Medicine Kiss 💋

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Even though Wei wuxian had gained consciousness he caught a high fever because of being drowned in water.

He claimed to be fine but started coughing and sneezing in between which showed that he's lying.

Wei wuxian rested in the In with Yanli with his side. Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng went to Wen Qing for medical care as Wen Qing was one of the best doctors in cultivation world.

She made a medicine with a few herbs and gave it to Wen Ning. Wen Ning delivered it to Lan Zhan who was in the Jingshi and Jiang Cheng went to the lecture as he wasn't allowed to skip classes.

Wen Ning greeted Wei wuxian and Wei wuxian smiled back. Wen Ning handed over the medicine and asked about wei wuxian's health. Wei wuxian told him that he was alright.

Wei wuxian hated taking Medicines as they were bitter. He smelled the medicine first then refused to consume it like a spoiled kid.

Yanli scolded Wei wuxian while Lan zhan mixed Honey with the medicine to make it taste sweet. Lan zhan gave the medicine again but still Wei wuxian whined so Lan Zhan force fully made him drink it.

Lan zhan gave a death stare first but wei wuxian sticks his tongue out to annoy Lan Zhan. Lan zhan warned, "For the last time, Drink the Medicine!", Wei wuxian looked away.

Lan zhan sighed then grabbed wei wuxian's both wrist and pinned him on the bed by one hand. From the other hand he tried to open wei wuxian's mouth but boy , wei wuxian had already sealed his mouth tightly.

Yanli was stunned by these two. She was more stunned that even after Lan zhan forced him to drink it , he didn't agreed.

Lan zhan tried to open wei wuxian's mouth but it seems like it's impossible so Lan Zhan opted for another way.

Lan zhan drank the medicine first and stored in his mouth then pressed his lips against wei wuxian's lips then used his tongue to open the sealed lips of wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian was weak to this move of Lan zhan, he eventually gave up and drank the medicine from Lan zhan's mouth then shoved him away and sulked, "Lan Zhan! You're not gentle at all ! Bad Boyfriend!"

Then his eyes went on Yanli who was flushed from what happened before. She giggled towards wei wuxian and made him embarassed.

Yanli came forward and smacked Wei wuxian's back lightly and teased, "Looks like my 3 year old Xian Xian has found a good Husband material".

Wei wuxian blushed but refused to agree that Lan zhan's a good husband because he forced him to drink the medicine and even kissed him for that plus didn't apologize for not being gentle.

Lan zhan gave the 'I know you mean the opposite' to wei wuxian.

Yanli revealed, "I heard from Jiang Cheng that Lan er gongzhu has kissed you to save your life infront of everyone."

"Yes.....he did. Who told you this Shijie?", asked Wei wuxian, "Jiang Cheng", replied shortly after.

She added, "Do you know Jiang Cheng was gonna break Lan er gongzhu's legs it you weren't in that state just because that kiss saved your life", Wei wuxian patted his heart and thanked that Lan zhan and Jiang Cheng didn't fight like maniacs in that situation.

Next morning wei wuxian became normal again and was still in Caiyi Town with the others.

Nie Huaisang and Yanli had to leave eventually because of lectures so they left wei wuxian in the eye of Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng.

Lan zhan didn't want to have Jiang Cheng between him and Wei wuxian so he made his brother Lan XiChen to drag Jiang Cheng for investigation instead of him.

Wei wuxian woke up in the arms of Lan zhan. They were alone in the room. Wei wuxian thought that Lan zhan was sleeping so he started to compliment Lan zhan.

"Lan er GeGe is such a Husband Material. You're all mine. Lan zhan you give me butterflies in my stomach whenever you touch my waist and kiss me. Not to forget that your most energetic, satisfying and handsome in bed. The way you take care of me is so sweet that I might die from your sweetness. I love everything about you. I love everything you do to me. I love everything you say to me.You make me feel unreal, you make my heart race, you make my lips moist by kissing me, you understand me like we both are the same soul. You're indeed my Zhiji. Lan er GeGe, you're now in the cages of my heart and the key to that cage doesn't exist. I won't let you leave me neither will I leave you. I adore you. I appreciate you. I trust you. I'm grateful to have you. I'm always with you. You're the greatest and handsome man I've ever met but also the most jealous. In your flaws , I see pure beauty. Perfect person doesn't exist but for me , you're the perfect person. I want you to be my husband. You've been the perfect Husband i could ever dream of. I love you Lan zhan", yapped wei wuxian.

"I love you too Wei Ying", replied Lan Zhan scaring Wei wuxian. Wei wuxian turned to opposite side and pretended to sleep.

" do agree that I'm a Husband Material", teased Lan zhan. Wei wuxian replied, "Who told you that ? You're just hearing stuffs.".

Lan zhan got up and pinned both wrist of Wei wuxian on the bed then asked,"You said you loved every dirty thing I do to you so what about I do it now or will you claim your words before it ?". By each passing second he got closer and closer and finally Wei wuxian gave up and agreed,"Alright ! Alright! Yes ! I said you're a Husband Material and I hate to say it but i want you as my Husband right now. OKAYYY ! ?"

Lan zhan got satisfied and released Wei wuxian. Wei wuxian sulked a little bit became clingy after a few moments.

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