Wangxian accidentally came back to the PAST while investing a mystery, but they couldn't remember anything from the future or even that they time travelled to the past.
Two soul are now again seperated, will destiny join their paths again? Or it'll...
Next day right after the lecture , nie huaisang and wei wuxian secretly sneaked into the back hill to catch fishes in the backhill.
Wei wuxian was the one catching the fishes because all the fishes were sliping from the hands of nie huaisang.
Wei wuxian caught a fish and showed it to nie huaisang,"nie huaisang, see i finally a caught a fish!".
Nie huaisang face brighten up at the sight of the fish and replied ,"wei xiong, give it here".
Wei wuxian throws the fish to nie huaisang but because of poor grip, nie huaisang couldn't catch that fish and apologized,"sorry , Weixiong it slipped from my hands"
Wei wuxian kindly said,"it's okay, I'll catch another for you",
Suddenly, lan zhan's thoughts started to pop up in wei wuxian's mind. He thought to himself,'mnn......lan zhan, when will you make me your boyfriend?'.
He then saw that nie huaisang wasn't paying what's happening and was busy catching a fish. He got a idea to mess around so he went behind nie huaisang who was calling him to look at him . Wei wuxian then kicked nie huaisang ass .
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Poor nie huaisang fell in the water, all soaking wet. He got and said ,"Wei Wu Xian !" , obviously angry. But when he took step forward, wei wuxian said," look ! Look ! A fish just escaped from your legs"
Nie huaisang was once again fooled by wei wuxian but he actually got to see a fish near his legs so again he got busy catching it.
Suddenly wei wuxian heard a loud sound from hill so he left nie huaisang who was catching fishes and went to check.
He found wen qing passing by , so he decided to talk to her.
Wen qing said,"why are you blocking my way?",wei wuxian replied, "because I have to talk to lady wen ",wen qing said,"I'm not interested".
When Wen qing was walking away, Wei Wu Xian said, "even if it's about your brother", wen qing was confused but she decided ask, "how do you know my a-ning?"
wei wuxian said, "it's a long story but you shall protect him at all cost because he's one of precious people i had met", wen qing was even more confused at this point but replied, "I'm always protecting him". Wei wuxian turned around to leave.
Then wen qing asked,"what does a-ning has to do with you ?", wei wuxian turned his head , smiled and closed his eyes then shook his head in response. Wei wuxian left leaving wen qing suspicious.
Wei wuxian went back where nie huaisang was catching fishes. To his surprise, nie huaisang did catch a few fishes, for which wei wuxian praised him.
He went back catching fishes again but this time he found the reflection of lan zhan on the surface of the water.
He smiled thinking he's just seeing things. Nie huaisang turned around to look at wei wuxian but immediately ran away because he saw lan wang ji standing behind Wei wuxian.
Wei wuxian was staring at the reflection of lan zhan not knowing lan zhan was standing behind him in.
Lan zhan called ,"wei ying", wei Ying thought,'Why am I hearing things?', lan zhan again called out,"Wei Ying", this wei Ying turned around to look it was and found lan zhan standing behind him.
Wei Ying was startled at the sudden sight of lan zhan and tripped but lan zhan caught wei Ying just on time by his slim waist. They were in a very romantic position and were gazing at eachother.
Wei Ying grinned widely and got up from lan zhan's arms then thanked lan zhan for saving him and gave a peck on his cheek. Lan zhan blushed from wei Ying's sudden kiss.
Wei ying asked lan zhan,"so lan zhan , do you have something to say?", wei Ying knew lan zhan was here for him and he wanted to hear the proposal from lan zhan with his whole heart. Wei Ying looked at lan zhan with a beautiful spark in his eyes wanting something.
Lan zhan froze there with not even a single word uttering from his mouth but seeing wei Ying's eyes , he finally opened his mouth and wei Ying was overjoyed but due to nervousness instead of proposal he changed it and said ,"Wei Ying , bunking classes, catching fishes inside the cloud recesses and sneaking into the back hill without permission is prohibited "
Wei Ying's smiled disappeared. He waited for lan zhan to open his mouth only to listen some gusu rules ? Nah he's not gonna let it go easily. He took the basket of fishes and while picking the basket he said ,"Don't talk to me or come to me", obviously angry .
Lan zhan got upset that he made Wei Ying furious but what can he do now instead of proposing him. So lan zhan decided to walk with , actually behind Wei Ying.
Wei Ying noticed lan zhan is following him so he said,"lan zhan , your robe isn't neat from the back let me fix it", said Wei Ying a furious face.
Lan zhan chose to listen to wei Ying and stopped right there. Wei Ying walked behind lan zhan and loosed his robes. Lan zhan blushed a little when wei Ying moved lan zhan's hair on his shoulder and kept his hand his shoulder.
Poor lan zhan didn't knew what was coming for him. Lan zhan's feeling romantic now but wei Ying has different plans.
Wei Ying pulled lan zhan's robes and dropped a fish 🐟 inside it to punish lan zhan for following him when he's angry. Lan zhan flinched at the sudden movement in his back and fell in the river by searching his back with his.
Wei Ying said,"Don't follow me", then sticked his tongue out and disappeared asap. Poor lan zhan was still stunned from this move of wei Ying that he's still in water.
Vote to save wei ying
And leave ideas for lan zhan to propose his wei ying