and starting thinking what other ways are to ask wei wuxian out.

I don't know why but lan zhan chose the most boring, common yet expressive method. 'Writing a love letter 💌'

Lan zhan wrote a love letter to wei wuxian but he decided to give it in class.

Lan zhan started writing a love letter and it took him 5 hours to write one because he wants it to be the best letter wei wuxian has ever received.

In order to finish the love letter 💌, lan zhan has to sleep 2 am because he didn't know where to start and how to start.

On the other hand, wei wuxian can't sleep. It's 2 AM and still he's thinking about lan zhan and the people he adores. Wei wuxian got up and went up to the balcony and he bended his back towards the wall for support.

He folded his hands then looked at the moon and smiled slowly but deeply because the moon reminds him of his dear soulmate or Zhiji , lan zhan.

He mumbled,"Lan zhan, when are you planning to officially date me? We didn't even had a proper wedding back in our universe.  I think I only sleep without any disturbance when I'm in your warm arms full of love. I wish to get kissed by you again. I wish to spend time you in this age to the maximum. I want us to always be there for eachother in disadvantage when the whole world just turned it's back against us. I want date you, make you my boyfriend and then husband. I want to go out tell everyone that you belong to me and I'm yours, only yours. I want to brag about my boyfriend to everyone that how much he loves and spoils me.I will propose you if don't propose me in time, that's final lan zhan. "

////////////////NEXT MORNING///////////////////

Lan zhan came to the lecture carrying some books and with the letter but hidden between the books.

Wei wuxian was coming from the opposite with his sworn bros who were bickering now.

Wei wuxian was so interested in watching there drama that he was walking infront of them but he turned to face them and was walking forward by taking steps backward.

Lan zhan was called by someone from a far so he stopped to see who it was and didn't notice wei wuxian in the crowd.

Wei wuxian dumped into lan zhan and all the books fell on the ground but wei wuxian tripped a little and was about to fall on the ground but fortunately lan zhan caught wei wuxian by his slim waist on time .

Wei wuxian put his hands around lan zhan to get balance but when he met lan zhan's eyes he kept staring at them making a deep eye contact.

This scene was so cinematic and romantic. Every cultivator was shocked at the sight of something romantic like this.

But everyone was given a reality by the person who is according to wei wuxian is a peacock 🦚, (yes you got it right, it's jin xuan) who just ignored the scene and entered inside the classroom like he sees it daily.

Wei wuxian was the first to wake up to reality, he stood upa nd thanked lan zhan's who was still staring at him will adoring eyes full of love for him.

Lan zhan replied,"No problem", they both bended down to pick up the books.

Wei wuxian was picking up some books but his eyes landed on a the letter which lan zhan didn't want him to see it now.

Wei wuxian reached out his hand to pick up the Letter but lan zhan quickly snatched from wei wuxian hands like it's something illegal 😂

Wei wuxian looked at lan zhan with confused yet suspicious face. Lan Zhan knows that he's spoiled the surprise but can't do anything now.

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