Chang Clan survival

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Wei Ying and Lan Zhan disguised themselves as women and knocked on the Chang Clan's door and asked, "We both are kinda lost and don't have anywhere to spend the night plus we are women so it's dangerous outside, can we stay here for the night?"

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had their faces covered with veil so the fellow Clan member actually thought they were women and let them in.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan got to their room and started to prepare for the night. Wei Ying sat up a trap for Xue Yang. The thing was that Lan Zhan had to fight Xue Yang to distract him while Wei Ying made sure everyone was safe and in their rooms.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying roamed outside and found Xue Yang sitting on the roof, he said, "What a pretty lady here for my welcoming.", he was referring to Wei Ying.

"And you in the blue, stop disguising yourself as a woman. I wanna let you know that you look a maniac instead", said Xue Yang.

Lan Zhan removed his mask and the other feminine things looking extremely furious because of the things he said to Wei Ying. Wei Ying gathered everyone clan member and locked them inside the room. Then came back to see them violently fighting eachother.

Xue Yang tried to ship Lan Zhan's attention by teasing about Wei Ying. Wei Ying used his flute to summon a spirit then made a hole on the roof so that Xue Yang could fall there as it that room was heavily guarded by the resentful spirits.

Wei Ying knew that Xue Yang wouldn't fall for that trap so easily so he played the role of bait. Xue Yang saw Wei Ying playing the flute and thought of using him to escape Lan Zhan.

Xue Yang jumped over Wei Ying and grabbed both of his hands then pointed the sword at Wei Ying's neck thinking Wei Ying was a little woman who's weak.

Wei Ying smirked and closed his eyes, Xue Yang was trapped now but still Lan zhan was worried about Wei Ying.

Xue Yang threatened to kill Wei Ying but Lan Zhan replied, "You're the who's gonna die", Xue Yang replied"What could a weak woman like her do to me ? ".

Out of nowhere, Xiao XingChen and Song Lan appeared and just as they took a step to save Wei Ying. Wei Ying signalled them to stop and just watch.

They saw a black ghost walking towards Xue Yang from behind. Before Xue Yang noticed it, he was pulled back and banged on the ground by the ghost which broke his bones .the ghost later disappeared into smoke and pinned his hands on the ground so that he couldn't escape.

Wei Ying stood on top of him and pointed his Suibian towards him and said with a resentful smile, "Such a fool", Xue Yang immediately identified that the person has used Resentful energy.

Xue Yang was unable to breathe. He was taken aback and said, "This woman, looks like I've underestimated it. She could kill me. Now tell me , are you using Yin Tian ?"

Wei Ying smirked and replied, "Yin Tian is nothing infront of me ", Xue Yang asked while grinning like a devil, "May I know who you are M'lady ?"

Lan Zhan stepped in to kill Xue Yang for calling Wei Ying that but Wei Ying controlled him. Wei Ying started asking, "Are the wens or your special friend near by ?"

Xue Yang laughed and said, "Ofcourse, he's my alibi. Now tell me who are you and why is Yin Tian nothing infront of you?", Wei Ying said nothing and played his flute and the spirits took Xue Yang to that one specific room guarded by the resentful spirits.

Lan Zhan, Xiao XingChen and Song Lan searched around for Mengyao or the wens but couldn't catch a glimpse of them. Wei Ying went to where he had locked all the clans members.

The clan members showered question on Wei Ying. Wei Ying explained that Xue Yang along with reinforcement came to whip out the clan so they had to do this in order to protect the clan. And that Xue Yang is in a highly guarded place .

Xue Yang was tied up and everyone surrounded him. Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Xiao XingChen, Song Lan and the Chang clan members were there too.

Xue Yang keep on insisting Wei Ying to reveal himself. On the other hand, Xiao XingChen and Song Lan were stunned by Wei Ying's demonic cultivation as they never saw something like this.

Wei Ying was still in the women's robes and had a veil covering his face but not his eyes. From the interaction between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying they figured out that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were a couple by only looking at them.

Xiao XingChen and Song Lan introduced themselves to them. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying greeted them. Lan Zhan introduced first . Xiao XingChen asked, "Your girlfriend introduction ?"

Wei Ying removed his veil when Xiao XingChen asked this and replied, "his Boyfriend", Xiao XingChen, Song Lan, Xue Yang along with the other clan members got shocked as they already believed that Wei Ying was a woman this whole time by his looks.

Wei Ying introduced himself. Song Lan took a pause to process and asked them, "You guys are dating right?", Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's waist and they nodded in response.

Seeing homosexual couples was really rare in the cultivators families. They praised them for their bravery to confidently show case their relationship in the public.

Wei Ying sensed something and closed his eyes to feel it then yelled, "Yin Tian it's near ! Someone used Yin Tian to rupture the spiritual guard but seems to have failed !"

Everyone rushed out to catch the person where as Wei Ying and Lan Zhan stayed inside and kept a eye on Xue Yang. Suddenly, a figure appeared in black by the use of Yin Tian to pass the wards. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying surrounded that person from both sides.

The person looked around and found Xue Yang trying to open his ropes. The person threw some powder on the ground and it quickly spread around in the air.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan fell on the ground and closed their eyes as this powder made them loose their consciousness. The person in black, aka Mengyao took the chance and disappeared with Xue Yang.

When they gained Consciousness Xue Yang was already gone . Wei Ying cursed his luck and was about to punch on the wall and hurt his fist but Lan Zhan caught his fist on time and told him to calm down and let him go.

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