Wangxian accidentally came back to the PAST while investing a mystery, but they couldn't remember anything from the future or even that they time travelled to the past.
Two soul are now again seperated, will destiny join their paths again? Or it'll...
The next morning, Lan zhan and Wei wuxian woke up to the noise of knocks on their door.
They looked at eachother in panic and jumped all of the bed immediately and dressed up. Then they see all the mess they made. Wei wuxian puts fast Talisma magic on him and Lan zhan and cleaned the room in a snap of a finger.
Wei wuxian went to open the door as it was his room afterall.
The very next moment, they were dragged and brought infront of Lan Qiren alongside Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng already there.
Lan Qiren shamed them on their reckless act of breaking the rules and sneaking Liquor into Cloud Recesses.
Lan Qiren gave Wei wuxian and Lan zhan more painful punishment then Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng.
Even though Lan Zhan was being given painful wipes on his back he still worried about wei wuxian .
But suprisingly they don't feel any pain and were completely fine through out punishment while Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng suffered it alot.
And even if it gave them a minimum pain , it cured in a fraction of seconds.
After the punishment, Wei wuxian was carrying Jiang Cheng on his back instead of Jiang Cheng carrying wei wuxian on his back like in the past.
They encountered Yanli and came running towards her brothers and first checked them for injuries. While she found that Jiang Cheng had some pain but Wei wuxian even after having endured 10 times more than Jiang Cheng was alright and showed no signs of injury.
Then she pulled both of ear to punish them for breaking the rules and getting caught by none other than Lan Qiren as she knew if it was someone else then the punishment would be minor and for Lan Xichen, he would most likely give them to copy rules 100 times and forgive them.
Lan Zhan came running to Wei wuxian and started checking on him for injuries. Jiang Cheng side eyed Lan Zhan and then rolled his eyes.
Lan zhan's genuine care for wei wuxian was admired by Yanli alot. Seeing her 3 year old XianXian finally finding his true love made Yanli smile.
She thought, 'Seems like my 3 year old A-xian has found his true love and is happy. I wonder when will A-cheng find his true love and finally start to shows a soft side .'
Lan XiChen walked towards them and they greeted. First of all, Lan Zhan and Wei wuxian and Jiang Cheng apologized for breaking the rules. Lan XiChen confronted it was just a minor rule but they shouldn't repeat it again
Lan XiChen was a little disappointed that his didi broke a few rules for Lan zhan but come on those two are just teenagers and these rules aren't that important.
By the way if Lan Xichen knew that in the Future Lan Zhan gonna break every single rule for Wei wuxian from the first day he met him and about Everyday means Everyday. Brooooo... That would be insane and Lan Qiren would choke to death.
Lan XiChen suggested Lan zhan to take Wei wuxian to th cold spring to heal the wounds.
Lan zhan and Wei wuxian walked together holding eachother's hands . When they finally reached it, Lan zhan removed his robes and suprisingly there was no red marks and same goes for wei wuxian but he didn't undressed.
Lan zhan stood in the middle of the cold spring and Wei wuxian layed on his side on the ground watching Lan Zhan's masculine strong body and abs.
Lan zhan saw that Wei wuxian isn't in the water. He asked, "Wei Ying ! Don't you want to heal your wounds ?", "Wounds? What wounds? Honesty the punishment wasn't even bare minimum.", replied Wei wuxian.
"Then come and bath with me", requested Lan zhan and he opened his arms to hug Wei wuxian. But our sassy Wei wuxian flipped his hair and replied shortly, "I dare you"
Lan zhan agreed and got out of water then playfully chased Wei wuxian who ran around playfully and said Lan zhan can't catch him.
When Lan Zhan finally caught him, he back hugged Wei wuxian then carried him in bridal style and laughed softly.
Wei wuxian was charmed by Lan Zhan's soft laugh that he asked Lan zhan to do that again and Lan zhan did it as Wei wuxian was the one who first thought him to smile .
Lan zhan tried to kiss Wei wuxian but wei wuxian covered lan zhan's mouth then they were pulled inside the water.
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